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Dave999 2013-07-22 19:56

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by Wallace (Post 1361117)
Im not sure I want to run Ubuntu software any more. Damm...

Thats Ok, you just dual boot into android ;)

Got ya :D

Wallace 2013-07-22 20:03

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1361124)
Thats Ok, you just dual boot into android ;)

Got ya :D

Oh, only bad alternatives.... lets see what future brings but first I need go to sail....

Dave999 2013-07-22 20:17

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by Wallace (Post 1361127)
Oh, only bad alternatives.... lets see what future brings but first I need go to sail....

Yes, but think sail with this batmobile. That would be awesome.

RX-51 2013-07-22 20:36

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened
Feeling torn here: I dislike (the) Ubuntu (Phone) OS but that hardware concept is the best I can wish for.
To me Sailfish OS is superior in any way but Jollas hardware is just a big question mark. Surely it won't be on the Ubuntu Edge level...a phone usable as a PC alternative reminds me of the n900's concept, thought on that hardware's base reasonable.
...Anyone with contact to Jolla (maybe just via twitter) dares to ask if the Ubuntu Edge will be supported?

Jolla is a software company in the first place, not a hardware one. Yes, I'd gladly pay for an OS image Jolla!
Keeping the information's trickle through like in a sand glass made me more suspicious about the concept of Jolla about their hardware. That's just bad product communication.

Any input on the matter/decision-wise is highly appreciated!

diogotrc 2013-07-22 20:37

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened
Crap linux distro managed by a crazy and mixed with Android?

NEVER! (Sorry the caps)

diogotrc 2013-07-22 20:41

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
Another FrankDroidstein? No!

jacktanner 2013-07-22 20:42

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened
In for one.

This is such a duh deal for $600. I love supporting open source. I trust that they'll make a solid product - and in case they don't, you can return it for a full refund within 28 days.

ajalkane 2013-07-22 20:49

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
I'll support it with a modest sum. I don't have the money to make the phone reservation, but I'll make the 20$ donation to support another open source Linux phone.

Sailfish and Ubuntu phone are really the only promising candidates at the moment. I hope both of them success.

XiliX 2013-07-22 21:06

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
Never liked ubuntu, and probably never will. Besides, I allready thrown 100 bucks to Jolla. Still waiting for my tshirt tough.

Wallace 2013-07-22 21:13

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
But, US/UK duopoly thanks but no thanks.

Anyway wish You luck as I wish us all....

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