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gom4381 2010-02-27 17:43

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I had a tmobile dash, Iphone 3g 16gb, nokia n95 8gb, and now the n900. Iphone and n95 were hard to beat. N900 is almost eveything I wanted....except the pocket print it leaves in my jeans now. Thought that was done with the n95. Certified phone junky since the time before time. Next phone will be something that has a heavily supported OS with a keyboard.

itambrose 2010-02-27 21:46

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia E90 - amazing almost sure the N900 was an upgrade.....sometimes wonder though

jrinconr 2010-02-27 21:51

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N95-3 :)

Nok 6131

Communicator 9290

Hoxzer 2010-02-28 22:48

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Never understood why people were upgrading until the maemo came out for phones. Anyways as the S60v3 became the main platform for symbian apps I decided to never ever buy a phone that doesn't allow OS (compatibility) upgrades and knowing that N900 runs the GNU/Linux I can rest assured that at least software depencies will met in the future.

verhagke 2010-03-03 12:07

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Motorola v551 (old clamshell)

I'm not a heavy cellphone user, so it met my needs well. Bought the N900 so I didn't have to drag my laptop with me everywhere I went.

omeriko9 2010-03-03 12:17

Re: what was your phone before n900??
You mean all phones?

All Nokia, of course


and... 5120

muppi 2010-03-03 12:56

Re: what was your phone before n900??
My last phone was an imate kjam, this was ok for a while then the stylus kept falling out of it's holder on the phone, next the stylus only touch screen packed up.
N900 what a joy.

Beerduck 2010-03-03 13:44

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Motorola Milestone (Droid).
Had it for a month before i gave up. The microphone was so bad that you had to keep it really close to your mouth. 3 cm away and it didn't pick up my voice anymore. And it wasn't even a hardware fault. Android was also still very buggy.
I'm really glad I got a N900 instead.

jaeezzy 2010-03-03 14:05

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Had my first mobile Nokia 6280 which my brother sent me from UK, unfortunately it was locked to 3 (UK) and couldn't unlock it in Nepal as it was very new so sent it back to him :( Then my dad bought second hand nokia from Iraq(flip phone with 180 degree spin, i dont remember the model), brought it with me to Australia then after it's life, bought n95 in contract with 3 (got stolen at work) then bought n96 online (turned out to be spam and ended up with some chinese rip off and wasted AUD 500+ :( ) so again went on to buy n82 from ebay and gave n96 to my girlfriend as she had her phone broken which she ended up losing. Later bought n900 and gave my n82 again to my girlfriend for the same above reason which again she ended up losing. *grrrr*... So, all I have now is N900 from which I can't take my hands off and HTC Touch Pro for my girlfriend cheap from 3 in contract and she's all messed up with windows OS ;)

Digbum13 2010-03-03 14:26

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Sony Ericson P910i - Loved UIQ but crippled by lack of wifi

MDA Pro - hated WinMo Os, had awful sat-nav and was laughably huge

Nokia 95 - Great phone but slide out screens kept breaking and became uneconomic to repeatedly repair

Nokia N82 - Loved this device but broke the keypad after taking it for a spin in the washing machine.

G1 \ HTC Dream - Great device ruined by awful battery life and lack of headphone port.

N900 - Is good and getting better

Exca 2010-03-03 14:29

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 6170 and before that 3310

Dr_Zeee 2010-03-03 17:54

Re: what was your phone before n900??
You had an iPhone and gave it away over the N900? That IS amazing. Can you tell us what motivated you do to so and how much you regret that decision? Thanks :D

I had an N95 8GB - can't say it is the best of phones but in any case not bad. It has some unique things worth mentioning like the speakers (great!). But overall compared to my wife's iPhone, the N95 8GB looks like a piece of ancient technology from last century's museum. I think most of it is due to the Symbian plattform - "the MS-DOS of smartphones" :D


Originally Posted by Sp1ke (Post 540297)
Mine was iPhone 3G

HumanPenguin 2010-03-03 18:05

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N900 <= N85 <= N95 + N810 <= N73 <= pre Nokia

PS My Girlfriend My budget

N86 <= N95

My Brother His own budget and Only just discovered as we lived 3K apart till recently

N79 <= N78 <= N73 <= N70

My father and mother have been using my brothers old phones for the last 3 years.

So what i am saying is I moved to the US 10 years ago got into Nokias Ns Moved back to find My whole family were on Nokia Ns phones.

Sorta freaky

rnb89 2010-03-03 18:05

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Was using a N95 8GB for a year..

Before that was a n82, e71, n80, 3300 and oldest of all the Greatest SIEMENS SX1

kill_bill 2010-03-03 18:09

Re: what was your phone before n900??
iPhone 3G :rolleyes: :eek:

Hany 2010-03-03 18:20

Re: what was your phone before n900??
HTC Touch =)

rulsky 2010-03-03 23:36

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Well i became a Nokia fan with the release of the N95 in April 2007 (in UK), then I had to get the N95 8GB, I then passed on the N96 and N97 for obvious reasons...... and am the proud owner of a N900 since the first week of December.

The very first cell phone I had was a Motorola like this one waaaayyyy back in 1995.

NaSr 2010-03-03 23:46

Re: what was your phone before n900??
i had an iphone 2g...i miss its music player

cryox92 2010-03-04 00:41

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 2100
Sony Ericson t100
Sony Ericsson t610
Sony Ericsson k508i
Sony Ericsson w20...(dont know the exact name)
Sony Ericson(again i dont know the model)
Motorola v3
Sony Ericsson k750
LG Cookie
Nokia e66
Samsung 7350
Samsung 8300
Nokia n900

Forgot the Satio,sold it after the 2nd day xD

synplex 2010-03-04 00:48

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 5800 and Palm Pre

zail 2010-03-04 00:54

Re: what was your phone before n900??
All nokias;

7650 (first nokia camera phone with a HUGE 4mb of storage!)
6600 (original version)
n80 (great phone.. now my backup)

badboyuk 2010-03-04 01:22

Re: what was your phone before n900??
n95 8gb which i only got last year and had it for a few months, it was a nice phone but the wifi was messed up on it and i had to send it off twice to get fixed an was well put off using it again.
Before that I had an N73 an kid you not I had that phone since 2006, ive still got it use it as a tomtom! lol paint work is all chipped an that so selling value will be pants.
Reason I chose to change my handset after so long.....Im fussy and I waited till something decent came out. Was going to go for the n96 but many folk told me to avoid that 1.

Just thought id add in, that 1 of the sexiest nokia phones ive ever had was the 8890 :) lovely phone.

had other nokias as well.

istarskyypsilon 2010-03-04 02:16

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Remeber the taco? I owned the Nokia N-Gage, which was hold 90 degrees to the head, meaning it stood away when one was talking. One of the most awkward Nokias when it comes to form and handling. But the 3D Games and Bluetooth gaming sessions were worth that. totally...

Next one was the heavyweight N91 (so i was already trained to carry bricks :), all in all a good phone, 4GB micro hardrive was the coolest thing i ever saw on a Nokia back then. This baby also had awesome sound quality.

But the memory and display + the connectivity makes the N900 outstanding to all i owned before. I love it man! (And cant wait to load a 32 GB SDHC :D)

tyrone2000and10 2010-03-04 03:25

Re: what was your phone before n900??
My first nokia phone ,as well as smartphone, was the Ngage QD which I bought from a Gamestop in 2005 for 150 dollars. I end up bricking it like a year later and buying the original N gage, which i liked way better. I ended up selling that one on Ebay for 150.00. The Ngage got me started on my smartphone/Nokia addiction.

Nokia 6620
Nokia 6630
Nokia N70
Nokia N80
Nokia 6682
Nokia N81
Tmobile G1 (had a minor lapse of sanity)
Nokia E90
Nokia E71
Nokia N900 (the greatest phone I ever had)

istarskyypsilon 2010-03-04 04:01

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by tyrone2000and10 (Post 554969)
My first nokia phone ,as well as smartphone, was the Ngage QD which I bought from a Gamestop in 2005 for 150 dollars. I end up bricking it like a year later and buying the original N gage, which i liked way better. I ended up selling that one on Ebay for 150.00. The Ngage got me started on my smartphone/Nokia addiction.

Word. N-Gage was a hell of a phone:D

dgrigoryan 2010-03-04 14:45

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Here is a complete list for the past 2 years or so (I swear this is honest)

Nokia N73
Nokia N82 (x2)
Nokia N95-3
Nokia N95 8gb (x2)
Nokia N96 (x2)
Nokia N85
Nokia N86

Then decided to shake things up a little

LG Shine
Motorola Zine
HTC G1 (x82)
HTC MyTouch 3G
Blackberry 8900 (x2)
Blackberry Bold 9700 (x2)

Next Phone will be


gLobster 2010-03-04 14:49

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 1610
Nokia 3110
Nokia 3210
Nokia 3310
Nokia 8210
Nokia 8310
Nokia 6600
Nokia 6310i + Palm m505|Palm TT
Palm Treo 650
Palm Treo 680
Nokia N800+Nokia 6151
Nokai N810+Nokia 6151
Nokia E90
Nokia N900

rkm 2010-03-04 15:10

Re: what was your phone before n900??
iPhone 3G as a personal phone
Nokia 6110 Communicator from the workplace

My N900 is also borrowed from work so iPhone is actually the only phone I own and currently use :)

arjunkumar87 2010-03-04 15:32

Re: what was your phone before n900??
well my history :P

Nokia 2100 > 3100 > 6230 > O2 Mini S > N95-1 > N95 8gb (was stolen :( ) > 5800 > N900 > XxX (definitely we are not going to stop :D )

russo_br 2010-03-04 15:43

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia N95

Missing a lot GPS turn-by-turn and Ovi Sync for contacts/calendar at least... not to mention the lack of applications available, but at least this one I was already aware it would happen since we are early adopters... Decent GPS and Ovi integration is something I expected to be delivered on PR1.1, but now I don't hold my hope that high...

anti-dualism 2010-03-04 16:34

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia E90 - lovely keyboard, ease of use

rFour 2010-03-04 16:35

Re: what was your phone before n900??
n96. :D
But I love this one so much more!

CepiPerez 2010-03-04 16:53

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Motorola C350 - My first phone

Motorola V300 - Here's when I started flashing phones... I brick it after 1 year modding it

Motorola Z6 - Still in my hands... linux based phone... I still compiling apps. I've ported a lot, like DukeNukem, Supertux, Tyrian, Wolfestein3D, Rockbox, ScummVM, and more... but it doesn't support GL.

Nokia N900 - Now I have a phone with GL support... hope I can port some decent games now

ucancallmenickk 2010-03-05 03:53

Re: what was your phone before n900??
LG L1400
Motorola V3 Razr Black
Motorola V3 Razr Silver
Nokia N75
Apple iPhone 2G
Nokia 7370
Nokia N900

MaChiBLue 2010-03-05 04:16

Re: what was your phone before n900??
> First phone Tmo branded Samsung E315
> N95 8GB
> 2610
> 5800
> N97
> N900

eleclipper 2010-03-05 04:49

Re: what was your phone before n900??
iPhone 2G
iPhone 3G
Blackberry Bold

and my lil crappy backup is a sony ericcson w580, out of all of them i liked the blackberry the least, and the N900 a little bit more than the iPhone 3G just becuase the music player is so incredibly important to me and the n900's sucks balls

Devyn 2010-03-07 11:06

Re: what was your phone before n900??
nokia 7110 used for few months and quickly get bored of it..

nokia 3310 this is THE phone.. indestructible..survived for 8 years and still in working conditions even if the battery lasts for 5-6 hours lol

nokia 6630 great one,it was the first device for me with bluetooth and so on

nokia n73 used for at least 2 year, really nice looking one but now is completely dead

nokia n82 probably the best phone ever,solid and it takes great pictures..i use it as backup phone

nokia n97 mini was the worst phone ever had..i sold it after just 20 days

nexun one tested it for 7 days and get bored of it..i sold it immediatly. great screen quality but who cares i dont watch movies on a mobile phone.. multitasking is managed in a different way than n900 (and i prefer n900) , the camera is terrible (my 3,2mpixel n73 took better pictures) and audio isnt that great.web browsing is the only cool thing because its fast,but just a little more than doesnt seems that cpus are so different (600mhz vs 1000mhz), and in "real life" usage you can't notice the difference.thats why i've chosn n900 :>>>

nokia n900 i bought it last week and im still waiting but i used a friend's one and iv totally loved it.. cant wait to own my personal one :P

white_ranger 2010-03-07 17:10

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N95 8GB. Still love it.

njsf 2010-03-10 01:45

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Treo 650, actually still use it because of a couple of programs the Garnet VM does not run well.

legendsohai 2010-03-10 01:57

Re: what was your phone before n900??
5800 - It's my first and impressive phone

N900 - my second phone

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