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jalyst 2011-10-17 04:39

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Sorry, but I just don't see it the same way at all...
In 6mth you'll be looking at a commercial/FOSS ecosystem that's more successful than the N900 was at the same point.
Despite having much of it's oxygen stolen by the WP strategy, & a lingering Symbian.
Based on everything we know, common sense favours that IMO.
Of course nothing like it could've/should've been, but better than we were with the N900.
Anyway this is getting too off-topic for this thread...
We have the water-cooler thread for such debates:

biatch0 2011-10-17 05:57

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by ziller (Post 1040683)
Probably my most frequently used app is the mafw-lastfm ( scrobbler), I'd love to have it (or any other scrobbler) on N9 as well.

+1 for an N9/N950 scrobbler here as well...

fettouhi 2011-10-17 07:22

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
We seriously need ScummVM on the N9 :D!!!

Isamun 2011-10-17 14:45

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I was really hoping for SomePlayer on the N9, but it seems it wont be done for a while. If anyone has the knowhow and motivation to do this, it would be greatly appreciated :D

I'd love to test or help in any way I can.

Creamy Goodness 2011-10-17 18:49

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1109749)
jalyst, I understand there's not going to be a huge repository of apps, commercial or not but the trend now is discouraging. I've been following Ovi store since N9 started shipping and I don't see useful apps coming every day. It may have been the case for the past 2 months but not now. There are lots of useless RSS feed apps but useful utilities seem to be frozen.

I'm talking about apps like wi-fi analyzer, wi-fi file transfer, bar code reader, QR code reader, gps parking, lyric search, Shazam, ebook readers (yes, I know there is a beta one), MS Office editor, etc which are staples in any platform.

I don't make a distinction between commercial or non-commercial apps. If the developers here want to go commercial it's up to them. Have you noticed that most of the games in which were once free have gone commercial?

There's really no need to scour around the net looking for sources of N9 apps. Any new apps will be reported in Any other source you can find are just repeats. Well, reports a 1 or 2 new apps every few days. Pretty discouraging. You can say N9 has only started shipping but this is wishful justification. Nokia has already given developers a head start months ago. So why are the apps still coming at a trickle?

I'm not ranting against Meego developers here, I'm only expressing my disappointment. Yes, Elop has done all he could to contain N9's mass market appeal but I didn't expect the Meego/Maemo community to just cave in and surrender. Look at N900, there are far more useful apps than N9 now and they were developed by enthusiasts and given free because there was no commercial potential anyway. But now we have the N9 with some commercial potential but the Meego/Maemo community have given Elop an easy victory.

I think there will be lots more things in the store by the end of the year. Nokia has some stuff going on right now that isn't allowed to be discussed publicly, so just trust me when I say that anyone that got the email is busy with their devkits.
If you're wondering what is taking so long, please consider that stuff like this is required reading in my spare time, QML is a new language we all have to learn, and just because it has a simple syntax doesn't mean it's easy to port an app to run on the n9.

slai 2011-10-17 18:52

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I love you.

Creamy Goodness 2011-10-17 19:59

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
this is probably posted already but you can see some of the apps that are supposedly in progress on this list:
for example, mBarcode is being ported already by lardman, and I'll be doing Conky asap. I didn't start yet because I'm working on Proximus still.
If you guys want to see some faster progress, you can always ask people if they need help. Even if you can't code, you might get a beta version to test and it doesn't hurt to make a developer think his work is in demand :)

kjmackey 2011-10-17 20:07

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by Creamy Goodness (Post 1110131)
...and it doesn't hurt to make a developer think his work is in demand :)

As soon as I can get my hands on an N9, preferably mine - but, y'know..., I'm happy to take mBarcode for a beta spin :)

mece 2011-10-18 06:31

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I seemed to have lost the description to this thread, thanks MartenS for reminding me of it.

Anyway, the list you should look at/contribute to is this one: created by ossipena. Anyone can edit it so that makes it more practical than the one in the first post.

Please check and add your requests, and feel free to patch it with links etc if you are a developer or know about the status of an app.

CepiPerez 2011-10-18 13:02

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by fettouhi (Post 1109794)
We seriously need ScummVM on the N9 :D!!!

I've already compiled it
But you can't play most of the games without the keyboard

HtheB 2011-10-18 14:25

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1110398)
I've already compiled it
But you can't play most of the games without the keyboard

How about using a Bluetooth keyboard?
Or using the N950?

There are still many games that you can use like Curse of Monkey Island and Full Throttle which doesn't need a keyboard.

Releasing ScummVM would be great! (Even in the current state!)

CepiPerez 2011-10-18 15:27

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
yes, those games doesn't use the keyboard, but what about the mouse right button?

pelago 2011-10-18 16:00

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I suggest investigating how other devices implement ScummVM. E.g. or

HtheB 2011-10-18 16:50

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1110460)
yes, those games doesn't use the keyboard, but what about the mouse right button?

On the N900, the right mouse button is the volume button.
Maybe you can use those buttons aswell?
(volume + is right mouse button, volume - is menu)

soleil 2011-10-19 08:40

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Some images of DropN9 :

phatman2600 2011-10-20 05:46

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Is there an app where you can have group texts? On my iPhone, I could create a group that we could send texts back and forth and everyone would receive them. Is this iPhone specific?

kike 2011-10-20 06:27

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Jenirok or who is calling. I also liked steamtuner in os2008.

christianko 2011-10-22 19:13

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Is anyone working on porting squeezeplay to N9? I could compile it, using scratchbox for Harmattan,and following the various posts for N900. It runs, but there is still some problems. Eg, it is not fullscreen, but shows a statusbar and an empty bottom panel.

Audio works sort of.

chrisp7 2011-10-23 17:46

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
A bit torrent client would be amazing, namely transmission if anyone has it?

Also, an iplayer app (as unlikely as this is)

Lastly.. some form of bike hire app (I live in London so a Boris boke one!)

SamGan 2011-10-24 02:34

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
We could do with a scientific calculator. The bundled calculator doesn't have sqrt or brackets. It's too basic. I know there is an AlmostTI emulation but it's too complex to use with tiny keys that are very hard to press accurately.

Another app urgently needed is a wi-fi file transfer. Using bluetooth for file by file transfer is inconvenient and not all PCs have bluetooth.

A Parking app using GPS to mark and locate your car would be very useful. In metropolitan centers one can hardly park close to one's destination.

A wi-fi analyzer which can detect and display signal strength, channels and lock status would be another useful app to have.

These are staples in any platform and I hope they can be filled soon before developers start on more esoteric apps. I hope someone's listening.

sph 2011-10-24 08:53

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
QStarDict please

chrisp7 2011-10-24 09:39

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1112635)
We could do with a scientific calculator. The bundled calculator doesn't have sqrt or brackets. It's too basic. I know there is an AlmostTI emulation but it's too complex to use with tiny keys that are very hard to press accurately.

Another app urgently needed is a wi-fi file transfer. Using bluetooth for file by file transfer is inconvenient and not all PCs have bluetooth.

A Parking app using GPS to mark and locate your car would be very useful. In metropolitan centers one can hardly park close to one's destination.

These are staples in any platform and I hope they can be filled soon before developers start on more esoteric apps. I hope someone's listening.

Staples!? wifi transfer and parking app, staples for geeks perhaps but not staples for every platform!:p

HtheB 2011-10-24 11:46

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
There is still no any MSN for the N9.

Since GTK is been ported to Harmattan, I really hope that Pidgin will be ported to the N9 too :(

marrat 2011-10-24 13:58

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I would like to have AutoDisconnect, which drops the Internet connection after a specified amount of time.

There is an option in Harmattan, which does basically the (disable background connections, disconnects unused connections), but it also prevents mail/facebook/weather sync in the background, ie. those sync aren't even allowed to start a new connection.

SamGan 2011-10-24 14:26

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by chrisp7 (Post 1112755)
Staples!? wifi transfer and parking app, staples for geeks perhaps but not staples for every platform!:p

These are not geek apps but general apps for ordinary people and found on ios, android, Symbian, WP7 and Bada. I'm not sure what your definition of geek is but it sure doesn't take any extraordinary knowledge to use a parking app or wi-fi transfer app.

chrisp7 2011-10-24 15:04

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1112864)
These are not geek apps but general apps for ordinary people and found on ios, android, Symbian, WP7 and Bada. I'm not sure what your definition of geek is but it sure doesn't take any extraordinary knowledge to use a parking app or wi-fi transfer app.

They are found but hardly staple. The apps of course would be good to have and the geek in me would like all three you suggested. My slightly pointless catty post was commenting on the 'staple' part of your post. Soz.:)

pirtti 2011-10-24 15:20

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Kindle reader
Zinio reader
...with those three this would be nearly perfect device for me. Unfortunately at least the two latter are apparently not "community" apps. However there wa (is) evernote for N900 so maybe there is some hope with that?

jalyst 2011-10-24 18:34

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1112799)
Since GTK is been ported to Harmattan, I really hope that Pidgin will be ported to the N9 too :(

Do you know how that's going??
there was a bunch of fremantle stuff being ported to GTK upstream.
And then I think it was to be ported to Qt?
A co. was specially contracted for it IIRC.
Sorry, this is somewhat off-topic.

Jeffrey04 2011-10-25 06:42

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by marrat (Post 1112854)
I would like to have AutoDisconnect, which drops the Internet connection after a specified amount of time.

There is an option in Harmattan, which does basically the (disable background connections, disconnects unused connections), but it also prevents mail/facebook/weather sync in the background, ie. those sync aren't even allowed to start a new connection.

i was hoping that there exist a way to automatically disable to 'allow background connections' option when I am on mobile data network, however that is not going to be implemented officially by Nokia. Would have to look for workarounds :/

salyavin 2011-10-26 06:00

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I agree parking application would be nice.

We could also use wifihotspot like on N900 for all of us who cannot use joikuspot.
The problem with the wifihotspot from the N900 is it needs some kernel option that is not in the standard meego kernel so we need a custom kernel as well perhaps. iptables would be nice as well.

I was just looking for a scientific calculator the other day myself. I also found the built in calculator too limiting.

salyavin 2011-10-26 06:53

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
One app I liked to use now and then on the N900 was a call recorder applet. Something that recorded calls on the N9 would be nice.

I also liked the pedometer applet on the N900, I wonder if it is possible to do some kind of pedometer on the N9.

jalyst 2011-10-26 18:33

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1112997)
Do you know how that's going??
there was a bunch of fremantle stuff being ported to GTK upstream.
And then I think it was to be ported to Qt?
A co. was specially contracted for it IIRC.
Sorry, this is somewhat off-topic.

Final bump, anyone know? Thanks.

HtheB 2011-10-27 23:52

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by salyavin (Post 1113770)
I also liked the pedometer applet on the N900, I wonder if it is possible to do some kind of pedometer on the N9.


funkmunk 2011-10-28 11:40

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Is there any Yahoo plugin available in the Accounts section in the N9??

If not then is Pidgin being considered to be ported to Yahoo?? As it seems to be the only fully-featured yahoo messenger for linux.

Hope someone will get this ported to the N9 soon. :)

ink 2012-01-07 08:25

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by salyavin (Post 1113770)
I also liked the pedometer applet on the N900, I wonder if it is possible to do some kind of pedometer on the N9.

dkaplan137 2012-10-30 20:10

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Can Garnet VM run on N9?

thedead1440 2012-10-31 06:12

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by funkmunk (Post 1115049)
Is there any Yahoo plugin available in the Accounts section in the N9??

If not then is Pidgin being considered to be ported to Yahoo?? As it seems to be the only fully-featured yahoo messenger for linux.

Hope someone will get this ported to the N9 soon. :)

You can use pidgin on the n9 the forums for it...

Hint: wolke's method works best currently :D

myname24 2012-11-01 10:27

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by rmoravcik (Post 1040595)
I started porting "Subtitles support" (because it looks like support for external subtitles will not be included again) and for sure "Flashlight".

what happened to this ?

Custodian 2012-11-23 12:44

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by jo21 (Post 1044948)
nelisquare for social

Nelisquare is avaiable for n9/harmattan - check out

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