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marxian 2011-06-07 15:23

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
I can confirm that YouTube FLV videos in 360p and 480p do not play.

fidel 2011-12-12 01:04

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
I installed extra decoders from the application manager but it wouldn't read my flv files.

I searched and found

sudo gainroot

apt-get purge decoders-support

apt-get autoremove

apt-get update

apt-get install decoders-support

But I got error messages about lock resource temporarily unavailable..

How do you get extra decoders to install?
Now I've uninstalled it via application manager.

Nihanthk 2011-12-12 02:24

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by fidel (Post 1136378)
I installed extra decoders from the application manager but it wouldn't read my flv files.

I searched and found

sudo gainroot

apt-get purge decoders-support

apt-get autoremove

apt-get update

apt-get install decoders-support

But I got error messages about lock resource temporarily unavailable..

How do you get extra decoders to install?
Now I've uninstalled it via application manager.

Restart Ur phone n try Again and try playin youtube videos on overclocked profile with extra decoders support and install mplayer before that

kbyork 2012-01-29 07:59

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
1 Attachment(s)
I have recently installed "Extra Decoders Support" on my N900 R1.3.
I can now play more videos; but I still can't play Flash files.

I have Flash and MP4 files [both are using AVC and AAC encoding].
The MP4 files will play; but the Flash files give "unsupported media format".

The file extension association seems ok... "
*.flv" files show up in my media library and if I doube-click on a "*.flv" in the File Manager; it tries to open it with mediaplayer.

I also had a MP4 file (encoded using AVC and ACC); but its filename [accidentally] ended in ".flv". This plays fine, too.

Any ideas how I can fix this???

I don't know if it will be on any use, but I have attached logfiles from:

dpkg --status decoders-support
pkg --list 'gst*'

imo 2012-01-29 08:11

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by kbyork (Post 1157251)
I have recently installed "Extra Decoders Support" on my N900 R1.3.
I can now play more videos; but I still can't play Flash files.

I have Flash and MP4 files [both are using AVC and AAC encoding].
The MP4 files will play; but the Flash files give "unsupported media format".

The file extension association seems ok... "
*.flv" files show up in my media library and if I doube-click on a "*.flv" in the File Manager; it tries to open it with mediaplayer.

I also had a MP4 file (encoded using AVC and ACC); but its filename [accidentally] ended in ".flv". This plays fine, too.

Any ideas how I can fix this???

I don't know if it will be on any use, but I have attached logfiles from:

dpkg --status decoders-support
pkg --list 'gst*'

Kmplayer for all kind of videos .

kbyork 2012-02-05 17:01

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by imo (Post 1157253)
Kmplayer for all kind of videos .

kmplayer did not play them either. It would just pause for 2-3 seconds, and return to its stopped mode.:confused:

jospoortvliet 2012-05-03 09:19

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
srry for hijacking the thread but - anyone knows if these codecs are available on the N9? I can't play much of my music which is in mpc (musepack) format like I was used to do on my N900 :(

DemonBreaker 2012-07-23 08:08

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Im use PR1.3 and want to play .flv files but i cant. media player not supported. I have install decoder support v0.4 and my video just 360p. Can anyone help me? if i use Mplayer, when the video play, voice and subtitle is incorrect.
Please Help Me

seanmcken 2012-10-04 16:29

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
everything is fine but plz take a look at some .rmvb files.

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