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glug 2010-02-18 22:11

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by IWantToMarryTheN900 (Post 480146)
Do I own the only N900 in Philadelphia? Or Pennsylvania for that matter?

Your not the only one in Philadelphia to have an N900. I've got one too.

I've seen one N900 other than my own, and suprisingly, it was on the same day I got mine in the mail. I was in Drexel University's dining hall, eagerly waiting to get out to go unbox my N900 which had arrived earlier, and what do I know but the person behind me in line pulls out an N900! I was pretty suprised.

donsaibot 2010-02-18 22:14

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Gelsenkirchen, Germany here. I have not seen another N900 user either. I mean i'm not 100% sure because i saw someone with a device that could have been an N900 in Edinburgh. But it was in the middle of October and i don't really know then the N900 hit the stores.

Only the number of 5800 users seem to increase. Alot of Nokia Smartphone Lovers outwhere by now :D .

carolinabluejay 2010-02-18 22:16

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by gymrat (Post 481142)
Well I stay in North Carolina and haven't seen a N900 yet...

Well I'm in NC too, so do not feel too lonely. Although, I have never seen another N900 "in the wild".

scifi.guy 2010-02-18 22:47

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by nokiabuff (Post 483178)
I purchased 2 one for myself and for shipping to India. So far so good. I am on ATT so lack of 3G support band sucks big time other than that love the phone. I am in iphone/nexus valley. I have not see any one with N900 but I have heard couple of them owning in my company.


Another N900 owner from Bay Area. Forget wild, I couldn't find a single store displaying N900 so far. I was thinking of switching to T-Mobile pre-paid just to use 3G on this phone but T-Mobile coverage sucks here.

jinx405 2010-02-18 22:50

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
anyone else in Sydney, Australia that has the N900? besides myself and a friend, my missus spotted someone on the train heading west from the city after work using the phone. in fact, she saw the same guy twice. i know there's a few aussies lurking around these forums :)

H3llb0und 2010-02-18 23:12

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by jinx405 (Post 535523)
anyone else in Sydney, Australia that has the N900? besides myself and a friend, my missus spotted someone on the train heading west from the city after work using the phone. in fact, she saw the same guy twice. i know there's a few aussies lurking around these forums :)

I am in Sydney :D
I work in Bondi Junction and live in Camperdown, so it could have been me or my workmate... he lives in the Shire :)

Except for the guy that works with me ( I ordered his N900 for him )
I have not seen any N900 in sydney... Only a few people with an N97 looking at me very intrigued / giving me looks like they know what it is and want to kill me for it :p

Ask your missus if that guy she saw has really long dark hair or really short blonde hair.

I am the one with long hair :cool:

jinx405 2010-02-18 23:47

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by H3llb0und (Post 535558)
I am in Sydney :D
I work in Bondi Junction and live in Camperdown, so it could have been me or my workmate... he lives in the Shire :)

Except for the guy that works with me ( I ordered his N900 for him )
I have not seen any N900 in sydney... Only a few people with an N97 looking at me very intrigued / giving me looks like they know what it is and want to kill me for it :p

Ask your missus if that guy she saw has really long dark hair or really short blonde hair.

I am the one with long hair :cool:

Hahaha what a small world! I just spoke to her, and she said she saw a tallish guy with short blond hair wearing a sling bag (kinda) at Town Hall station. If I’m not mistaken, you can get to Bondi Junction via Town Hall, right? That means she must’ve seen your workmate…

I live in Coogee, which is not far from where you work. I work in Mascot, so I usually drive/cycle, which means I hardly see anyone up close when I commute. She takes the train, which explains the random spotting of the N900 :)

Nice avatar of Johnny Cash :) with a nickname like Hellbound, are you a metal head by any chance? And it certainly looks like we’re both bludging at work at the moment :D

Thor 2010-02-18 23:52

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by gavinlew (Post 535079)
I havent seen anyone in Bristol (yate) or Bath with one yet, any other users in this area with one?

Well, I passed through Bristol/Bath on the way to Wales this week and had my N900, Blackberry Bold and N82 with me :P

Sad thing is the N900 lost battery quickly... almost 12 hours or so and the Bold had only dropped one bar of 5 with much more useage of email and so on...

merc248 2010-02-19 00:08

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Haven't spotted one in the wild in Seattle, WA yet.

H3llb0und 2010-02-19 00:14

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by jinx405 (Post 535622)
Hahaha what a small world! I just spoke to her, and she said she saw a tallish guy with short blond hair wearing a sling bag (kinda) at Town Hall station. If I’m not mistaken, you can get to Bondi Junction via Town Hall, right? That means she must’ve seen your workmate…

I live in Coogee, which is not far from where you work. I work in Mascot, so I usually drive/cycle, which means I hardly see anyone up close when I commute. She takes the train, which explains the random spotting of the N900 :)

Nice avatar of Johnny Cash :) with a nickname like Hellbound, are you a metal head by any chance? And it certainly looks like we’re both bludging at work at the moment :D

I get the train in Town Hall everyday.
My workmate lives in Cronulla, he never stops at Town Hall.
Yes Town Hall station is just on the way to work for him.
But could be him, he is tall with short blond hair and he looks really young (he's only 22)

I like to think of myself as a music lover, but it's mostly Rock and Metal yes :D \m/
There are tracks named Hellbound (or that at least contain hellbound in the title) from Pantera, Jerry Cantrell and Primus :cool:
And it's the nickname I use on forums and gaming online since the late 90's.

I also get weird looks from iPhone and Android phone users.
I had some people ask me what it is...
Specially when reading an sms and then when they see and hear the "clack" sound of the keyboard sliding out to reply :D

I am a multimedia web designer, so I'm online all the time at work

Fargus 2010-02-19 00:36

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by merc248 (Post 535651)
Haven't spotted one in the wild in Seattle, WA yet.

I'm occasionally in the Bay Area as we have an office. If you see a jet lagged guy with an English accent wandering around with one then it might well be me!

SR90 2010-02-19 02:24

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by kazuki (Post 535378)
as in vancouver sfu? canada?

Yeah , In Vancouver , SFU . Greetings :p

ezmendriz 2010-02-19 04:00

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

I buy one from the Chicago store. That is the only place where I have seen one beside mine. I live in Caguas,Puerto Rico by the way. I buy it in trip to the windy city in January. I wonder if I have the only N900 in the island.


maxximuscool 2010-02-19 04:11

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
lol In New Zealand Here and i saw no one else walking on the street using N900 other than me. So not many people

H3llb0und 2010-02-19 04:21

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by ezmendriz (Post 535888)

I buy one from the Chicago store. That is the only place where I have seen one beside mine. I live in Caguas,Puerto Rico by the way. I buy it in trip to the windy city in January. I wonder if I have the only N900 in the island.


Doesn't get more exclusive than that :D

kazuki 2010-02-19 07:17

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by SR90 (Post 535785)
Yeah , In Vancouver , SFU . Greetings :p

i thought i was the only one!

Konceptz 2010-02-19 07:26

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
NYC. Manhattan.

Catch me at starbucks at st. marks or astor place.

I'm always happy to chat with a fellow Enninehundreder (EnNinehundridian) I'm the nerdy powerlifter in the corner.

SR90 2010-02-19 07:39

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by kazuki (Post 536059)
i thought i was the only one!

I don't think so ;)
How are you liking it so far ?

gavinlew 2010-02-19 07:46

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Rcampbell (Post 535327)
I live in Bath and go to Bath Spa University, I've got one of the little beasts :)

Cool - I work in Bath (Cheltenham St, Gradwell) how you finding the N900?

gavinlew 2010-02-19 07:47

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Thor (Post 535628)
Well, I passed through Bristol/Bath on the way to Wales this week and had my N900, Blackberry Bold and N82 with me :P

Sad thing is the N900 lost battery quickly... almost 12 hours or so and the Bold had only dropped one bar of 5 with much more useage of email and so on...

Sounds exactly like me lol - I use a Bold 9700 for work as well - Im off to London on Tuesday so will be interesting to see how long the battery lasts on a journey using the device. The Bold's battery life is very impressive - get about 4-5days without a recharge, the N900 is more promising though :)

simons 2010-02-19 08:02

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I'm on the tram in Oslo norway right now, and though we're not a very big city I've still seen two people with it so far. One o the tram, avidly checking out the new facebook design when it came out.
We're having a maemeetup in Oslo very soon thoiugh, so if ur close, send me a pm and you'll get to meet some more of us.

About battery life... my brother trashed his nokia 5800 music xpress at a party and I realized i suddenly had a spare battery, so now I'm allways carrying a spare charged battery around and the n900 lasts me a whole day of heavy use! :)

idoru78 2010-02-19 08:21

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Day after I got mine I ended up sitting next to a guy on the train on the way to work in Glasgow, fiddling with his..... N900 that is.

agogo 2010-02-19 08:52

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by 77h (Post 535113)
WOW !!! congrats.
Are they happy?
Did they live in apple land before?

2 Apple users.
2 Blackberry.
1 Nokia 5800
and 1 Sony Ericsson :D

mr_bridger 2010-02-19 09:10

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Not seen a single N900 in the wild here in coventry. all iphoneys, i do have pleasure telling them how good the N900 is tho...

like the idea of an N900 finder app, kind of like the people finder in Tunewiki. gps / network position based. would be cool!

kazuki 2010-02-19 11:06

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by SR90 (Post 536069)
I don't think so ;)
How are you liking it so far ?

how am i liking? i'm loving it!
a bit disappointed about lack of video call and video chat thru skype. but i'll live. i just wish the battery is a wee bit bigger. how about u?

afaq 2010-02-19 11:12

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Sigh. None spotted here in London. I'm sure there are 'others' but I havent seen any on my daily commute in the trains.

Although I did see a N97 the other day and made me smile as the user was enjoying the Symbian experience.

hellomezzy 2010-02-19 11:22

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
havn't seen anyone in Melbourne, Australia with a n900 yet! :(

cardiff-blues 2010-02-19 11:30

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Doonie (Post 534865)
Came across this thread.
I live in Yateley, near Camberley (UK) and other than another guy in Nokia store when I got the phone, I haven't seen another N900.
Anyone near me with one?

i am roughly 6 miles from you. although at this precise moment i am about 7000 miles from you.

Doonie 2010-02-19 11:34

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
hello cardiff blues! So I am not alone then lol

StOoZ 2010-02-19 11:38

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
all my friends and others to come ...

cardiff-blues 2010-02-19 11:42

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Doonie (Post 536398)
hello cardiff blues! So I am not alone then lol

no you are not :)

i usually head to camberley for shopping now and again.

at moment i am in Burma for a few days and surely i must be the only one with an n900.

just managed to hook up the phone to a wireless network. cool stuff.

Rcampbell 2010-02-19 13:00

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by gavinlew (Post 536075)
Cool - I work in Bath (Cheltenham St, Gradwell) how you finding the N900?

hah, so there IS atleast another N900 in the city. While you are at work anyway.
I live up in Oldfield Park with all the other students :P

I'm finding the N900 great, even though I do have a big scratch across the screen and have lost my stylus :(

Too many drunken nights out...

I am very pleased overall though, just I don't know how to use X-Term etc properly so I can't do much with it, heh
But luckily there is a great community here which can help me out if I have problems.

:) Feel free to come say hi if you see someone with an N900 when your in Bath, It might just be me.

teh 2010-02-19 13:49

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
None seen as of yet in Southampton UK.

I keep my eyes peeled for them, I'm the kind of guy who would notice such a device even if I wasn't looking for it!

ezmendriz 2010-02-19 14:26

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by H3llb0und (Post 535931)
Doesn't get more exclusive than that :D

yep I am alone in a sea of Iphones. I get an ocassional "wow" with the skype and gtalk video demos.:D Still is hard to beleive I am the on.y one. Hey nokia send the marketing team!


in-effect 2010-02-19 14:35

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by in-effect (Post 480572)
oh oh oh even better than that - every class is equipped with a massive whiteboard and projector - that will look amazing!!! then i'll bring my wiimote in and they can play mario.

Well I did exactly this during golden time (all primary school children get half an hour at the end of friday to play what they want) and they're loving the retro gaming with wiimote! TheyMre queueing up to have a go.

Other than that, one person has said "wow is that the new Nokia??" (he was a G1 owner - most unhappy with having 6 months left to run on his contract) while many, many people have said "is that an iPhone?"


gabby131 2010-02-19 14:40

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
are there nokia n900 owners in canada?

I havent seen an owner here aside from myself

SR90 2010-02-19 15:32

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by kazuki (Post 536324)
how am i liking? i'm loving it!
a bit disappointed about lack of video call and video chat thru skype. but i'll live. i just wish the battery is a wee bit bigger. how about u?

Cool ,I love mine too , I can't get my hands off it , seriously . I have just made my first skype call today and it was just flawless , I hope nokia adds the video calling and video chat with firmware update but it's not a biggie for me ,
The battery is ok , Good to hear you are loving it :D

jpaulwhite 2010-02-19 15:42

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I'm in Arlington Virginia and I have one. Haven't seen another ANYWHERE yet

R-R 2010-02-19 15:48

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 536630)
are there nokia n900 owners in canada?

I havent seen an owner here aside from myself

Yes, plenty on this forum and outside of of it

bachagabriel 2010-02-19 15:48

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I live in Montreal and I haven't seen anyone with a N900

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