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freemangordon 2012-07-27 09:18

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by johnny27 (Post 1241988)
This is not good..

i can't use insneomod for mdk3.

but rmneomod is working.

i dont know what's heppend.


Packet injection wifi driver:
Kernel modules are already included and installed in /opt/packet-injection-modules/
To load/unload it use shell script:
Now, being such a marvelous tester, you should at least read the OP.

Mentalist Traceur 2012-07-27 14:38

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by StefanL (Post 1242233)
MT, how are the injection drivers implemented? Are they loaded by default or do we still need to run the load / unload script as per post [1]?

No they're not loaded by default, but I assume from other posts after yours that you've thanked, you already know where they're located.


Originally Posted by sifo (Post 1242317)
@ for who want the drivers loaded by the applet with kp51

if you have old drivers in your /MyDocs/


sudo gainroot
cp /opt/packet-injection-modules/* MyDocs/wl1251-maemo/

or copy them to any folder and choose that from the applet :P


...or just point the applet in question to the directory of /opt/packet-injection-modules/`uname -r`/ which should always point you to the current power-kernel's version of those drivers, even once kernel changes.

misiak 2012-07-27 15:00

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 1243794)
...or just point the applet in question to the directory of /opt/packet-injection-modules/`uname -r`/ which should always point you to the current power-kernel's version of those drivers, even once kernel changes.

It would be hard, as the path is read in applet using gconf, i found it impossible to go to /opt partition using its directory selection dialog, but in case anyone's interesed, I managed to change settings of status area wlan driver selector applet with command:

gconftool-2 --set /apps/wlan_driver_selector/driver_folder --type string "/opt/packet-injection-modules/"
Now old drivers can be deleted from MyDocs ;)

seanmcken 2012-07-28 08:00

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel link not working

Acurus_ 2012-07-28 14:55

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
Tried to use Joikuspot today. It does not work anymore. I can open it and I can set up a connection with my Laptop, but no data arrives the Laptop. Is the new Power-Kernel the reason? When I used Joikuspot two weeks ago, everything worked perfect.

Estel 2012-07-28 17:27

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
Try QtMobileHotspot, it's FOSS replacement that works much more reliably.

OTOH, reportedly, Joikuspot works well for other people (still, no good reason for using it, anyway).


Acurus_ 2012-07-28 17:36

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
Thanks. QTMobileHotspot is working very nice. :)

peterleinchen 2012-07-28 17:55

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1243799)
I managed to change settings of status area wlan driver selector applet with command:

gconftool-2 --set /apps/wlan_driver_selector/driver_folder --type string "/opt/packet-injection-modules/"

Thanks for finding, but it wouldn't it be easier/better/one-time-neccessary to do that

gconftool-2 --set /apps/wlan_driver_selector/driver_folder --type string "/opt/packet-injection-modules/current"

tusharpatel123 2012-07-28 18:25

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
2 Attachment(s)
Thanks for this update but am not able to update it neither via HAM nor via XTerminal. Help Pls

Helmy 2012-07-29 09:03

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
i found the following issue

the phone starts getting hot near the USB port side, and the battery starts to drain really fast when monitor mode is started
i have tested this with injection drivers loaded and without them and the same happens in either case, i'd leave the phone on a cool table with monitor mode enabled and nothing else running, after about 10 mins when picking up the phone it is really noticeable that it is hot on the left side, after turning monitor mode off it starts to cool down again and the battery dose not drain so fast like before

i dont know if the same issue was there with KP50 as i didn't set the wlan to monitor mode long enough to notice this

this may be normal due to the Wlan not going into power saving mode while in monitor mode, but i hope if someone can confirm or provide more info about the issue

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