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penguinbait 2009-05-04 17:41

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by sla_erick (Post 284208)
ok, ive followed all the instuctions, i want to clone the OS to the 2 GB INTERNAL memory so i can have more space for installing apps and have my 8 GB SD free for other stuff. So ive cloned it to the internal memory, after the first clone when it rebooted it started with Bootmenu, so i select boot from INTERNAL MMC, not from INTERNAL FLASH, but i got "Boot from internal failed, booting from flash". What am i doing wrong? Ive partitioned my 2 gb (1.9 gb) in these:

896 for the first FAT partition (I guess this is the space where i can store files from my computer, docs, music etc, but not very usuable since it is less tha a GB)

512 for the Second FAT partition ( I think this is the SWAP partition, as i know this is the space that is used for running a lot of apps ath the same time)

512 for the Linux partition ( i dont know what this is for)

so please, can someone help me understand what am i doing wrogn or simply whats the partitions for? Im only doing this because i want a lot of space so i can install more apps and i want it to be more fast.

Thank you

Yes, this will occaisonally happen, I would suggest first trying to reintall bootmenu, or just start the whole process over again.

The partition FAT (this is /media/mmc1 or mmc2) This is the disk that is shared if you plug in a usb cable to windows.

The second FAT partition is a error in my copying scripts, its actuall the SWAP partition size

The third partition is the one the Flash will be cloned to

ChiaOwl 2009-06-11 00:05

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I have been very happy that today I formatted my N810's internal memory, installed and used pbeasy (thank you SO MUCH, Penguinbait!) to do the partitioning and cloning - and I know NOTHING about linux.

Now here's the rub: When I reboot, I get the menu with my options to boot from flash or from internal memory or from external memory - the last two selections have N/A after them. If I choose the internatl memory, I get a message "boot from mm6 failed, booting from flash" .

I'm not sure what I did wrong, it couldn't be the program because it said everything cloned successfully. What should I do now to fix this? The only reason I'm doing it is so that I can have more space for programs.

Thank you so much :).


GeraldKo 2009-06-11 02:45

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Chiaowl, first I'd go with this from the FAQ Penguinbait references in Post #1:

Q: I did the Clone, and I now have a text menu appear when it starts up, but it will only boot off the first item (jffs2)
A: Even though the Clone appeared to complete successfully, it didn't. You need to re-run the Clone a second time.

ChiaOwl 2009-06-11 03:43

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Thank you again, I read that until my eyes were crossed and, apparently, still missed it! I read so much before I wrote, so I wouldn't miss anything...sorry for the bother, I'll try that first...


ChiaOwl 2009-06-11 04:03

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
OK, did my menu has 3 options:
internal flash
internal mmc card, p2, ext 3
power off

No matter which of the 2 I choose, it still boots to the original flash of 256MB, and in file manager the internal memory card shows no files/folders; it only shows the internal (empty) and external memory cards and the device memory.

I had thought that I would see virtual drives, obviously I'm wrong.

What next? Start from scratch with a format again, then partition, then clone? (Tomorrow, because my head is swimming with it after reading so much stuff today, over and over again.)


GeraldKo 2009-06-11 17:04

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I don't know what the problem is. You have the latest OS, yes, 43-7, yes? And you disabled Virtual Memory before using Penguinbait's console-tools?

If you're lucky, PB will show up here and tell you what your problem is.

But if that doesn't happen, you could try my "second-easiest" way to clone and set up dual-booting. Unfortunately, I haven't used it with the latest OS; I'm not positive it will work right; and if you have problems, I may be very rusty when it comes to offering solutions. OTOH, lots of people used it and got it right the first time. Also, I'd be grateful to find out if it still works! And you'd get more of an education (mothers I know say things like this build character :) ).

ChiaOwl 2009-06-11 17:29

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
LOL! Actually I would LOVE to learn how to figure things out myself, it is frustrating to not know. I need a "for dummies" book (or online tutorial or somesuch).

I'm going back to square 1 and starting over while trying to find more information (in the event that penguinbait doesn't come to this thread anymore?) but my at-home job is answering phones/scheduling appointments so I want to wait until I won't have the interruptions.

I don't give up easily! My N810 is usable as-is but I really want to do this so, sooner or later, I shall prevail! :)


GeraldKo 2009-06-11 17:36

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Indeed, with that attitude, YOU SHALL!

Un27Pee 2009-06-11 17:40

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
yes you shall prevail, what is good about it is that you can actually start again from step 1 i was bothered first when i started but carefully followed the instructions and now the joy of unlimited space for programs did it trice though.
i would say reformat your card reboot and start over choosing pbeasy.

ChiaOwl 2009-06-12 02:06

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Well, I've formatted using my PC a couple more times, but the partitioning using pbeasy didn't "take". However, it finally let me format via file manager (yay!)...but then I kept getting error messages that the internal memory card is corrupt, asking if I wanted it to repair - when I said yes, it came back with the response that it was unable to repair it, I should format again...

Anyway, a half-dozen formats later, I'm still getting a message, when I select my internal memory card in file manager, that it is unformatted or corrupted...and the last 2 times I reboot, an error message comes right up telling me the same thing.

So, I'm beginning to think that's why Mr. Penguinbait's excellent program isn't working, and I may have to contact Nokia about this.

Any feedback from anyone? Is my thinking probably correct? I've had the device for just over 3 months so it's still within the year warranty period - this is my 2nd one, they had to replace the first one when it simply stopped booting up at all, the 2nd day I had it.

Anyway, would appreciate any confirmation that I'm correct in my assumption, or other ideas if you have any :).


geneven 2009-06-12 03:55

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I'm not technically good enough to know for sure, but my suspicion is that you formatted the internal card as Fat 16 or 32 and it should be ext 3, and that is causing a problem and giving you huh? error messages from Linux. That happened to me once, and gave me conniptions, whatever they are, for a long time.

Maybe someone knows some easy way to confirm or unconfirm that.

KristianW 2009-06-12 11:19

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
A few comments :

1) Some N810:s have had a problem with corrupt memory solvable by the user.
I can't find the article in the wiki, but here is the original thread :

2) I had (similar?) problems with my N810 memory cards after playing around with partitioning before I managed to do it properly with PB's console tools.
Formatting the cards from my PC plus reformatting from the PB program to the proper file systems solved the issue.
On this forum you can find several recommendations to use Memory Card Formatting Program from Panasonic on your PC.

ChiaOwl 2009-06-12 19:34

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
geneven - thanks for that suggestion. I'm pretty sure (but not positive) that it was formatted FAT, but did it again just to make sure :).

KristianW -
re: #1 - I followed the instructions in the link and the outcome for the df command wasn't the same in that no /dev/mmcblk0p1 was even listed. (the output for the cat /proc/partitions was the same as what speednut had written).

re: #2 - I have formatted at least a couple of dozen times, both on my PC and using N810 file manager. Did download/install/run the panasonic program you suggested but it kept locking up my PC (running WinXP).

I tried running pb but didn't understand it; as a raw beginner I guess I need to use pbeasy.

The good news: after so many formats/reboots (many of which resulted in corrupted card error messages), and several attempts at partitioning (those times that I didn't get an error message), I can probably now do that much at least, in my sleep :). So I know more now than I knew 24 hours ago!


GeraldKo 2009-06-12 20:08

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
chiaowl, try the Panasonic formatter, with all the most rigorous options. It's in Post #1 or #2 of my sig thread. Don't then format with anything on your PC, just proceed to PB's tools, do the whole automated thing.

The thing that makes me think that this may not work, is that I thought you were trying and not succeeding with cloning to the N810's internal 2GB.

ChiaOwl 2009-06-12 20:15

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
UPDATE - It is finished :).

I now have a huge amount of space in which to install programs. Nate is formatted (he's had a lobotomy), partitioned, and cloned, and I'm putting my backups back on as I type.

Honestly, it had turned into an ordeal and I was ready to chuck it and just make-do with the 256MB alloted from the factory. Then, one last try (after MANY), and it all fell into place and worked. I was startled, frankly, but am totally pleased now even though I'm not sure what was wrong for so long and what is now right...just kept doing the same things as far as I know, and it finally worked!

THANK YOU so much for your help GeraldKo, Un27Pee, Geneven, and KristianW, if any of you are ever in my town I'll buy you dinner :).


KristianW 2009-06-12 21:09

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Congrat's !
But it is frustrating not to know what really happened !!

Re: PB :
In PBs menu
MKFS for formatting and
CFDISK for partitioning
is what I (total linux beginner) started with to learn to use it.
( I first partitioned with PBeasy, then looked at the card with PB.)
You navigate through CFDISK with the D-pad, it's fairly self instructing.
Experiment on an unused external card (or USB stick + USBcontrol + possibly a powered hub).

ChiaOwl 2009-06-12 22:17

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Appreciate that tip, KristianW! I've found a few tutorials online but I'd rather get my hands dirty, so to speak, and just DO stuff to learn it. I'll take your advice, was going to get a USB connector tomorrow anyway, have tons of memory sticks to practice on :).


geneven 2009-06-12 22:24

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
There are a few weird tricks and traps with the PB wonderful program that aren't documented. I found that it was much easier if I started by zooming the text size to the smallest possible! Otherwise, I was getting freaky error messages about not enough icons or something.

But the best thing now is to accept victory graciously and go on, which is what you are doing.

Someone should start a business -- send them your tablet and they will do all this work and send it back in perfect condition. I think there would be buyers (but not me).

ChiaOwl 2009-06-12 22:43

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
LOL Geneven, I was SO tempted to see if I could find a linux genius locally who could at least decipher the command lines - it did actually cross my mind to put an ad in a paper :).

Great minds think alike :).


GeraldKo 2009-06-13 00:51

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Congratulations! (Heck, with persistence like yours, we'll all be downloading your Linux apps and NIT tweaks one of these days :) )

(Also, I'll confirm what Geneven found, that you have to make the text size small in Xterm.) (Not that this was a problem for you, you weren't getting those kinds of errors.)

ChiaOwl 2009-06-13 12:56

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
In my dreams, GeraldKo :). But thanks for the kind words!


gerstavros 2009-06-14 12:38

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Hi! After destroying my system and losing some important files and also erasing the internal memory (i don't know how this happened), i decided to take more seriously the reliability of my tablet. So i decided the following:

1)a Maemo for hacking etc (:pdestroying:D) on the systems memory (the default)
2)a cloned Maemo for serious use on my memory card:cool:
3)probably in the future Mer on my card

-Is that OK?
-Will i have problems with the cloned maemo (which i want stable and reliable for serious use):confused:
-Will my memory card be destroyed sooner because of the big use?
-Does penguinbait' s tool work on the latest maemo (43-7)?
-Is there any newer version than the one on the first post?
-Is there something else i have to notice?


Un27Pee 2009-06-14 13:13

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
congrats ChiaOWL welcome to Linux varsity.

bunanson 2009-06-14 13:23

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 295678)
... Unfortunately, I haven't used it with the latest OS; I'm not positive it will work right...

Yes. :o


geneven 2009-06-14 13:49

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by gerstavros (Post 296569)
Hi! After destroying my system and losing some important files and also erasing the internal memory (i don't know how this happened), i decided to take more seriously the reliability of my tablet. So i decided the following:

1)a Maemo for hacking etc (:pdestroying:D) on the systems memory (the default)
2)a cloned Maemo for serious use on my memory card:cool:
3)probably in the future Mer on my card

-Is that OK?
-Will i have problems with the cloned maemo (which i want stable and reliable for serious use):confused:
-Will my memory card be destroyed sooner because of the big use?
-Does penguinbait' s tool work on the latest maemo (43-7)?
-Is there any newer version than the one on the first post?
-Is there something else i have to notice?


In the message you linked to, you say that you don't "want" to reflash. In this message you say that your system was "destroyed".

How do I get Maemo to destroy my memory card? I've been trying for several years now without success...

All joking aside, the traditional preventive for losing important files is backing up. This is often mentioned even with flawless operating systems such as Windows...

gerstavros 2009-06-14 14:20

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 296580)
In the message you linked to, you say that you don't "want" to reflash. In this message you say that your system was "destroyed".

How do I get Maemo to destroy my memory card? I've been trying for several years now without success...

All joking aside, the traditional preventive for losing important files is backing up. This is often mentioned even with flawless operating systems such as Windows...

I finally reflashed;). As about the backup, i have a question.

Consider that i have taken a full backup of my maemo on the system's memory, the jffs2, with pb tool. If i cannot boot this because of a mistake (like my problem), how can i restore the system using the tgz of pb? I need to have usb-networking? Is there any other way to access the system's memory?

GeraldKo 2009-06-14 15:21

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by gerstavros (Post 296583)
I finally reflashed;). As about the backup, i have a question.

Consider that i have taken a full backup of my maemo on the system's memory, the jffs2, with pb tool. If i cannot boot this because of a mistake (like my problem), how can i restore the system using the tgz of pb? I need to have usb-networking? Is there any other way to access the system's memory?

I think you should reverse your plan from your post #222. Keep the system memory OS safe and stable; do your experimenting on the cloned system on the SD card. Make a clone of your SD card (ideally, a literal SD-card clone; or else a backup of the whole card, including the OS). Then, if you destroy the SD card, you just put in the clone.

gerstavros 2009-06-14 15:42

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 296589)
I think you should reverse your plan from your post #222. Keep the system memory OS safe and stable; do your experimenting on the cloned system on the SD card. Make a clone of your SD card (ideally, a literal SD-card clone; or else a backup of the whole card, including the OS). Then, if you destroy the SD card, you just put in the clone.

I thought of that, but 1) i need more free space 2) i don't know how to restore a system memory maemo with pb tool.
I ask again, can i access system memory from another os, ie mer, or a cloned maemo?

GeraldKo 2009-06-14 17:53

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by gerstavros (Post 296592)
I thought of that, but 1) i need more free space 2) i don't know how to restore a system memory maemo with pb tool.
I ask again, can i access system memory from another os, ie mer, or a cloned maemo?

Huh? You need more space for what? You're aware that both OSes can access all the files stored in the FAT partition on the SD card?

I don't think PB's Tools do what you're asking.

gerstavros 2009-06-14 20:38

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 296627)
Huh? You need more space for what?

I like some qt apps, but just qt libraries need more than 30 Mb, and i have 20 free...

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 296627)
You're aware that both OSes can access all the files stored in the FAT partition on the SD card? I don't think PB's Tools do what you're asking.

I donīt understand what you mean. I ask if i can access the systemīs memory that has maemo in compressed jffs2, when i cannot boot it. I think that the answer is only usb-networking with bootmenu, but i canīt find how to enable this...

gmgfarrand 2009-07-03 18:46

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I ran gparted on my N810 and accidentally deleted the external storage, bo biggie.
BUT, when I run PBEASY and repartition the drive, and clone, is where I have the issue.

When I chose clone, it tells me it formatted the filesystems then gives me two "OK"s

That's it..

It does NOT appear to be cloning. Any ideas?

penguinbait 2009-07-09 00:45

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Try using fdisk or cfdisk to remove all partitions. Then create 1 big fat32 partition.

then format it with mkfs.vfat

then try running pbeasy, see if that helps?

DistantFire 2009-07-16 03:40

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by ChiaOwl (Post 296127)
UPDATE - It is finished :).

I now have a huge amount of space in which to install programs. Nate is formatted (he's had a lobotomy), partitioned, and cloned, and I'm putting my backups back on as I type.

Honestly, it had turned into an ordeal and I was ready to chuck it and just make-do with the 256MB alloted from the factory. Then, one last try (after MANY), and it all fell into place and worked. I was startled, frankly, but am totally pleased now even though I'm not sure what was wrong for so long and what is now right...just kept doing the same things as far as I know, and it finally worked!

THANK YOU so much for your help GeraldKo, Un27Pee, Geneven, and KristianW, if any of you are ever in my town I'll buy you dinner :).


Chia ... what did the trick? I'm seeing exactly the same symptoms as you right now. I used to have bootmenu installed and running beautifully. Then something stopped working and I was unable to install anything... so I reflashed and now can't format my 16GB SD card. I get the "memory is corrupted" kind of message too.


penguinbait 2009-07-16 13:57

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by DistantFire (Post 304839)
Chia ... what did the trick? I'm seeing exactly the same symptoms as you right now. I used to have bootmenu installed and running beautifully. Then something stopped working and I was unable to install anything... so I reflashed and now can't format my 16GB SD card. I get the "memory is corrupted" kind of message too.


When you run pbeasy, and select partition. It will partition your card and reboot the system. Then it will come up and may display "Memory corrupted" error IGNORE THIS. Run pbeasy again, this time select clone operation and then it will have cloned and installed bootmenu.

Smasher 2009-07-16 15:30

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Help me please! I'm installed console-tools, but when i type db or dbeasy in Xconsole and push enter nothig happens, there is no tools launched, and console is waiting for input of next command. but when i uninstalled console-tools and type db or dbeasy in Xconsole it says no such command.

N810 DIABLO_5.2008.43-7

penguinbait 2009-07-16 19:03

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by Smasher (Post 304927)
Help me please! I'm installed console-tools, but when i type db or dbeasy in Xconsole and push enter nothig happens, there is no tools launched, and console is waiting for input of next command. but when i uninstalled console-tools and type db or dbeasy in Xconsole it says no such command.

N810 DIABLO_5.2008.43-7

pb or pbeasy


db or dbeasy

VulcanRidr 2009-07-23 09:23

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I have a couple of questions on cloning on my N810 with a 16GB external card.

Partitioning best practices
  1. I generally run Linux on everything that I hook the NIT up to. All of my home systems run Debian. do I really need to create FAT32 partitions?
  2. Since the internal RAM is 256 MB, is 512MB sufficient? Or should I take half of the internal card?
  3. This is what I was planning for the cards:
    • /dev/mmcblk0p1 - 512MB - Clone of internal flash
    • /dev/mmcblk0p2 - 1GB - Reserved for playing with kde or other OSes
    • /dev/mmcblk0p2 - 512MB - Experimenting with other OSes
    • /dev/mmcblk1p1 - 256MB - Swap
    • /dev/mmcblk1p2 - remainder - data storage

Do these numbers make sense?


vjktm 2009-07-25 15:22

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I have Diablo 43-7 on flash, Chinook on internal card (cloned before upgrade to Diablo), and cloned Diablo on external card. However, I only get the option to either boot to flash or to external card. I used pb to set everything up. What do I need to do to get options to boot to flash (Diablo), or internal (Chinook), or external (Diablo?

penguinbait 2009-07-27 15:15

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by VulcanRidr (Post 306160)
I have a couple of questions on cloning on my N810 with a 16GB external card.

Partitioning best practices
  1. I generally run Linux on everything that I hook the NIT up to. All of my home systems run Debian. do I really need to create FAT32 partitions?
  2. Since the internal RAM is 256 MB, is 512MB sufficient? Or should I take half of the internal card?
  3. This is what I was planning for the cards:
    • /dev/mmcblk0p1 - 512MB - Clone of internal flash
    • /dev/mmcblk0p2 - 1GB - Reserved for playing with kde or other OSes
    • /dev/mmcblk0p2 - 512MB - Experimenting with other OSes
    • /dev/mmcblk1p1 - 256MB - Swap
    • /dev/mmcblk1p2 - remainder - data storage

Do these numbers make sense?


In general yes, you can make them as small as 5MB if you don't plan to use them. For compatability I would keep them

penguinbait 2009-07-27 15:17

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by vjktm (Post 306667)
I have Diablo 43-7 on flash, Chinook on internal card (cloned before upgrade to Diablo), and cloned Diablo on external card. However, I only get the option to either boot to flash or to external card. I used pb to set everything up. What do I need to do to get options to boot to flash (Diablo), or internal (Chinook), or external (Diablo?

If you have two partitions plus flash and they are not BOTH showing up in the boot menu. Then try to reinstall the bootmenu. Not reclone, just to the bootmenu install again and reboot.

see if that fixes it?

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