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sulu 2011-10-24 13:21

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Thanks for the info!
Yes, I'm looking for a solution using OSM data.
The screenshot looks quite promising. I assume the labeling glitches aren't that tragic since the label positions should differ between zoom levels.

However, I'd need the whole map of Germany which currently has about 12GB in uncompressed XML format. Navit is able to use that data in its own binary format converted from XML using maptool [1] [2], which results in a file of about 2GB iirc, apparently without noticeable speed penalties when searching for an entry somewhere in the middle of the file. I guess that would be one of the main problems when working with huge OSM files. I don't know how the Navit code works but I guess they implement something like an indexed DB.
Do you have something similar in mind? Ideally you could find a way to use the same format for both projects.

As for getting my hands dirty: Well, I'm sure you know the excuses. Mine are already pretty dirty. ;)

I'm aware that my code suggestion might have been based on outdated code. I just had a look at what was causing the problem in Debian Wheezy without investigating the current upstream situation in the middle of the night. I'm glad to hear that there is already an improved version of that code. Will I find that in the Maemo package? Nevermind, I'll try.


Redsandro 2011-10-25 05:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Just like to point out that it would be awesome to have some sort of osmarender on the device itself.

No matter if I'm smiling to the networking gods or begging on my knees with tears in my eyes, internet is always a slow pony in my area, and Marble still throws away tiles before new ones are downloaded. Not always, but only at the worst possible time. ;)

It would be sweet to 'just have it' like navit or commercial solutions.

earthwings 2011-11-08 12:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by gadgetChris (Post 1104461)
Routing died :(:mad:
Was working two weeks ago.
Tried this morning ... nothing "No route found".
Re-installed Marble, Monav client and Monav daemon...
still nothing.

Is there a config file that could have been corrupted :confused:
Using 1.2.0 stable.
Monav 0.3 rel 3

I just realized that some person uploaded a development snapshot of monav-routing-daemon to extras-devel. It's not a stable release and it breaks monav routing in Marble. Don't use that version (0.3-release-3-hg-$id). Use 0.3-release-1.

On a side note I wonder why this is allowed (the uploader is not a package maintainer of monav-routing-daemon).

sulu 2011-11-08 12:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Oh, btw I almost forgot:
Some weeks ago I accidentally started Marble by clicking the wrong icon. I noticed it before the map was even loaded and closed the application window immediately which apparently worked.
Some hours later I noticed a big battery drain and top showed that Marble was still running and constantly consumed about 50% CPU time. So I killed it and everything was back to normal.

Not sure if this even qualifies as a bug but it's definitely an unexpected behavior.

Estel 2011-11-08 14:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Is the latest release of Monav routing daemon totally broken, or just something changed and Marble doesn't reflect that?

As far as I understand how repositories work, everyone with upload privileges, can upload new version - but only maintainer got rights to promote it to -testing or -extras. Then, it's a matter of Q&A - if someone contributed and created proper development snapshot in extras-devel, that's great, even if it "breaks" how Marble works.

AFAIK, now it's up to Marble to correct dependencies, to depend only on versions up to 0.3-release-1, or... submit update, that works with latest version.

After all, extras-devel is for development, so latest development snapshot is appropriate there. If, on the other hand, it is totally broken, people should vote "thumbs down" for it. But *only* if it's totally broken, not just because Marble (or any other program) doesn't work with it.

To be understand correctly - I'm not depreciating Marble developers work, and anyone who follow this thread know, that I'm really amazed by earthwings and other Marble devs work. I'm just trying to explain Maemo repos Q&A mechanism, at least as far as I understand it. I also agree, that this is quite uncommon event - normally, someone uploading new version is in contact with package maintainer - but there is nothing out of procedures here.


earthwings 2011-11-08 14:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
It's not broken (at least I'm not aware of it), but it's a development snapshot where the file format has changed compared to the older versions. Since it can change again with every commit, it makes no sense to support this (or any other development snapshot) by Marble, but wait for a release (like version 0.4) done by the monav developers.

joerg_rw 2011-11-08 14:20

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
anyway could you give the proper cmdline here to re-install and pin the working version of monav for marble please. along the lines of apt.get --force-reinstall install monav=<version>;


sulu 2011-11-08 14:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Install monav from extras or extras-testing, there's still the version required by Marble.

joerg_rw 2011-11-08 14:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by sulu (Post 1120024)
Install monav from extras or extras-testing, there's still the version required by Marble.

This will render the HAM "install all updates" button useless for all future updates of any packages. :-/ Anyway I think I'll find my way around this, just thought it might be useful for other users to post a correct shell cmd here to "fix" it for good (until next monav update)


sulu 2011-11-08 14:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1120029)
This will render the HAM "install all updates" button useless for all future updates of any packages. :-/

I don't consider "install all updates" to be a good idea at all if you have testing and devel activated. But maybe I'm biased due to my use of Debian.

Frankly I'm not really sure what HAM does but I guess it's just a dpkg or apt-get wrapper. In that case after installing monav from extras or testing this should "fix" it for now:

sudo echo monav "hold" | dpkg --set-selections
This way there will be no updates of monav at all. If you want to receive updates again call this:

sudo echo monav "install" | dpkg --set-selections

Estel 2011-11-08 15:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Maybe uploading updated version of Marble, which reflect dependencies limitation (Monav up to 0.3release-1), is best idea?

It would just require fixing dependencies, so that isn't any much-hassle update (AFAIK). After Monav 0.4 (or any stable release) get released, Marble will most likely be updated again, to reflect file format changes, yes?

So, again AIUI, the most "proper" way would be to fix dependencies in Marble - that doesn't require pinning packages in apt-get or dpkg from user side, and doesn't interfere with Monav updates (Marble installation will require fixed version of Monav, so user won't install higher Monav, even with -devel enabled - due to dependency conflict. Still, development snapshots of Monav would get into -devel, without messing Marble up).


earthwings 2011-11-18 09:03

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1120060)
Maybe uploading updated version of Marble, which reflect dependencies limitation (Monav up to 0.3release-1), is best idea?

Yes, that's probably the best way to fix things. I think I'll combine it with the 1.3 Beta packages that are due shortly.


Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1120060)
It would just require fixing dependencies, so that isn't any much-hassle update (AFAIK). After Monav 0.4 (or any stable release) get released, Marble will most likely be updated again, to reflect file format changes, yes?

Unfortunately monav development seems to have stalled a bit lately, not sure when the next version will be out.

don_falcone 2011-11-18 09:50

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I still have a newer version (monav_0.3.1+hg4f0f7f48e173-1_armel.deb) that works with the old mapsets from 04/2011 around, but can't currently upload. (Why is there a size restriction which is set too little for this board anyway?) So, check if this build (monav_0.3.1+hg4f0f7f48e173-2_armel.deb) is working for you.

Btw monav development seems active enough, just check their project pages and especially the issue list which gets updated and cleared.

earthwings 2011-12-04 18:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Marble 1.2.85 aka 1.3 Beta 2 is currently uploading to extras-devel. It can show elevation profiles for routes (worldwide). The required data is downloaded from a KDE server and cached locally such that subsequent calculations of elevation profiles work offline.

Two new overlays show GPS information (speed, altitude, direction, precision).
If you wonder about the map theme above, that is CloudMade Midnight Commander, recently done as a Google Code-In task.

Panning now does kinetic spinning, i.e. when moving the map it does not stop immediately, but will keep going a bit in the same direction, gradually decelerating. It's not working entirely perfect yet on the N900, but I hope to resolve the remaining glitches until the final release (end of January 2012).

Due to the incompatibility with the development snapshot of monav-routing-daemon someone uploaded to extras-devel Marble has a Conflicts entry for that version of monav-routing-daemon. If you're running on extras-devel and already upgraded to that version of monav-routing-daemon, you won't be able to install Marble. Please downgrade to monav-routing-daemon in extras or extras-testing before installing Marble:

apt-get install monav-routing-daemon=0.3.release-1
Note that our list of speakers for voice navigation is updated as new submissions come in. Check back regularly if your native language is still missing, or even better contribute a speaker file.

Our Meego (Harmattan) version is progressing nicely as well (more on that), here's a recent screenshot:
What are the preferences here regarding Harmattan details, are you interested in updates on it or shall I spare that out in this thread?

marbleuser 2011-12-04 19:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
as you can tell from my username i *USED* to be a fan of marble, but not any longer.

1. routing is still broken as marble has delusions of grandeur and tries to do 'fix' the routes provided by the monav project, and any roads without names screw it up as a result. there are plenty roads without names, so marble driving instructions are unreliable. it wasn't broken, marble tried to fix it, so now it's broken.

2. due to broken routing, i had reduced marble to a simple map reader but now kinetic scrolling doesn't work , and i can't see how to turn it off, so it's random , jerky, bizarre scrolling makes it useless even for that.

earthwings 2011-12-04 22:21

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Monav never provided routing instructions in the daemon. Just like the monav client application, marble has to generate them on its own. So your critique should be that Marble uses a different approach to generate the instructions.

Kinetic scrolling is work in progress as I said in the post above. The new version has a beta label for a reason, and a similar warning goes for extras-devel. Please use the Marble version in extras if you want a stable one.

Estel 2011-12-06 14:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
earthwings, thanks - for You and entire Marble team - for this update!

As for harmattan edition, while I'm not fan of Harm - to say at least - I think it's better to keep everything in one thread. Just one small request - please divide it, using headline (as You did in Your last post).


gianko 2011-12-22 11:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
is it possible to load osm vector data on Marble for N900, something like mapfile.osm ?

ps: on N900 updating to the latest version of Marble it remove Monav, why?

sulu 2011-12-22 11:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1140756)
is it possible to load osm vector data on Marble for N900, something like mapfile.osm ?

No, currently Marble only supports raster data inputs.


Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1140756)
ps: on N900 updating to the latest version of Marble it remove Monav, why?

The monav version in extras-devel is incompatible with Marble. You'll have to install monav from extras or extras-testing.

gianko 2011-12-24 11:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
i found an interesting video

somebody is working on vector data on Marble

Konstantin Oblaukhov extended Marble's OpenStreetMap parsing and vector rendering support during this year's Google Summer of Code.

kureyon 2011-12-25 15:54

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Would be good if someone could reverse engineer Nokia's Ovi Maps format.

Estel 2011-12-26 05:35

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
To gain what? I don't see any sane reason.

earthwings 2012-01-04 21:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Well we do need a solid file format for vector rendering. I'd prefer an open one though.

Marble 1.3 RC 1 is currently being build and will appear in extras-devel in a couple of hours. If you give it a try, I'd be interested in feedback on the kinetic spinning. We improved it, but if the majority agrees that it doesn't behave sane enough yet I'll disable it for the final release.

Routing instructions are now more verbose on unnamed roads. This may generate some noise, especially instructions in the middle of unnamed roads due to what I think is a bug in monav - sometimes it reports intersections where there are none in the original data.

Is there interest to have a map theme for shipped with marble-maps? We had a Google Code-In student create it recently and the author of agreed that we can use it in Marble, so it'd be easy to add it. The map theme provides a public transport view on top of OpenStreetMap.

In the last weeks I've been working on a service running on my server that continuously creates fresh offline data (monav offline routing and offline search) and pushes it to the right KDE server. Once I ironed out the last remaining quirks (a handful of regions fails to convert at the moment and my server has too little memory to process very large countries), I'll switch it live such that data processed immediately becomes available inside Marble. That means you'll have the option to update your offline maps every 1-2 weeks in the future. You can track the thing at even ;-)

Note that our list of voice navigation speakers is growing continuously thanks to recent Google Code-In contributions. Find them at and check back soon as I'll add a handful more in the next days.

kureyon 2012-01-05 04:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1141906)
To gain what? I don't see any sane reason.

I'm assuming this is in reply to my post. Some reasons:
  • readily available maps from Nokia with good worldwide coverage
  • offline routing
  • fairly decent database of postcodes and other POIs

Now if Nokia released a decent version of Ovi Maps for the N900 (and from what I read N9's version is still lacking compared to the Symbian versions), then this wouldn't be necessary.

Estel 2012-01-05 08:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1145836)
Well we do need a solid file format for vector rendering. I'd prefer an open one though.

That's what I was thinking about, and it's also my reply for kureyon. I think, that relying on closed things is too much unnecessary risk in many aspects - at least, I hope that lesson Ubuntu took from java/oracle mess is enough remainder for other projects to. No sane reason to invest time and work into implementing closed maps, that can become unavailable in any moment, if their owners decide to do so.


Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1145836)
Is there interest to have a map theme for shipped with marble-maps? We had a Google Code-In student create it recently and the author of agreed that we can use it in Marble, so it'd be easy to add it. The map theme provides a public transport view on top of OpenStreetMap.

Definitely yes, if it would be provided via Marble maps package, as other non-standard maps :) If You ask me, such custom package could also hold more uncommon things, like map of Mars etc.

Thanks for the update, and keep that good work! Installing immediately.


don_falcone 2012-01-06 12:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1145836)
In the last weeks I've been working on a service running on my server that continuously creates fresh offline data (monav offline routing and offline search) and pushes it to the right KDE server. Once I ironed out the last remaining quirks (a handful of regions fails to convert at the moment and my server has too little memory to process very large countries), I'll switch it live such that data processed immediately becomes available inside Marble. That means you'll have the option to update your offline maps every 1-2 weeks in the future. You can track the thing at even ;-)

Is this the routing information, or also including the map data? Do i have to get map data separately, f.e. from (OSM tiles)? Would this data anyway be usable at all?

fw190 2012-01-08 16:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

I have a problem with donloading routing for Poland. Germany went well but trying to download Poland always fails- it starts and stops. Any hints how to provide logs or any way to download? It worked some time ago fine.

acrux 2012-01-09 08:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by fw190 (Post 1147490)

I have a problem with donloading routing for Poland. Germany went well but trying to download Poland always fails- it starts and stops. Any hints how to provide logs or any way to download? It worked some time ago fine.

I'm having similar results with the Monav Estonia map - the download starts and stops immediately. I was also so stupid to delete the existing map in the hope that the upgrade just does not show up :D . In comparison - the map for Finland downloaded and installed OK.

earthwings 2012-01-09 20:54

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@don_falcone: It includes routing (monav) and offline search for each region. The map tiles are not included and as long as we don't have our own vector format, you have to use the "Download region" feature. Providing tile data for countries like we do for routing is not practical as the required size to store the tiles is too much.

@fw190, @acrux: Thanks for noticing. The sisyphus service I described above deleted them by accident (it cleans up outdated data after a successful upload). It is fixed now and even has updated data (see below).

@everyone: I switched the sisyphus service live now, so offline routing and offline search data is updated every ~ two weeks now. The data is pretty much complete except for France, Germany and the bike and pedestrian maps for the German provinces. These are still the versions from May 2011. Please note that while the majority of countries will show updates, a couple of regions now have different names.
Please post missing regions or requests for other regions here (I need a server with .pbf data though). Updated data for Germany, France and bike/pedestrian data for the German provinces will follow in the next weeks.

fw190 2012-01-09 21:52

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I can report that now it works! Downloading it now! Thanks for the good work!

surfa 2012-01-12 22:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hello, I'm just having a question but so far I can't find something to click on for a simple posting without reply.... I think I will do in the next minutes....

Having installed Marble 1.2.95 (1.3 Release Candidate 1) I am not able to install Monav 0.3.release-3 which is the only version I can see within the programmanager. The programmanager throws the message: Conflicts with program packages (Konflikte mit Programmpaketen). When clicking on Details there is the message: Conflict with programpackages: Marble - Virtual Globe (1.2.95-0).

Someone having an idea?

sulu 2012-01-12 22:51

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by surfa (Post 1149745)
Someone having an idea?

Install monav from extras or extras-testing, not from extras-devel!

aRTee 2012-02-07 16:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
As an N9 user, I was very pleased to find Marble available from the Ovi store!

I didn't realise I should install Monav Routing Daemon as well, so after reading this thread, I found that out and I learnt quite a few other things.

I didn't have high hopes of finding good routing alternatives, since Ovi maps are updated and available life-long (is that the life of the device, which if its robustness is any kind of hint, is going to be very long, or the existence of Nokia as a smartphone manufacturer...).
However, my problems are the lack of routing for cyclists on Ovi maps/routes, plus the thing not being open - I did fix some minor things on Navtec, but then, I prefer to fix OSM.
On Android I use Navit and OSMAnd, which both have their pluses and negs, but at least both can use offline vector maps.

Anyway, my two cents:
yes, would be a great addition / optional feature
vector maps drawing is a must
even if a region/country is indicated to have car navigation, is it possible to navigate for pedestrians/cyclists?

I will have/take some more time tonight to see how things go...

Estel 2012-02-07 18:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
AFAIK, Marble for Harmattan got it's own thread - or at least that was the plan - so, please, keep Maemo thread clean.

aRTee 2012-02-07 21:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1134005)
earthwings, thanks - for You and entire Marble team - for this update!

As for harmattan edition, while I'm not fan of Harm - to say at least - I think it's better to keep everything in one thread. Just one small request - please divide it, using headline (as You did in Your last post).


Your own comment had me post here.

And no, there is no separate harmattan thread, at least, not one that I could find whilst searching for 'marble'.

Estel 2012-02-08 00:26

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
You got me on that. Well, memory fades, so I throw ash on my head, and take my excuses, honestly :o

earthwings 2012-02-08 19:50

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I created now for the Harmattan version.

I didn't package the final Fremantle version 1.3.0 yet as we have an unresolved bug in the elevation profile infobox (activating it crashes Marble in the extras-devel build. Works fine with my scratchbox build). I'm a bit undecided yet whether to fix the bug (might take time) or disable the elevation profile plugin for the time being.

Estel 2012-02-09 15:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
disable elevation profile, upload it, then submit upgrade when bug gets fixed - of course, if it isn't too much hassle. Thanks, by the way!


earthwings 2012-02-19 13:25

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Marble 1.3.0 is uploading to extras-devel at the moment and should be available there in a couple of hours. Compared to Marble 1.2, it adds two new info boxes with GPS related information and kinetic spinning. A new public transport map theme (based on and a spanish voice navigation speaker are included in the default installation. Of course you can install additional map themes from and additional voice navigation speakers from like before.

The elevation profile info box that was included in earlier testing versions is disabled for now as it causes a crash.

reinob 2012-02-19 14:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Thanks for the new version. Seems to work fine.

One quick question (I know I should do it myself but..). I'm currently having a house built, but it's number (which was officially assigned recently) doesn't show up :)

How could I quickly add it to the openstreetmaps?

Add.: I think I managed. Hopefully I didn't make a mess of the map :)

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