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HtheB 2012-08-26 11:42

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255854)
i removed unrestricted system ui and it seems that it works pretty fine now (i had both enabled) and rotation don't mess with this app unless you remove lockscreen from gconf as i did :D

thanks, I will try to see if that is the problem.

wook_sf 2012-08-26 11:56

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1255855)
thanks, I will try to see if that is the problem.

also, thedead helped me to debug phone completely (i had rzr's repo enabled and it was causing many troubles too - via MeeCatalog)

pt 2 bugs:
1) when sliding screens (left-right) if i stop moving my finger when screens are on middle it stops and behaves like screen is switched
2) if i switch screens fast it swipe lockscreen away.
3) in main.qml of lockscreen i am unable to change number of homescreens nor to set default one :)
4) ive made few panoramic shots that i assembled on pc and i have them on phone, so if i set such photo as wallpapers lockscreen have much lag, so, it would be best if wallpaper would be scaled down to 854 per width
5) icons that are in /usr/share/themes/*/meegotouch/icons/ are read only from blanco and base dirs, seems like and not from "current theme" > it would be nice to get "gconf2 value of /meegotouch/theme/name

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-26 12:03

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255860)
pt 2 bugs:
1) when sliding screens (left-right) if i stop moving my finger when screens are on middle it stops and behaves like screen is switched
2) if i switch screens fast it swipe lockscreen away.
3) in main.qml of lockscreen i am unable to change number of homescreens nor to set default one :)
4) ive made few panoramic shots that i assembled on pc and i have them on phone, so if i set such photo as wallpapers lockscreen have much lag, so, it would be best if wallpaper would be scaled down to 854 per width
5) icons that are in /usr/share/themes/*/meegotouch/icons/ are read only from blanco and base dirs, seems like and not from "current theme" > it would be nice to get "gconf2 value of /meegotouch/theme/name

1. Bug related to QML ListView, have to check it out.
2. Nice
3. It is not set in main.qml, but in settings. Soon, there will be a settings applet.
4. Known bug, corrected in RC1
4. If anybody can explain how Harmattan main screen fetch its icons and translation (for default apps) I will be very happy.

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-26 12:04

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255854)
i removed unrestricted system ui and it seems that it works pretty fine now (i had both enabled) and rotation don't mess with this app unless you remove lockscreen from gconf as i did :D

I'm using unrestricted sysui and it do not conflict at all. Landscape layout is not supported although, since I do not use that (yet).

wook_sf 2012-08-26 12:23

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1255863)
1. Bug related to QML ListView, have to check it out.
2. Nice
3. It is not set in main.qml, but in settings. Soon, there will be a settings applet.
4. Known bug, corrected in RC1
4. If anybody can explain how Harmattan main screen fetch its icons and translation (for default apps) I will be very happy.

1. good
2. i am using it as feature :D
3. is in /opt/widgets/lockscreen/qml/main.qml

    Settings {
        id: widgetsSettings
        defaultSettings: [
            SettingsEntry {
                group: "widgets"
                key: "pageCount"
                value: 4
            SettingsEntry {
                group: "widgets"
                key: "initialPage"
                value: 2

4. rc1?
5. well, i doubt that there's many knowledge but i think that it set's /usr/share/themes/$CurrentTheme/meegotouch/icons/ in environment variable and most probably refreshes paths from time to time.
that would be correct way in my opinion
it would be very nice to attach speed dial shortcuts to lockscreen and to have shortcut for new message to specific contact.
another nice dock would be similar to one symbian had before belle, it was on bottom, 3 buttons (center was dialer) so we can use this to make [ homescreen | dialer | apps ] buttons on bottom of screen
btw, i think it's more nice when size of shortcuts is 86x86 (5)

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-26 15:31

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255868)
1. good
2. i am using it as feature :D
3. is in /opt/widgets/lockscreen/qml/main.qml

4. rc1?
5. well, i doubt that there's many knowledge but i think that it set's /usr/share/themes/$CurrentTheme/meegotouch/icons/ in environment variable and most probably refreshes paths from time to time.
that would be correct way in my opinion
it would be very nice to attach speed dial shortcuts to lockscreen and to have shortcut for new message to specific contact.
another nice dock would be similar to one symbian had before belle, it was on bottom, 3 buttons (center was dialer) so we can use this to make [ homescreen | dialer | apps ] buttons on bottom of screen
btw, i think it's more nice when size of shortcuts is 86x86 (5)

About settings, it is not stored in QML. The QML code only provides default settings, that might be changed using either an UI, or modifying settings file in ~/.config/.

If you really want to change settings, check ~/.config/SfietKonstantin/Widgets.conf, and mess with the variables :) You might reboot sysuid to make the changes effective.

RC1 is release candidate 1. I will release it tomorrow and release the 1.0.0 in the 3th of September.

For all features like new docks, please post them on the bug tracker. Thanks.

wook_sf 2012-08-26 17:33

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1255905)
About settings, it is not stored in QML. The QML code only provides default settings, that might be changed using either an UI, or modifying settings file in ~/.config/.

If you really want to change settings, check ~/.config/SfietKonstantin/Widgets.conf, and mess with the variables :) You might reboot sysuid to make the changes effective.

RC1 is release candidate 1. I will release it tomorrow and release the 1.0.0 in the 3th of September.

For all features like new docks, please post them on the bug tracker. Thanks.

looking forward for more progress :) and thanks for efforts about this app :)

dcastrog 2012-08-26 19:38

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Hi, I installed the app, but I think Im doing something wrong. I cant set docks or widgets, I can see a list of shortcuts to add, but when taping on them doesnt do anything..if I try to add docks or widgets it doesnt do anything.

Can someone please set me up? Am I missing something?

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-27 06:09

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by dcastrog (Post 1255990)
Hi, I installed the app, but I think Im doing something wrong. I cant set docks or widgets, I can see a list of shortcuts to add, but when taping on them doesnt do anything..if I try to add docks or widgets it doesnt do anything.

Can someone please set me up? Am I missing something?

Try running it with the terminal

and give me the generated output

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-27 08:10

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
I'm releasing the RC1 currently. See the blog post on the main page for FAQ and download links.

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