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NerdKnight 2012-01-30 15:56

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 1157876)
I'm feeling really ******ed, but i've now spent 3+ hours trying to get this running.

Is there any chance of an up to date guide?

i don't even have a memory card, why would it default to a non-guaranteed location?

Just copy the installed game and cds contents anywere you want in MyDocs, edit /home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg and change the paths to the ones you just copied the files to. You should also have to change the GameType property depending the game you are trying to run.

optimaxxx 2012-01-31 05:03

Re: GemRb Development Thread
i did that then changed everything in the cfg.

running it as root in console gives:

emRB Core Version v0.7.0maemo4 Loading...
[Core]: Initializing the Event Manager...[Core]: Initializing Lists Dictionary...[Core]: Initializing Variables Dictionary...[OK]
[Config]: Trying to open GemRB.cfg [NOT FOUND]
[Config]: Trying to open /home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg [OK]

**contains another dir**
[Core]: Cache path /home/user/MyDocs/bg2/cache doesn't exist, not a folder or contains alien files!
[Config]: Trying to open /etc/gemrb/gemrb.cfg [NOT FOUND]
[Core]: Could not load config file [ERROR]
Press enter to continue...

NerdKnight 2012-01-31 11:15

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 1158186)
i did that then changed everything in the cfg.

running it as root in console gives:

The cache directory must exist and be empty, Don't run it as root.

optimaxxx 2012-01-31 12:58

Re: GemRb Development Thread
okay, so ran it again, not as root, and gives exact same output..

NerdKnight 2012-01-31 13:15

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 1158373)
okay, so ran it again, not as root, and gives exact same output..

Did you either create /home/user/MyDocs/bg2/cache or deleted it's contents?. According to

[Core]: Cache path /home/user/MyDocs/bg2/cache doesn't exist, not a folder or contains alien files!
the cache directory doesn't exist or contains files not generated by gemrb

optimaxxx 2012-01-31 16:09

Re: GemRb Development Thread
hey, sorry for all the trouble and thanks for your help.

apparently i fell victim to a transmission-induced error which forces mydocs into read-only mode.

although new problem, bladurs gate 2, screen is in nicely, intro videos play nicely, but i cannot actually select anything.. ?

just presented with "throne of bhaal" "shadows of amn", but i cannot select either, nor "quit game"

music is playing perfectly and the cursor is correctly themed.

Ayle 2012-05-21 19:27

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 1158467)
hey, sorry for all the trouble and thanks for your help.

apparently i fell victim to a transmission-induced error which forces mydocs into read-only mode.

although new problem, bladurs gate 2, screen is in nicely, intro videos play nicely, but i cannot actually select anything.. ?

just presented with "throne of bhaal" "shadows of amn", but i cannot select either, nor "quit game"

music is playing perfectly and the cursor is correctly themed.

Were you able to fix the problem? I'm in the same situation.

NerdKnight 2012-07-27 23:42

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Version 0.7.1-maemo1 available in extras-devel

New features
  • almost all iwd2 feats
  • encumbrance penalties in movement
  • configurable xp/damage adjustments per difficulty level
  • support for logging to file directly
  • iwd2 armor penalty and critical hit multiplier
  • beginnings of iwd2 spellbook support
  • vlc plugin for extra video formats
Improved features
  • (iwd2) effects, actions, combat, action bar, infravision
  • sdl renderer and an initial sdl2 port
  • config loading, logging
  • cocoa wrapper and mac build, cursor handling, touch input
  • bugfixes

edheldil 2012-08-01 08:22

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thank you for the effort, however there are couple of issues specific for the maemo version:
  • The worst one: I can't pan the map (the one where the actors walk) in the vertical direction. There are two factors:
    • I have a Czech kbd-version of n900, where the up/down cursor keys are replaced with Blue+Left, Blue+Right. This combination in GemRB does not work
    • The extreme top and bottom of n900's screen is not clickable, nor I can drag the mouse cursor to it. Since I do not use wide screen mod, there's a free space on the left and ride side and I can drag cursor there for horizontal panning

    Would it be possible to use more natural touch input to pan the area? Possibly it requires new SDL, but the support for it is in GemRB code (at least for Android or iOS).
  • A mean to magnify a part of the screen would be helpful, but probably too tricky...
  • Better legible/bigger font for chat dialogue/message screen. I believe other phones have that with TTF support in GemRB
  • For some reason, some button labels are shifted too low, as if it was anchored to letters' top instead of center - see for example BG1's main menu - some buttons have correct labels, some don't. This problem is not visible on a PC

Cheers, Edheldil

NerdKnight 2012-08-01 23:37

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by edheldil (Post 1245836)
  • The worst one: I can't pan the map (the one where the actors walk) in the vertical direction. There are two factors:
  • I have a Czech kbd-version of n900, where the up/down cursor keys are replaced with Blue+Left, Blue+Right. This combination in GemRB does not work
  • The extreme top and bottom of n900's screen is not clickable, nor I can drag the mouse cursor to it. Since I do not use wide screen mod, there's a free space on the left and ride side and I can drag cursor there for horizontal panning

Would it be possible to use more natural touch input to pan the area? Possibly it requires new SDL, but the support for it is in GemRB code (at least for Android or iOS).

You could try setting TouchScrollAreas=1 in your /home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg to workaround this.


Originally Posted by edheldil (Post 1245836)
A mean to magnify a part of the screen would be helpful, but probably too tricky...

Tricky indeed...


Originally Posted by edheldil (Post 1245836)
  • Better legible/bigger font for chat dialogue/message screen. I believe other phones have that with TTF support in GemRB
  • For some reason, some button labels are shifted too low, as if it was anchored to letters' top instead of center - see for example BG1's main menu - some buttons have correct labels, some don't. This problem is not visible on a PC

You could try your customs ttf fonts, to do this set the following options in your gemrb.cfg file:
CustomFontPath=<path to your custom fonts>
then edit /opt/maemo/usr/share/gemrb/override/bg1/fonts.2da to set your fonts for BG1 (look here for help editing this file).

KFX 2012-12-08 12:55

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Is there a reason why I can't seem to be able to change the options in Baldur's Gate 1 from the game's option menu? The default options autopause when literally anything happens, making the game virtually unplayable, and changing it doesn't stop it from happening.

TimusEravan 2012-12-10 04:55

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thanks a lot for your effort. Maybe you can move this thread to Games section so more people can see it :)

NerdKnight 2013-05-09 20:23

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Version 0.8.0maemo2 available in extras-devel
New features
  • iwd2: Chapter 0+1 completable, full spellbook and ECL support
  • multibyte font support (chinese, korean, japanese)
  • favourite weapon/spell tracking, bg1 dreams
  • most gemrb overrides were moved and are now moddable via game override
  • initial bundled gemrb demo stubs

Improved features
  • random encounters and spawns (properly difficult)
  • iwd2 combat, stats, spells, skills, effects and actions
  • animations, speech, input
  • looting, worldmap, hotkeys (work everywhere), fatigue
  • bugfixes

More info:

Morowyn 2013-06-19 15:06

Re: Right click!

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 966550)
I've downloaded the source of gemrb and made a little change to implement right click, it's emulated holding x key while taping the screen.
To install the patch you must overwrite the file

with the one I uploaded here: (make a backup first!).
I tested it with BG1.
Does someone know why the file I've compiled is 9.1 MB big while the original it's only 1.1 MB?

This is going to sound silly...

But WHICH file is it that I overwrite?:confused:

NerdKnight 2013-06-19 15:19

Re: Right click!
That post id old, now GemRB (with right click support) is en extras-devel, install it from there.


Originally Posted by Morowyn (Post 1353224)
This is going to sound silly...

But WHICH file is it that I overwrite?:confused:

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