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garyjoe_2001 2009-12-01 15:01

Re: cancelled my order - UK
This the same chris that says that it will only delay things by one day because they have the stock and its now over a week. I think that we all can guess its this week just as I think he is guessing and has not been told anything.Every time I have talk to them is been a few days or tomorrow I have never been told over a week like it has been.
Am gona keep my hopes up for this week and not bother calling them anymore as I think am just wasting mine and Nokias time as they have been giving no answers.

w00t 2009-12-01 15:05

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by garyjoe_2001 (Post 402863)
Am gona keep my hopes up for this week and not bother calling them anymore as I think am just wasting mine and Nokias time as they have been giving no answers.

Wasting your time? Possibly.

But you're also "wasting" your money paying *their* salary to give you a goddamn phone.

The least they should be able to do in return is to provide some semblance of customer service.

You're not wasting their time, and hopefully if they keep getting pestered, the message will start to sink through, especially as more people get more and more irate.

bigdom58 2009-12-02 10:24

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Hi guys,this is my first post, i too have had my order cancelled and re-ordered. This is extremly annoying as i first ordered on 6/10 i called nokia again today and they assured me that it would be delivered this week. Weather it is true or not i dont know but we can only hope

w00t 2009-12-02 10:54

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by bigdom58 (Post 404396)
Hi guys,this is my first post, i too have had my order cancelled and re-ordered. This is extremly annoying as i first ordered on 6/10 i called nokia again today and they assured me that it would be delivered this week. Weather it is true or not i dont know but we can only hope

The problem is "this week" is evaporating fast, kind of like every other week they've said it will ship "this week".

I wonder when they'll change back to "next week, sir". My bet is tomorrow.

zaheerm 2009-12-02 10:55

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 404443)
The problem is "this week" is evaporating fast, kind of like every other week they've said it will ship "this week".

I wonder when they'll change back to "next week, sir". My bet is tomorrow.

it'll be funny if they still say this week on friday late afternoon!

w00t 2009-12-02 10:58

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by zaheerm (Post 404447)
it'll be funny if they still say this week on friday late afternoon!

I heard it on Thursday afternoon, once.. I just hung up and rang back to get someone with a brain :p

DaveR53 2009-12-02 11:09

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Just received an email saying they are processing my (re)order!


The item below is now in stock and this portion of your order has been
released for processing. If the quantity below isn't the total quantity
ordered then the remaining quantity will be released when additional
stock is available.
PLEASE don't fail :(

w00t 2009-12-02 11:10

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Holy ****.

Me too!

hazel 2009-12-02 11:13

Re: cancelled my order - UK

I'm pleased to say that I also got my processing email a short while ago :)

Should this fail I may just get an iphone .. As I don't want to be going through the process of having to reordering and waiting all over again!

w00t 2009-12-02 11:16

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by hazel (Post 404477)
Should this fail I may just get an iphone .. As I don't want to be going through the process of having to reordering and waiting all over againb

Amen to that! I've been eyeing off the HD2 while I've been waiting.

Here's hoping it works out for us, hazel!

ewan 2009-12-02 11:19

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by DaveR53 (Post 404466)
Just received an email saying they are processing my (re)order!

And me. Barclaycard are forewarned, and my account is showing about the right amount of money as a 'Pending Transaction', which they define as "transactions that we have authorised, and will appear on your account in the next few days". It's looking good.

I am therefore expecting a freak weather event over the North Sea this evening - something's got to go wrong :)

mardibloke 2009-12-02 11:21

Re: cancelled my order - UK
and me, email from saying order released for processing, so just checked with Barclaycard to warn them, and they say payment already taken and went though ok.

DaveR53 2009-12-02 11:22

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Woo! just spoke to my credit card company and they said the payment was approved and went through at 11am today! :D

open-collar 2009-12-02 11:23

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Just got this from

The item below is now in stock and this portion of your order has been released for processing.

Duffer 2009-12-02 11:24

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Same as mardibloke, just phoned already approved :) This time please work!

mardibloke 2009-12-02 11:24

Re: cancelled my order - UK
mardibloke quidco
cgarvie 3 codes
jimus no discounts
ewan 1 code
jimcon 3 codes
daver53 3 codes
jjx 2 codes
open-collar 1 code
custard 3 codes
shaksta 3 codes
hass 2 codes
netweaver 2 codes
derrickj 1 code
w00t 2 codes


hazel 2009-12-02 11:25

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by ewan (Post 404490)

I am therefore expecting a freak weather event over the North Sea this evening - something's got to go wrong :)

LOL. Don't say that.... Mine ALSO has to cross the Irish sea!

Gk@Pgqr* 2009-12-02 11:28

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Mine got cancelled again! AAHHHHHHHHH.....

Duffer 2009-12-02 11:29

Re: cancelled my order - UK
6:00 V Light 9 kts Force 3 [Wind from SSE (169°)] 1.9 m [Swell from SSW (197.06°)] 19919 m [Cloudy]
9:00 V Light 8 kts Force 3 [Wind from SSE (159°)] 2.0 m [Swell from SSW (197.32°)] 20000 m [Partly Cloudy]
12:00 6 kts Force 2 [Wind from ESE (122°)] 2.1 m [Swell from WSW (247.84°)] 18147 m [Fair]
15:00 4 kts Force 2 [Wind from ESE (107°)] 2.1 m [Swell from WSW (250.55°)] 14607 m [Partly Cloudy]
18:00 V Light 3 kts Force 1 [Wind from ENE (79°)] 2.1 m [Swell from WSW (247.43°)] 9477 m [Cloudy]
21:00 V Light 2 kts Force 1 [Wind from NNE (18°)] 2.1 m [Swell from WSW (250.59°)] 11797 m

Looking Good!!

zaheerm 2009-12-02 11:44

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Dear Customer,

The item below is now in stock and this portion of your order has been released for processing. If the quantity below isn't the total quantity ordered then the remaining quantity will be released when additional stock is available.

Quantity Description 1 Nokia N900
We provide online order tracking at: Tracking information is posted to the site the following business day (Monday-Friday) after the product has shipped.


Nokia UK Online Shop

Called credit card company and it has gone through, excellent news!

w00t 2009-12-02 11:44

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Thumbs up mate. Good to hear they sorted you out too :)

mardibloke 2009-12-02 12:22

Re: cancelled my order - UK
So last time it was ~45 mins from first email to second one saying canceled. My first email today was 11:05am, who has the earliest first email?

stobbsc 2009-12-02 12:32

Re: cancelled my order - UK
mine is being processed and it looks like the money is already in a transaction as it's no longer available for me to use :-)

w00t 2009-12-02 12:41

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by mardibloke (Post 404595)
So last time it was ~45 mins from first email to second one saying canceled. My first email today was 11:05am, who has the earliest first email?

A few people already have cancellation mails.

For me, it took a full day before I got a cancellation mail...

OranAgra 2009-12-02 13:09

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Here is my sad story.

I'm from israel, and i started by contacting the Nokia Customer Care asking if i can order from and have it ship to Israel, and they said no.

So i ordered it to be shipped to my fried in the UK and have him bring the device to Israel no his next flight here.

after placing the preorder i send numerous emails to Nokia Customer Care to try and make sure nothing is wrong with my order, and that it will ship on time.

i had about 5 questions in my original email to them, and each time i got a reply it seemed like a robot have wrote it and it didn't contain any answer to the questions i asked.

each time i replied informing them that i'm disappointed and that they didn't answer my questions.

one of my question was very simple (is the device they send an operator unlocked one), and after about two weeks and 10 emails back and forth this is the only question they eventually managed to answer (answer is yes).

that just proves that it's not that my questions where complicated (or impossible) to answer, it's that the person (or robot) that answered me didn't bother to read my questions.

my other main question to them was to try and make sure nothing is broken with my order and that all the details i entered are correct, so that when the device is ready to ship they process the order successfully.

some of the times i sent an email i simply waited several days for a reply, which didn't arrive and i had to resend it (demanding an answer), but most of the time they sent a reply within about a day, but the reply didn't contain an answer for any of my questions.

today (after about 3 weeks) i got a letter from the online shop saying:
"The item below is now in stock and this portion of your order has been released for processing"

and immediately after that i got a letter saying:
"Your order (No. 400317330) has been cancelled as we were unable to process your payment with the card and personal details provided"

I immediately called their UK customer support and asked why, and they said that the billing address i gave is not a UK one, and that its impossible to place an order using an Israeli credit card.

couldn't they tell me that earlier (when i submitted the order)?
couldn't they tell me that when i asked exactly that in my emails (again and again)?

i'm deeply disappointed from their customer service.
but the N900 is the best device ever to walk the earth.
i asked my friend or order it for me (using his credit card).
i sure hope it will be delivered to him before his flight (a month from now).

deadmalc 2009-12-02 13:13

Re: cancelled my order - UK
FYI - if you get a DECLINED from the bank when ordering, make sure you ring them up and tell them it's not a fraudulent transaction.
They should be able to update the fraud rules and next time it should go through.

(That's they should be able to, if they have a reasonable system)

custard 2009-12-02 13:45

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by mardibloke (Post 404595)
So last time it was ~45 mins from first email to second one saying canceled. My first email today was 11:05am, who has the earliest first email?

After having my original order cancelled with 3 discount codes and topcashback I decided to reorder this morning. Imagine my delight to hear that my card has already been accepted and the n900 is shipping! Something has to go wrong

garyjoe_2001 2009-12-02 14:06

Re: cancelled my order - UK
3 times in the last 10 days I have called my bank and they have said it will be ok. Today I get a new Cancekked message. How mad am I. I am trying to give them over £500 abd they keep doing this without even a call. They r saying maby next week. So they must want me to call my bank every day to say I may be charged from Nokia today I dont know If I will though. How hard would it be just to send an email or give a call when canceled and keep the order on hold. What good value they hae for their customers.

If you were to get a diffrent phone what would it be?

deadmalc 2009-12-02 14:08

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by garyjoe_2001 (Post 404808)
If you were to get a diffrent phone what would it be?

Whilst I'm happy to rant about the Nokia web shop.
I'd be more inclined to ask, "If you were to get a different bank who would it be?"

w00t 2009-12-02 14:11

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by deadmalc (Post 404813)
Whilst I'm happy to rant about the Nokia web shop.
I'd be more inclined to ask, "If you were to get a different bank who would it be?"

It isn't just the shop.

They cancelled my order claiming it wasn't paid, despite the bank stating clearly and unequivocally that it *was*, and proceeding to keep the payment held for the next week..

I'd be quite happy to have a bank watching over my account to be honest. I'm much less happy to have to run around in circles to try to pay for a £500 device, when every other retailer seems to have no issues in taking my money.

Moving on from that, most banks don't outright reject transactions. They mark it as pending authentication and tell customers to contact them - Nokia however seem to interpret this as a decline, and cancel t he order as a result.

deadmalc 2009-12-02 14:24

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 404820)
It isn't just the shop.

They cancelled my order claiming it wasn't paid, despite the bank stating clearly and unequivocally that it *was*, and proceeding to keep the payment held for the next week..

I'd be quite happy to have a bank watching over my account to be honest. I'm much less happy to have to run around in circles to try to pay for a £500 device, when every other retailer seems to have no issues in taking my money.

That's pretty dreadful, but I'm not sure who I'd trust Nokia or the bank. Quite a lot of banks would appear to have a corporate policy of lying to their customers, wouldn't you agree?
[guess I'm just cynical of everything]


Moving on from that, most banks don't outright reject transactions. They mark it as pending authentication and tell customers to contact them - Nokia however seem to interpret this as a decline, and cancel t he order as a result.
Yeah, it means Nokia has to ring up the bank to get an AUTH code and insert it in their system manually, quite a few places don't bother with this and treat it as a decline due to the added overhead.

ae0n 2009-12-02 14:56

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by garyjoe_2001 (Post 404808)
3 times in the last 10 days I have called my bank and they have said it will be ok. Today I get a new Cancekked message. How mad am I. I am trying to give them over £500 abd they keep doing this without even a call. They r saying maby next week. So they must want me to call my bank every day to say I may be charged from Nokia today I dont know If I will though. How hard would it be just to send an email or give a call when canceled and keep the order on hold. What good value they hae for their customers.

If you were to get a diffrent phone what would it be?

Can I ask what bank/card company you used? With my second (cancelled this morning :() order, I again, used Abbey. And prior to it, I made it an absolute mission of mine to ring up Abbey pretty much everyday since my re-order last week, in order to avoid the darn security check decline. Which still happened.

Here's to hoping I'm third-time lucky with my third order (second re-order) today with a Barclaycard Visa.

ewan 2009-12-02 15:02

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by deadmalc (Post 404845)
quite a few places don't bother with this and treat it as a decline due to the added overhead.

Most places don't bother with that because it is hassle. However, what they do instead is simply put the order on hold, let you sort your card company out, then retry the charge in the same essentially automated way as before. That works very smoothly, is pretty hassle-free, and fits in well with the bank's systems.

Nokia simply cancel your order outright - that is entirely their fault, and it's crap.

w00t 2009-12-02 15:06

Re: cancelled my order - UK
ewan's response is more what I meant, yes. I understand that they may not want to deal with it, but as I want my goods, I most certainly *do* want to deal with it, so I don't mind playing ping pong between my bank and the retailer to sort things out.

And, well, I'd trust my bank, given that multiple people there all told me the same thing, whereas whenever I rang Nokia about it, I got a different story.

zaheerm 2009-12-02 15:06

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I now have a tracking link and shipped date of today's date

deadmalc 2009-12-02 15:10

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by ewan (Post 404919)
Most places don't bother with that because it is hassle. However, what they do instead is simply put the order on hold, let you sort your card company out, then retry the charge in the same essentially automated way as before. That works very smoothly, is pretty hassle-free, and fits in well with the bank's systems.

Nokia simply cancel your order outright - that is entirely their fault, and it's crap.

Yup not being able to re-auth an order I think is the main thing that makes this whole process a mess.

w00t 2009-12-02 15:12

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by deadmalc (Post 404941)
Yup not being able to re-auth an order I think is the main thing that makes this whole process a mess.

I wonder what we can do about this, really.

I mean, I'd like them to *fix* their retail process even if it doesn't directly benefit me, but Nokia Care (seemingly their only route for feedback) is complete and utter **** - they're seemingly only able to robotically parrot lines from a script and not actually listen to anything you say.

It'd be nice if we could come up with some sort of a plan to bring this to their attention. Anyone got any better contacts than Nokia Care? Perhaps via some light media attention?

Gk@Pgqr* 2009-12-02 15:18

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by ae0n (Post 404907)
Can I ask what bank/card company you used? With my second (cancelled this morning :() order, I again, used Abbey. And prior to it, I made it an absolute mission of mine to ring up Abbey pretty much everyday since my re-order last week, in order to avoid the darn security check decline. Which still happened.

Here's to hoping I'm third-time lucky with my third order (second re-order) today with a Barclaycard Visa.

I use Cahoot who were owned by Abbey, I think they are all Santander now. I'd also called them a couple of days ago to check it was still there. It didn't make any difference. If you use the same card again ask them to put you on a positive list, it should allow all transactions for the next 30days. (This is what they told me anyway)

Gk@Pgqr* 2009-12-02 15:20

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 404948)
I wonder what we can do about this, really.

I mean, I'd like them to *fix* their retail process even if it doesn't directly benefit me, but Nokia Care (seemingly their only route for feedback) is complete and utter **** - they're seemingly only able to robotically parrot lines from a script and not actually listen to anything you say.

It'd be nice if we could come up with some sort of a plan to bring this to their attention. Anyone got any better contacts than Nokia Care? Perhaps via some light media attention?

I was trying to find the name of the head of sales for the UK, no luck yet.

zaheerm 2009-12-02 15:25

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Email from nokia:

Thank you for shopping at Nokia UK Online Shop.

The following item/s that you ordered was shipped on 2-12-2009 from our warehouse.

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