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skanky 2015-02-11 14:15

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1460428)
Situations does not turn on wifi unless instructed to do so via actions. Wi-Fi condition just assumes nothing has changed in the surrounding environment if it cannot scan available networks.

Thanks for the clarification. :)

zagrim 2015-02-11 17:30

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1460423)
You find a lot of things that are on the TODO-list ;) Yes, currently the name is there only for some sort of UI recognability purposes but should be usable in the future also for selection between already recorded areas.

Ok, it's anyway good to hear that the need has been recognised and there's some hope to have the feature some day :)

Well, I'll try these new tricks I've today learned here, if they work for me it'll certainly increase the value of the app for me. I'll also try to figure out if there is a pattern with the intermittent failures to switch situations which are based on cell IDs. Since the cells the phone is using somewhat vary, sometimes it's just that there's a new cell ID and it gets fixed by briefly turning on recording, but sometimes the only way is to manually turn on or off the cell ID based situation. Anything that I could try to check when I notice such a failure, except checking if the background process is still running?

hhaveri 2015-02-11 19:22

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
Technically the cell id recognition of the app should be quite reliable and stable. But the problem is indeed the possible variation of cells the phone is connected to over time.

I have myself recorded well over 10 cells at my home. This also covers quite a large physical area, so it can get quite inaccurate as a positioning method at least in some places.

What can be done to get the best coverage in short time is to leave the recording on and go to system settings and switch between 2, 3 & 4G manually, wait long enough and possibly also make some calls.

abyzthomas 2015-02-11 19:41

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
My configuration is as follows:
1. At home: if cell tower found - turn on wifi, turn off bluetooth, mobile data, profile normal
2. At work: if cell tower found - turn off wifi and bluethooth, turn on mobile data, profile silent
3. Driving: if not at home or work and my car bluetooth found

Only problem is my phone is not evaluating when locked. As soon as I double tap, it changes the situation profile to the correct one.

I am using v2.4.48, for openrepos.

Any ideas?

zagrim 2015-02-12 03:48

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1460416)
I'm not sure what in you description is not doable with Situations - except the dampening part (at least for now, they are on TODO also but a bit further down on the list). Probably it's just a question of different mindset / mental model on how the application works.

This is sometimes actually pretty hard - to import a solution to another mindset... Mindsets are not something that can be given in tutorials :)


That is, if you configure a situation with some settings, those settings will be active during the situation and be automatically reverted back when the situation ends (there are of course some exceptions with actions that cannot be reverted reliably/easily or at all, like launching an app). And then there is of course the normal phone state when no situation is active.
This explains what I've been a bit wondering (why the settings change when Situations exits), thanks for clearing that out. Yes, no need for explicit baseline situation... Although this does make me wonder what happens if the phone is restarted while Situations is running - will the current settings based on whatever situations were active become the new "baseline"? Or are the settings done by Situations somehow marked as temporary? (I don't really know what kind of things Sailfish has under the hood)

hhaveri 2015-02-12 08:13

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by abyzthomas (Post 1460461)
My configuration is as follows:
1. At home: if cell tower found - turn on wifi, turn off bluetooth, mobile data, profile normal
2. At work: if cell tower found - turn off wifi and bluethooth, turn on mobile data, profile silent
3. Driving: if not at home or work and my car bluetooth found

Only problem is my phone is not evaluating when locked. As soon as I double tap, it changes the situation profile to the correct one.

I am using v2.4.48, for openrepos.

Any ideas?

I haven't noticed such problems, but then again I haven't probably tested all possible scenarios with all conditions - like when phone is locked. So I'll check if I can find out something...

hhaveri 2015-02-12 08:24

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by zagrim (Post 1460484)
Although this does make me wonder what happens if the phone is restarted while Situations is running - will the current settings based on whatever situations were active become the new "baseline"? Or are the settings done by Situations somehow marked as temporary? (I don't really know what kind of things Sailfish has under the hood)

Situations remembers the baseline over restarts itself, so it should work like there was no restart (although, as a side note, there was a bug in this mechanism which is still visible on the Android version).

But of course currently there is no autostart built in the Sailfish application because of the Jolla Store rules which makes this a bit incomplete feature on Jolla...

zagrim 2015-02-12 08:25

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1460460)
Technically the cell id recognition of the app should be quite reliable and stable. But the problem is indeed the possible variation of cells the phone is connected to over time.

If cell ID recognition is solid, could there be something funky in recording of cell IDs? The reason I'm asking is that yesterday at the office when I created a new situation to try the solution posted by @nodevel, I started cell ID recording but it acted as if no cells were available (count stayed at zero). This would explain why in some cases when a situation switch has failed no new cells have been found when I restart recording. Either that, or the cell ID recognition (or the platform API, perhaps?) has a hidden bug somewhere :)


I have myself recorded well over 10 cells at my home. This also covers quite a large physical area, so it can get quite inaccurate as a positioning method at least in some places.
It's true that it can be quite inaccurate, and especially near the borders of the area it's very volatile. The dampening I mentioned helps with that, but in my experience it also helps a bit if you have a trace log of the cell IDs with timestamps from where you can assign the cells to different areas/locations and immediately see when the coverage at the location is stable enough (Llama has such a log). It also makes it easy to assign cells to areas afterwards, as a complement to recording. With dampening it would not matter if the phone occasionally switched to a cell further away for a couple of minutes, and so it might be possible to keep the effective physical area more compact.

hhaveri 2015-02-12 09:09

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
Bugs are always possible ;) But recognizing 0 cells sounds strange if you did have network coverage. Under the hood cell condition is using org.ofono interface to read and get notified of cell changes. It should be quite solid, but who knows...

Yes, the current network cell features & UI in Situations is quite limited. It's mainly designed for ease of implementation and use, and more advanced features have been on the backlog already for quite some time. Hopefully I get some time to implement them at some point.

wrm 2015-02-12 18:58

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1460417)
Ok, thanks, I need to check if I can reproduce the problem. Would help if you could also try it again and see what kind of setup exactly is causing it and if it happens with any other settings.

Today tried again, seems the problem is gone, so i dont know what really happened here :)

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