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OrangeBox 2009-12-08 21:32

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I've ordered and cancelled mine from expansys, mobilecityonline and amazon. All 3 have changed/extended the stock availability multiple times and I had to make sure that I'll get it before Xmas. I ended up ordering it via and I should be receiving it within a week.

gtessier00 2009-12-08 21:43

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
WOW! It's 743 tx in + shipping???!!! And they really have it in stock??? Seems like an excellent option!!!

R-R 2009-12-08 21:51

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Much better here, finally in stock for the .ca site:

gtessier00 2009-12-08 21:54

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Thanks so much for your advices guy, but.. 649$ including shipping this must be a joke?? Will newegg ship FROM canada? Because if it's in USA, well, we will pay like 150$ in taxes and duties and whatever ...

R-R 2009-12-08 21:57

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by gtessier00 (Post 417501)
Thanks so much for your advices guy, but.. 649$ including shipping this must be a joke?? Will newegg ship FROM canada? Because if it's in USA, well, we will pay like 150$ in taxes and duties and whatever ...

It's from canada i'm pretty sure cause they even charge the 5% tax (at least trying with a QC postal code)

681.45 $ CAD total shipped...
(to Montreal that is, maybe you will pay a 2nd tax, they probably are located in BC?)

JD2010 2009-12-08 22:11

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by R-R (Post 417507)
It's from canada i'm pretty sure cause they even charge the 5% tax (at least trying with a QC postal code)

681.45 $ CAD total shipped...
(to Montreal that is, maybe you will pay a 2nd tax, they probably are located in BC?)

Are you ordering from there?

gtessier00 2009-12-08 22:12

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I just talked to a customer representer from,
She told me that the items will ship from their US warehouse, with UPS. BUT she told me it's 100% sure that there will be no extra fees upon shipment of the package (when it arrives to your door). The brokerage fees are included when doing the payment :)

JD2010 2009-12-08 22:21

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by gtessier00 (Post 417545)
I just talked to a customer representer from,
She told me that the items will ship from their US warehouse, with UPS. BUT she told me it's 100% sure that there will be no extra fees upon shipment of the package (when it arrives to your door). The brokerage fees are included when doing the payment :)

Do they use UPS ground, UPS express, UPS Worldwide express?

If it is UPS Worldwide express no feess except gst/qst
if it is other you will have brokerage fees
Trust me for that you only pay once to remember how it work

After checking their website it seem it is not ups worldwide express. Give a call to UPS and they will tell you, it is UPS that will charge you directly.

pablob 2009-12-08 22:34

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I have just received an external hard drive I bought from and it was shipped from the US to Alberta using "UPS World Ease". I didn't have to pay any brokerage fees, so I would think the same would apply to the N900. In fact, I think I'm going to order now. :-)

gtessier00 2009-12-08 23:01

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by JD2010 (Post 417557)
Do they use UPS ground, UPS express, UPS Worldwide express?

If it is UPS Worldwide express no feess except gst/qst
if it is other you will have brokerage fees
Trust me for that you only pay once to remember how it work

After checking their website it seem it is not ups worldwide express. Give a call to UPS and they will tell you, it is UPS that will charge you directly.

Well, I have doubts too, but I asked the lady 3 times and she told me 3 times that no matter which ups shipping method you will take, you will get NO extra charges. I asked her if I am 100% sure that the total I'd have to pay is the amount indicated on checkout, she told me YES. If I order, I hope it is true. Sending back and paying restocking fees on a device that price would cost a lot of money ;)

R-R 2009-12-08 23:53

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Woo, shipping confirmation, coming by FedEx tomorrow morning :D

JD2010 2009-12-09 00:10

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by R-R (Post 417703)
Woo, shipping confirmation, coming by FedEx tomorrow morning :D

I guess we will open the Champagne bottle at the same time.

JD2010 2009-12-09 00:12

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by gtessier00 (Post 417634)
Well, I have doubts too, but I asked the lady 3 times and she told me 3 times that no matter which ups shipping method you will take, you will get NO extra charges. I asked her if I am 100% sure that the total I'd have to pay is the amount indicated on checkout, she told me YES. If I order, I hope it is true. Sending back and paying restocking fees on a device that price would cost a lot of money ;)

You know what? + or - 100$ what the hell you want it order it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gtessier00 2009-12-09 00:38

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by R-R (Post 417703)
Woo, shipping confirmation, coming by FedEx tomorrow morning :D

It would be VERY kind from you if you can give me a feedback telling me if you paid other charges or not!!! If not, I'm ordering this thing this week :D

JD2010 2009-12-09 00:48

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by gtessier00 (Post 417799)
It would be VERY kind from you if you can give me a feedback telling me if you paid other charges or not!!! If not, I'm ordering this thing this week :D

Hope they will be stock left

gtessier00 2009-12-09 00:49

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
arrrghhhhh u will make me order tonight if you continue like that lol

pablob 2009-12-09 01:34

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I have just ordered from! I'll post here once I get it (or if there are problems).

JD2010 2009-12-09 01:52

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by gtessier00 (Post 417828)
arrrghhhhh u will make me order tonight if you continue like that lol

I said the samething when I order. I know I paid a bit high but the difference between the high and the price is like going to a show 100$ ticket well when you receive it, it will be like a show... better now than sorry.... more wait

Death Scythe 2009-12-09 01:58

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Those who ordered via the online Canadian retailers, please post here what you paid and if you ended up paying more than what you paid on the website (brokerage fees, etc.), if that's ok.

A guy at expansys said their price already included tax and brokerage fees, but I've gotten burned with mobile city online's surprise $100 brokerage fee when I got a phone from them sometime ago.

So far, SN Traders seems to be the most reliable in terms of actual pricing, plus they offer a bit of a discount for in-store pick up.

R-R 2009-12-09 02:56

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by Death Scythe (Post 417951)
A guy at expansys said their price already included tax and brokerage fees, but I've gotten burned with mobile city online's surprise $100 brokerage fee when I got a phone from them sometime ago.

Did you order express or just priority?

Some people were saying that express was more expensive but in the end you might pay less cause it includes brokerage fees.


Originally Posted by gtessier00
It would be VERY kind from you if you can give me a feedback telling me if you paid other charges or not!!! If not, I'm ordering this thing this week

Well, MCO is right now on Back-order...

Slocan 2009-12-09 03:44

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by Death Scythe (Post 417951)
A guy at expansys said their price already included tax and brokerage fees, but I've gotten burned with mobile city online's surprise $100 brokerage fee when I got a phone from them sometime ago.

You pay brokerage fees and Canadian taxes on packages that are sent from US stores, for example Mobile City Online. You do not pay taxes on their site, you pay them when the package arrive (use USPS/Canada Post for a much lower brokerage fee).

For Canadian stores (like, even though they're shipping from the US), you pay the PST and GST directly on the site when you order, so you won't have any surprise charge at arrival.

R-R 2009-12-09 03:57

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by Slocan (Post 418041)
You pay brokerage fees and Canadian taxes on packages that are sent from US stores, for example Mobile City Online. You do not pay taxes on their site, you pay them when the package arrive (use USPS/Canada Post for a much lower brokerage fee).

For Canadian stores (like, even though they're shipping from the US), you pay the PST and GST directly on the site when you order, so you won't have any surprise charge at arrival.

my friend got his MCO order today with 0$ fee... I'm just hoping we don't get a mail later on with a bill!

born2wonder 2009-12-09 04:11

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I just placed an order for the n900 at $680 taxes included, shipping free (to montreal). I will post when it arrives.

Now I can just run mer on my n810 :-)
Loving where mer is heading with 0.17 testing versions.


krskrs 2009-12-09 04:50

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Im new here.
Im from Montreal
an I have the N900

I buy it troug ebay form about 700

I only have a problem with it...

THe ovi store does not work.
It tell me that my device is not compatible with ovi

and sometime i get an image saying that Ovi for maemo is coming soon...

I dont know what to do.
I want to have MSN on my phone as i used to do on my other phones

Please some one is having this problem.
Or anyone knows what is this about?

joshua.maverick 2009-12-09 08:16

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
How much did everyone pay in Canadian, after taxes+shipping+fees etc? I paid $627.30

JD2010 2009-12-09 13:21

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by R-R (Post 418005)
Did you order express or just priority?

Some people were saying that express was more expensive but in the end you might pay less cause it includes brokerage fees.

Well, MCO is right now on Back-order...

R-R you are right about that

Death Scythe 2009-12-09 13:27

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 418299)
How much did everyone pay in Canadian, after taxes+shipping+fees etc? I paid $627.30

Nice. Is that all in? Where'd you get yours?

JD2010 2009-12-09 13:28

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 418299)
How much did everyone pay in Canadian, after taxes+shipping+fees etc? I paid $627.30

did you paid 627US or CDN?

me I paid 720US-50US(from nokia) so 670 shipping included for GST/QST I arrange with the ebay seller so he wrote 250$ value so I paid tax on that amount so 32$ +5$ proces from Canada post office (brokerage fee) Total 707 USD.

R-R 2009-12-09 14:07

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Here it was 579.99 but took the 60$ express shipping ... so 640 $ USD.

Do you think i can sell my 50$ Nokia's rebate to someone in the states?
(for 40?)

Btw, i see a lot of Montrealers here, we could gather in the other thread.

JD2010 2009-12-09 14:26

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by R-R (Post 364696)
Check this thread and other "Canada" Thread (search) as many find different solutions.
As for myself in MTL I'm ordering fro MobileCityOnline who are hopefully getting them by November 20.

We could also just have a Canadian thread we are like less than 10 in the whole Canada that will have the N900 it is almost like a Banana Republic!!! (3rd world country that is not abble to have a descent phone)

R-R 2009-12-09 14:56

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

So uhm just got called saying that it would be delivered before 17h and not 12h (big snow storm today) and that I had 89.78$ of tax to pay... F*CK!

Diavoli 2009-12-09 15:26

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Oh man sorry to hear about that extra tax, so you did get screwed on brokerage fees?

Enjoy the phone though, people around me still look at it in awe.

gtessier00 2009-12-09 15:50

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
News here, for guys near montreal, has the N900 for 729, I juste wrote to them to know if it's including taxes. If yes, it would be great :)

JD2010 2009-12-09 15:58

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Hi every body I have finally just receive my phone. Extremely exciting moment as we waited, waited and waited. Has I mentionned I have bought thru Ebay. I have carrefully selected the seller wanted a 100% feedback (ebay) so I got a phone that was bought directly to The New york Flagship Store. The phone was very carefully pack in a gift bag with a gift receipt for warranty purpose. The phone was sealed new so everything 100% perfect. With seeing the phone on my computer and some people where saying it is big well I find it very small and if I put it beside my treo pro you don't see any difference in size unless you check very carrefuly. I guess I will have a hard day today to do my work and not try that phone. So all of you I wish you get your phone fast because it is like waiting over 3 months to get and when you get it really cool. Just can't wait to play with it has I am at work. Good luck everybody

Diavoli 2009-12-09 16:06

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by JD2010 (Post 419058)
Hi every body I have finally just receive my phone. Extremely exciting moment as we waited, waited and waited. Has I mentionned I have bought thru Ebay. I have carrefully selected the seller wanted a 100% feedback (ebay) so I got a phone that was bought directly to The New york Flagship Store. The phone was very carefully pack in a gift bag with a gift receipt for warranty purpose. The phone was sealed new so everything 100% perfect. With seeing the phone on my computer and some people where saying it is big well I find it very small and if I put it beside my treo pro you don't see any difference in size unless you check very carrefuly. I guess I will have a hard day today to do my work and not try that phone. So all of you I wish you get your phone fast because it is like waiting over 3 months to get and when you get it really cool. Just can't wait to play with it has I am at work. Good luck everybody

Can you tell me if your having an issue with the SMS time, for some reason two times show up when I send an SMS. I can't seem to fix it, I'm on the Toronto, Canada time but seems to show 5 hours behind when i receive an SMS, when I send one though it shows the correct time.

Just wondering.

Also I think I do need to replace my SIM card, sometimes I feel like its worn out and this phone can't read it sometimes especially using the Edge network

JD2010 2009-12-09 16:09

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by Diavoli (Post 419076)
Can you tell me if your having an issue with the SMS time, for some reason two times show up when I send an SMS. I can't seem to fix it, I'm on the Toronto, Canada time but seems to show 5 hours behind when i receive an SMS, when I send one though it shows the correct time.

Just wondering.

Also I think I do need to replace my SIM card, sometimes I feel like its worn out and this phone can't read it sometimes especially using the Edge network

I am going to check that tonight and I will get back to you

Hedgecore 2009-12-09 16:22

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Best of luck to all of you. I'm disturbed though, I went through this for the 770, the N800 (didn't end up getting one) and the N810 (got one but it's collecting dust). Each time the price rockets upward and the co-ordination of distribution and situational awareness fall further.

There's no way in hell I'm carrying a phone in my pocket that costs $700. To be honest, I'd rather just have another subsidized smart phone and a netbook and spend the remaining $200 at a bar.

I'm happy to see the product line grow up having been around since before the 770 was released, but I still have personal concerns that it's not as polished as it could be. Let's be honest. They're going up against Apple. I really hope half the stuff in the apps section on doesn't still require hitting up the command line to get it working.

Anyway, again. Best of luck to you guys. I think you're nuts buying a device for that much when it won't work to it's full potential but obla-di-obla-da.


Diavoli 2009-12-09 16:27

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I think we're just forward thinkers, we know AWS is coming to Canada, we're just waiting for it now, and plus it still is a nice overall device, for now we just have to wait a bit longer to download a web page.

Death Scythe 2009-12-09 16:55

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Kudos to you, JD2010, as it seems the effort you put into buying one on ebay paid off.

If I may ask, how much did you spend all in all?

joshua.maverick 2009-12-09 17:01

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I got mine shipped to a buddy in the US, who was supposed to be coming on the weekend... but he decided to come early, so now I have to wait a week for him to go back and pick it up! :@

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