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Raimu 2013-06-13 19:04

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
Apparenty, the update's stuck in the gears of the repo system? :|

Anyway, I like this program a lot. The only problem is, I sometimes need to imitate the useragents of different Chrome versions, and different Firefox versions. The presets aren't of much use for my usecase, since I don't have a use for different phones' useragent strings.

Also, some sites are starting to pull the plug on Firefox 3 support and even though some of them would still work fine on microb, the pages give out "unsupported browser" prompts that I bypass by just incrementing the version number by one or two. :)

These usecases would warrant the usefulness of having a user-customizable useragent list, IMHO. Anyway, thank you for your application. I'll try to donate a bit.

marmistrz 2013-06-15 18:18

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by Raimu (Post 1351823)
Apparenty, the update's stuck in the gears of the repo system? :|

Anyway, I like this program a lot. The only problem is, I sometimes need to imitate the useragents of different Chrome versions, and different Firefox versions. The presets aren't of much use for my usecase, since I don't have a use for different phones' useragent strings.

Also, some sites are starting to pull the plug on Firefox 3 support and even though some of them would still work fine on microb, the pages give out "unsupported browser" prompts that I bypass by just incrementing the version number by one or two. :)

These usecases would warrant the usefulness of having a user-customizable useragent list, IMHO. Anyway, thank you for your application. I'll try to donate a bit.


The update has been already built. I'll look into the preset list next week, when I'm less busy.

macey 2013-09-25 18:04

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
Question:- Does your application modify general.useragent.vendor or general.useragent.override?
I am playing around trying to find a more up to date agent setting that will work on facebook. I have discovered that they only work if put in general.useragent.vendor. This is, of course, reset back to original on browser restart.
If you define the agent in general.useragent.override, facebook starts to load but does not complete.

Why do I want to change it? To stop that annoying "update you browser" message that facebook comes out with from time to time..

marmistrz 2013-09-25 18:08

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by macey (Post 1376739)
Question:- Does you application modify general.useragent.vendor or general.useragent.user?
I am playing around trying to find a more up to date agent setting that will work on facebook. I have discovered that they only work if put in general.useragent.vendor. This is, of course, reset back to original on browser restart.
If you define the agent in general.useragent.user, facebook starts to load but does not complete.

Why do I want to change it? To stop that annoying "update you browser" message that facebook comes out with from time to time..

Nope. It modifies some config file (I don't remember which, it's hardcoded somewhere in the helper cpp). Just like hideuseragent but smarter :)

marmistrz 2013-09-25 18:09

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1352254)

The update has been already built. I'll look into the preset list next week, when I'm less busy.

Just a quick note: I didn't forget about the update. I'll push it back when I resurrect my N900's port

Raimu 2013-09-25 19:43

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
I thought it puts a request to modify general.useragent.override in ~/.mozilla/microb/user.jss .

macey 2013-09-25 20:04

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by Raimu (Post 1376784)
I thought it puts a request to modify general.useragent.override in ~/.mozilla/microb/user.jss .

Well, if that's the case, I would like to know how it handles because, when I create a general.useragent.override (via hideuseragent) it fails, see:-
I have tried loads of agent definitions, they all cause facebook to just partially load. Definitions with only general.useragent.vendor work and of course, they get reset on browser restart.
I would like to know if anyone else sees this.

marmistrz 2013-09-26 08:20

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by macey (Post 1376787)
Well, if that's the case, I would like to know how it handles because, when I create a general.useragent.override (via hideuseragent) it fails, see:-
I have tried loads of agent definitions, they all cause facebook to just partially load. Definitions with only general.useragent.vendor work and of course, they get reset on browser restart.
I would like to know if anyone else sees this.

It's general.useragent.override

sed -i 's/override/vendor/g' /home/user/.mozilla/microb/user.js
And try whether it works. I might implement an option to use vendor when I finish the sql stuff

macey 2013-09-26 08:30

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1376871)
I might implement an option to use vendor when I finish the sql stuff

That would be great, would be interested to know how you make it permanent. I haven't been able to find out how prefs* get reloaded/reset on browser reset. I want to make general.hostagent.vendor permanently set to my option.

macey 2013-09-26 08:44

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1376871)

sed -i 's/override/vendor/g' /home/user/.mozilla/microb/user.js
And try whether it works.................

What Is this supposed to do?
I understand sed but can't understand what this is supposed to do... Anyway, tried it & facebook still fails....

edit, got you, changed 'user' to 'vendor' still fails though... when look in
about:config, my user agent is listed in the general.useragent.override
entry, it would be, as can have only one 'vendor' entry, that loaded from 'prefs*'

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