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inidrog 2010-06-20 23:05

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
What I have noticed because I have downloaded the game several times the last days cause of firmware flashes is this.

When you go to the Ovi store using the browser on the N900 and click download it seems that nothing happens, but in fact it downloads in the background just not displaying any progress. So when I and probably others click download again and again, the browsers download queue adds up downloads, it all goes slower and finally you get a out of space prompt because many folks don't have the browser cache set to Auto. The largest cache size before auto is 40MB and that's what get full. Set your browser cache to Auto, then try to download the game, then in your browser click on the top menu and select Downloads to see whats going on.

ndi 2010-06-21 23:24

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by Frand (Post 721871)
And for those who have uploaded Zen Bound to file sharing sites [...]

IMO Nokia Store refusing a card that works just fine in other places does more to help piracy than file sharing sites.

Do you plan on sharing the game through a site that actually has a decent payment system?

Here's a crazy thought: How about E-bay? Does it matter if it's not OVI store? Can't you just set up a PayPal account or something? They are yet to refuse a payment from me and I've now made payments on all non-iced-over continents.


jjx 2010-06-21 23:49

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by Umlungu (Post 720254)
I got the "/var/temp/zenbound*.deb could not be saved" error. So I checked download manager and it was paused at 14%, so I resumed the download and it paused again at 15%, so I resumed again.
That worked up until 30% when it stopped downloading and displayed the message saying that I'ved reached the download limit and should either buy it again or contact customer care :(

*boggle* there's a download limit? Ew. I bought Zen Bound on seeing all the reviews had 5 stars and I liked the look of it, and I do enjoy it.

But I'd be awfully annoyed if I had to reflash for some reason, maybe more than once, and then couldn't download the files that Ovi knows perfectly well I've paid for, without paying again.

I presume the link doesn't just lead to the file for saving because it shows as 14kb or something in the App Manager?

jjx 2010-06-21 23:51

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by ndi (Post 724277)
IMO Nokia Store refusing a card that works just fine in other places does more to help piracy than file sharing sites.

There's a fair chance it isn't Nokia blocking it, but the card company.
Give the card company a call and ask.

nax3000 2010-06-22 05:00

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by jjx (Post 724300)
There's a fair chance it isn't Nokia blocking it, but the card company.
Give the card company a call and ask.

He's right. No excuse for piracy. If you really wanna buy you'll find a way (like use your friend's card and pay him back, lots of ways like that).
And I used to pirate a lot. No excuse, did it because I can - still do sometimes when I don't have money to pay for games but I never make excuses for it.
Interracial Gangbang

ndi 2010-06-22 20:09

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
It's good to know your opinions. I'm still hoping the intended target of my question will answer.

larson 2010-06-22 20:58

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Almost a zen-like feeling to sit and swipe around and around and around... I like it. It will make the commute much shorter (I'm sure I'll miss my station more than once :))

Installed on second try, the first time I used 2.5G and got 8% before I switched to wlan.

Overall, 4 stars.


msa 2010-06-22 22:54

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
any other game in the pipe from secret exit?

Flandry 2010-06-23 00:05

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
It's great to see this finally come to fruition, and i hope to see more great games from Secret Exit. Congratulations on a great initial offering!

I have renamed the thread and am going to unstick it now that it has had good exposure. Please continue to use it to announce new titles and make other official posts

NokiaRocks 2010-06-23 00:14

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Great game secret exit !
Hope there are coming many more of your games to the N900.

Hmoobwarrior 2010-06-23 00:26

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
I purchase zen bound. love the game and look forward to new ones :P

HellFlyer 2010-06-23 00:33

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
have you tried moving MicroB engine ? it will free about 13mb and probably download location will be moved to 2gb partition as well?


mv /usr/share/microb-engine /home/opt
ln -s /home/opt/microb-engine /usr/share/microb-engine

note: I'm not sure this works in PR 1.2 , maybe Nokia already optified MicroB?

Sunkan 2010-06-23 01:03

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
clicked it once and it did downloaded it in the background, installed it and then started it without any problems. it did run verry smouthley without any lagg ore bugg's. realy nice graphic and pritty fun. Hope for many byers so we get more games like this =)

Frand 2010-06-23 13:08

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 725702)
It's great to see this finally come to fruition, and i hope to see more great games from Secret Exit. Congratulations on a great initial offering!

I have renamed the thread and am going to unstick it now that it has had good exposure. Please continue to use it to announce new titles and make other official posts


SPiN bugs were addressed and a new version submitted to Ovi QA. Here's hoping for a swift approval (will probably be a few days) :)

There was a question if we would make Zen Bound for N900 available via some other means than Ovi Store. The answer is no. While it might give us a couple of more sales from people who are currently experiencing problems with the Ovi Store, it would be the wrong message.

We want to support Nokia in the long-term. Customers with their devices need to have a simple way to discover games and buy them, and it's up to Nokia to make sure that Ovi Store is the place to go for all apps.

Setting up third-party shops for Maemo games would be harmful both ways: customers would have more difficulties finding apps, since you'd have to guess which website to go to, and developers would have to waste tremendous resources in marketing their website as a place to download games from.

ndi 2010-06-23 15:55

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Well, thanks anyway, appreciate the reply.

I'll try again at some point, maybe they fixed it.

Nemesis82 2010-06-23 16:31

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
just buyed, really really cool game. I use a virtual credit card

jflatt 2010-06-23 16:40

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
I wish I had a virtual credit card. Mine takes money out of my account

skalogre 2010-06-23 16:41

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread

Originally Posted by jflatt (Post 726532)
I wish I had a virtual credit card. Mine takes money out of my account


I need one of those, also :D

Thanks for sticking with us and releasing the game.

RafaLL92 2010-06-24 13:31

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
I no longer feel dizzy when playing this game - it requires getting used to, but it happens almost instantly.

Amazing game and unique experience - that's without a shadow of a doubt!

Thanks again, hope to see some other great games from Secret Exit at Ovi Store soon! *thinks of Stair Dismount and SPiN*

drsilviuro 2010-06-24 17:53

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Sometime the SFX it's silent.. the music plays but not the SFX.
Uninstalled a theme and it worked again... but after a while it stopped again.. what could it be?

Laughingstok 2010-06-24 20:53

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Zen Bound is strangely addicting. I wrap up a couple of blocks, quit for a while, then find myself wanting to go wrap up more. :D

raven 2010-06-25 01:00

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Seriously just an awesome game. One of the first things I purchased when I got my n900 yesterday. It's that game that is so visually spectacular that you use it to demo your n900 to friends/family/techies alike.
Brilliant Secret Exit.
+1 give you all my $$$ for more like this.

Umlungu 2010-06-27 12:45

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Actually paid for this game twice due to an installation issue(my fault for removing it from the "My Stuff" list in Ovi the first time), but what an awesome game! I just hope I don't run of blocks any time soon lol

Frand 2010-06-30 13:52

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
SPiN has passed Ovi QA and should be available as soon as the process allows.

For those who are unfamiliar with the game, here's a gameplay video from the iPhone version:
SPiN Gameplay on YouTube

In many ways, it's exactly the game Zen Bound is not: It's fast-paced, high-score oriented, hyper-kinetic and cheery.

SirKline 2010-06-30 14:00

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Spin looks kind of hard to handle w/o multitouch...

Frand 2010-06-30 14:18

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread

Originally Posted by SirKline (Post 735434)
Spin looks kind of hard to handle w/o multitouch...

SPiN on iPhone uses a two-finger gesture for clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. On the N900 the same is accomplished with a quick swipe up or down near the edges of the screen.
Here's a screen grab from the game, the loading screen with the control scheme.

eitama 2010-06-30 14:20

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread

Originally Posted by HellFlyer (Post 725726)
have you tried moving MicroB engine ? it will free about 13mb and probably download location will be moved to 2gb partition as well?


mv /usr/share/microb-engine /home/opt
ln -s /home/opt/microb-engine /usr/share/microb-engine

note: I'm not sure this works in PR 1.2 , maybe Nokia already optified MicroB?

Are there no performance implications for such an action?

timhardy 2010-06-30 17:39

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Hi Frand,

Thank you to you and to all your colleagues at Secret Exit for porting Zen Bound - I bought it today and even though I have only played it briefly, I know already that I'm going to love it.

Thank you for taking the risk and supporting the N900 :)

harriva 2010-06-30 19:25

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Two weeks since Zen Bound appeared to ovi. Dare to share some numbers?

aanckar 2010-07-01 13:49

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
SPiN has entered the Ovi store! Gotta try it out... It's also a bit cheaper than Zen Bound.

kevinm2k 2010-07-01 13:57

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
On zenbound, the accelormeter on my phone isn't working with it, initially it was, and everything was great, then the game started crashing a couple of times (before even opening), now it opens, and i can start playing, and can spin the .... wooden objects, but turning the phone doesn't move the rope at all...

Maybe a redownload will help.

Rob1n 2010-07-01 14:04

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread

Originally Posted by kevinm2k (Post 737123)
On zenbound, the accelormeter on my phone isn't working with it, initially it was, and everything was great, then the game started crashing a couple of times (before even opening), now it opens, and i can start playing, and can spin the .... wooden objects, but turning the phone doesn't move the rope at all...

Maybe a redownload will help.

Have you tried rebooting? I've had the accelerometers just stop working once or twice now, and a reboot fixed them.

NvyUs 2010-07-01 14:04

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
link to SPiN below for all those interested

bill.d 2010-07-01 16:21

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
trying to download spin at the moment but nothing is happening payment went through but when i click download nothing happens. ive tried waiting ages like i had to with zen bound but its just doing nothing

Reffyyyy 2010-07-01 16:24

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
I'll buy this game later. Looks pretty good.

Venemo 2010-07-02 09:01

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Just a side question:

If I buy a paid app from the store and for some reason I reflash my device, do I need to pay for the app again, or will Ovi remember what I bought on my account?

zehjotkah 2010-07-02 09:23

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread

Originally Posted by Venemo (Post 738302)
Just a side question:

If I buy a paid app from the store and for some reason I reflash my device, do I need to pay for the app again, or will Ovi remember what I bought on my account?

ovi store will remember. you can also download the .deb file to your PC to backup it, since the amount of downloads is limited.
just change your user agent on your pc to the one from the N900 (if necessary at all) and download it there.

Nathraiben 2010-07-02 10:49

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
Are there any alternative ways to purchase the games? Yesterday I decided to give the OVI store another try (I want ZEN Bound so much, I was going to even risk everything by using that faulty store :P ), but then had to realise that they only accept credit cards.

Any way to purchase the games through a fully functional shop that also allows for other payment methods (PayPal, invoice, advance payment)? :(

jr1415us 2010-07-02 23:47

zen bound game play issues
love this game, finally a quality app I didn't regret paying for. sometimes the game controls become unresponsive, not the touch input, but the popup menu items.
if I complete an object and then return to it none of the game options function, such as "restart" or "exit", and the "X" in the upper right corner doesn't quit the game. the only way to quit the game at this point is to minimize it with the keyboard and tap the "x"

Hmoobwarrior 2010-07-02 23:58

Re: Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
just purchase spin, highly addictive fast pace action love it

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