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HellFlyer 2010-05-19 22:55

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by Odeh (Post 666768)
me too :o

Don't know what to do

Nothing, as sad as it sounds all manufacturers clearly state that unless there are more then 3 or 4 ( i dont remember exact number) screen is not considered defective so warranty wont cover it :(

crisismt 2010-05-29 00:22

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
anyone returned his n900 for the white pixels on black screen and got his screen replaced ? they're really annoying me now I have more than 10 on black screen....

talkMAEMOnik 2010-05-29 13:13

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by crisismt (Post 687096)
anyone returned his n900 for the white pixels on black screen and got his screen replaced ? they're really annoying me now I have more than 10 on black screen....

I am

Taigatrommel 2010-05-29 13:57

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by crisismt (Post 687096)
anyone returned his n900 for the white pixels on black screen and got his screen replaced ? they're really annoying me now I have more than 10 on black screen....

Here in germany we have a 14 day return policy for items ordered online. My first N900 (ordered from Nokia) had 2 or 3 annoying hotpixels, I called Nokia about getting it replaced - they refused since this is not covered by warrenty. Since I think that is not accaptable for a 600,- € device, I simply used my return policy and got my money back.
Second N900 came from Amazon with at least 7 hot / deadpixels - I used the Amazon exchange policy (they'll send you a new device, you'll send in your old one then), though they said even those 7 pixels still aren't warrenty covered, they exchanged it.

My third device, the Amazon replacement device, has a dead pixel. I finally kept it because I don't want to know what my fourth device would've looked like.
Either I am unlucky or Nokia has/had a serious problem with their displays. No smartphone I ever ordered had a single problem with dead/hot pixels. On the N900 it almost looks like a built-in feature. For such an expensive device, this appears to me like a bad quality assurance.

ysss 2010-05-29 13:58

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
Bought 3 units.. none of them have screen/pixel issues...
*knocks on wood*

Dragoss91 2011-03-28 20:53

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I got like a black pixel , but it doesn't change it's color , it's just a very little black point . It's pixel or dust ?

AMLJ 2011-03-28 21:25

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I got one... Oh c'mon you'll get used to it....:)

Dragoss91 2011-03-28 21:55

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
Sure , 1 pixel is no problem , but I was just asking , these deadpixels could be black too ?

casketizer 2011-03-28 22:00

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
Dead pixels can have almost any color. I have a blue one on my laptop. :)

Patroclo 2011-03-29 20:20

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
Is the test in the first topic SAFE? I would not like to start the test with a perfect screen and have dead pixels as final result.
At present with my eyes I don't see any dead pixels, but if you are granting to me that the test is safe, I am going to make it.

geekgirl74 2011-03-29 20:35

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by Patroclo (Post 978007)
Is the test in the first topic SAFE? I would not like to start the test with a perfect screen and have dead pixels as final result.
At present with my eyes I don't see any dead pixels, but if you are granting to me that the test is safe, I am going to make it.

yes it is safe, as it only displays a certain colored website background on your display...
I took it with both my N900s and couldn't find any dead pixels :)

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