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TransTech 2011-08-31 02:42

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1079258)
me_quran has worse restrictions. You are not allowed to distribute it with an application without getting permission from the author.

I have that permission and I was using me_quran but it was rendering some words incorrectly (Remember ? :)).

Since you don't have a problem, I'll keep the icon in its place but will try to find a way to center it. I hope that's fine.

There's aare multiple English translations. Check them out :)

Now for bugs:
1) It seems fine here. I'll install the package from the repository and check.
2) Sorry for that bug. I'm trying to upload a fixed version but the auto builder is barfing on it for no obvious reasons. I'll keep trying.
3) I'll make the font size for translations configurable. You want it to be smaller while I have other requests to make it bigger :D

EDIT: The autobuilder worked finally. The latest should hit extras devel soon.

i have problem installing/upgrading this app, as its showing file size mismatch.. etc... please solve this as i tried to fresh install the app and everything failed ... :(

i tried apt-get install n900-quran , apt-get update, apt-get upgrade with --fix-missing and all of them failed... :(

EDIT: worked after installing it manually, downloaded the package and installed with xterm. :)

TransTech 2011-08-31 05:32

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
1 Attachment(s)
finally made a theme matching search icons, one white and one blue (i don't know where you will be using it.. so i made both.)


(p.s. the old search icon which i used in mock-ups was just a drawing in paint and I cannot make that same one, as i didn't had a font which contains magnify symbol.. )

and I also edited the app icons, here it is, (looks good!! :))


here it is:
Attachment 22398

EDIT: oops forgot to attach .svg of the app icon...
here it is:


Minhaz 2011-08-31 06:47

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1079164)
@Minhaz Thanks for your words. Just pray for us all :)

1) Do you mean pick a part number and go to its first page ? Yes I'll add the ability to jump to a specific part or a specific sura (chapter) and aya (verse). That's the next thing I'm planning to do.

It will be accessible from the index page by tapping on an icon in the toolbar (Once I get that icon from TransTech ;))

2) Yes, that will be night mode. I'll start working on it too after I finish number 1 above.

3) You can already add any aya to a list of favorites (Just long press on an aya). If you need to bookmark a part, a sura or a page then add the first aya of it to your favorites. I don't see a need for a separate favorites list.

thanks for the response :) insha Allah will pray for u guys....
btw i meant to filter by sepecific part of the Quran :)

i will be awating for your updates...thanks a lotttt for your hard :)

bzbnd 2011-08-31 07:29

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
thanks a lot for new version but after updating i have a problem . when i run the app i can see the translation but after changing the page translation disappears and i should go to setting disable and reenable translation .

cloud596 2011-08-31 08:01

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by bzbnd (Post 1079376)
thanks a lot for new version but after updating i have a problem . when i run the app i can see the translation but after changing the page translation disappears and i should go to setting disable and reenable translation .

read 3 post above,
and 1 page before.
Download latest update
open via ham or dpkg

onasre 2011-08-31 16:15

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1079230)
Tafseer is there (under translations). There are 2 Arabic ones.

Searching will return a lot of results. Do you really want that ? :)


when u hide the Tafseer from setting menu , isnt same as if disabled , i mean how to show the hidden tafsser when needed .without having to enable it back from settings menu.

Search could be just an option .

TransTech 2011-08-31 17:49

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by onasre (Post 1079617)

when u hide the Tafseer from setting menu , isnt same as if disabled , i mean how to show the hidden tafsser when needed .without having to enable it back from settings menu.

Search could be just an option .

when the translations are hidden, they can be viewed by tapping on the verse (ayat) you like.

btw search function will only be used to jump to a specific ayat, surah, juzz etc. from the index..

TransTech 2011-08-31 18:01

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1079230)
Tafseer is there (under translations). There are 2 Arabic ones.

Searching will return a lot of results. Do you really want that ? :)

I'm unable to find Tafseer in english and urdu languages , i can only find translations for both of them. please check this link for english tafsir that i want...


onasre 2011-08-31 19:51

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1079660)

btw search function will only be used to jump to a specific ayat, surah, juzz etc. from the index..

Thats Fine , Cuz Sometime you think about an Ayah and u just Can not remember in which Surah you Read it .. Searching will definitely be a great help to Find out which Surah u are looking for

sensortk 2011-08-31 23:10

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Barak Allah feek
may God bless you

**but I have some simple improvements

1.can you offer nice islamic backgrounds would be AWESOME if you made ((((auto-scroll))) with configurable speed

MSameer 2011-09-03 20:41

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Sorry for the delay. I had some real life issues and just got a bit busy.

I really don't know what's wrong with the last release but the next one will face better luck (I hope).

@cloud596 Since you created the logo, I'd like to credit you in the about page. How would you want me to do that ?

@TransTech Thanks for the logo and the rest of the icons. will check them ASAP.

I can't unfortunately ship that english tafseer. It's not even split into ayat! The best option is hoping I'll implement custom translations support and then you can import that.

@onasre I'll look into implementing searching then. It will take a while though.

@sensortk auto scroll is in the todo list. I'll also implement scrolling via the +/- keys. I guess scrolling via +/- is enough ?
And about the backgrounds, I don't think I'll offer them. Are you reading the text or watching the backgrounds ? :)

If someone feels like offering some suitable ones then I can add a setting to select them.

MSameer 2011-09-03 20:51

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
0.3.4-1 came out of the auto builder :)

* Redesigned the settings page.
* Added the ability to jump to a page, verse or part from the index page.
* Added the ability to set the font size for translations.

What do you guys think about putting jump to aya/page/part in the index page menu ?

Jigzy 2011-09-03 22:24

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Mash'Allah excellent app and thank you for implementing diffrent font sizes.

May Allah reward you for this!!!

TransTech 2011-09-04 08:38

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
I created a mock-up of the dockbar to implement change reciter and change translation hope this one looks good,

i also got a background image but i personally dont like that idea (i like a clean UI),

i also created a globe icon for downloading translations from settings hope it looks better than the 'T' icon.

@MSameer: please use the magnify icon i posted in my previous post in the index page, because the menu icon is confusing.. :)

** I have one request that can you make the navigation icons like in the mock-ups (i.e. big area to tap to navigate because the present icons are small and uneasy to tap easily..) and one more thing can you make the surah heading bigger and possibly like in the mockup because it would look prefect then...thanks :)

Attachments and Images::>


MSameer 2011-09-04 16:35

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
I don't think the backgrounds idea is going to happen. I also don't like it.

It seems you are still trying to center the page number with the new mockup. That won't happen. The F icon will be hidden if you disab;e translations and recitations which is the default for a fresh install. The number will not be centered.

What's wrong with the T icon in the settings page ? It's still translations. I can add a menu and an entry to it for managing translations.

I thought about using icons for the various options in the index page:
1) The book for jump to page
2) End of aya-like icon for jumping to an aya
3) an icon I don't know about yet for jumping to part

This might make the options a bit more obvious.

I'm still going to work on the sura header but it will still obey the font size. I don't want to hardcode the size for it.

I'll also do the navigation soon. I'm not yet done with theming :)

MSameer 2011-09-04 16:36

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
And 0.3.5-1 is out of the auto builder with text searching (Accessible from the main menu).

prankster 2011-09-04 17:20

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
MSameer great work by the way ..besides i thought before you finalize things ,since the app is written in qml so if this could be implemented ?
you know it will be a blast if you could do something like this .
tafsir options ? audio output ?
thanks for presenting sucha a great great harmattan interface

TransTech 2011-09-04 18:11

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by prankster (Post 1081852)
MSameer great work by the way ..besides i thought before you finalize things ,since the app is written in qml so if this could be implemented ?
you know it will be a blast if you could do something like this .
tafsir options ? audio output ?
thanks for presenting sucha a great great harmattan interface

Arabic Tafsir is already present, other languages maybe in future, it will be done using custom tafsir files as MSameer said, dunno when it will come (or not) . Audio of recitation and translation will be coming and already in todo list.

The navigation effect you have shown in youtube video is good but maybe not possible in this app, as MSameer told he will be using tap for recitation of the verse, and also the hidden translation, bookmarks and tafsir will be pushed to long press menu or floating dockbars below the verse.


TransTech 2011-09-04 18:46

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1081828)
I don't think the backgrounds idea is going to happen. I also don't like it.

It seems you are still trying to center the page number with the new mockup. That won't happen. The F icon will be hidden if you disab;e translations and recitations which is the default for a fresh install. The number will not be centered.

What's wrong with the T icon in the settings page ? It's still translations. I can add a menu and an entry to it for managing translations.

I thought about using icons for the various options in the index page:
1) The book for jump to page
2) End of aya-like icon for jumping to an aya
3) an icon I don't know about yet for jumping to part

This might make the options a bit more obvious.

I'm still going to work on the sura header but it will still obey the font size. I don't want to hardcode the size for it.

I'll also do the navigation soon. I'm not yet done with theming :)

I forgot to change the places of pg.number and other icons to the present locations, sorry. i was just showing the transperant menu background with full option name and a bulge design for the "F" icon when the menu is opened in that mock-up.

The T icon in setting is not properly signifying a message to download translations when the app is freshly installed so i thought a globe icon is neccessary there... but it changes to T icon when any translation is downloaded so that the user knows that its a translation settings button... :)

here are the icons you requested.. :) hope it looks fine..

i have made them in both light and dark formats as i dont know where you will be placing them.


EDIT: > Dock Mockup 7 Corrected.. (showing soft transparent menus and menu icon bulge.)

niqbal 2011-09-04 19:37

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
great app, does it use system fonts? or does it use its own set of fonts? and also if it uses system fonts, which fonts look the best for reading Quran?

Translation is not working for me. I just installed the latest 0.3.5 version. It says 'Failed to Load Translation' and also when i click on 'T', it doesn't have any translations to choose from

@eefo thanks mate, you were spot on. I think i should've searched the thread more. I think the interface is slick, very neatly done.

eefo 2011-09-04 19:45

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by niqbal (Post 1081909)
great app, does it use system fonts? or does it use its own set of fonts? and also if it uses system fonts, which fonts look the best for reading Quran?

Translation is not working for me. I just installed the latest 0.3.5 version. It says 'Failed to Load Translation' and also when i click on 'T', it doesn't have any translations to choose from


for translation , go into settings then click on T and then add translation and the select your version and the download it and the go back on the main page and hit T and choose your translation
hope this will work

MSameer 2011-09-04 21:00

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
@prankster Yes it can be done but it would be an overkill for this application.

@TransTech I'd really love to unify the icons. I can move the option to the menu instead of the toolbar. Would that be better ?

The icons you provided will be used in the toolbar of the index page instead of the menu.

MSameer 2011-09-04 21:02

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by niqbal (Post 1081909)
great app, does it use system fonts? or does it use its own set of fonts? and also if it uses system fonts, which fonts look the best for reading Quran?

Translation is not working for me. I just installed the latest 0.3.5 version. It says 'Failed to Load Translation' and also when i click on 'T', it doesn't have any translations to choose from

@eefo thanks mate, you were spot on. I think i should've searched the thread more. I think the interface is slick, very neatly done.

The translation handling needs some improvements. Do you have any idea how to improve the usability of that part ?

Thanks eefo. You were faster than me :)

prankster 2011-09-04 21:06

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
i would say then lets have it or lets have other suggestions too ?
i just loved the Qt work on N900,though that was just a demo ,i tried to find source code so that i could be a help but couldnt find any.Rest you know better what you like to do .I always wanted this app to be a set example to all others Qt apps .thanks anyway ! i love the way you working on it .Great

onasre 2011-09-04 21:26

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Thank u Bro For adding Search Functionality , Would it be Much to ask

1- Search On partial Of a word .. For Example : انلزمكموها to look for only first 4 digits انلز

lets Say WHY ! Well i tried to see if the App can find the Above word , But Sadly No result . Some words on the Holy Quran are Written different than what it might Sound . Such as ابراهيم

So searching for a part on the word might brings it up ..

2- Stop Searching Button ..

Thanks again for ur time been used for this useful App ..

MSameer 2011-09-04 21:31

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by prankster (Post 1081941)
i would say then lets have it or lets have other suggestions too ?
i just loved the Qt work on N900,though that was just a demo ,i tried to find source code so that i could be a help but couldnt find any.Rest you know better what you like to do .I always wanted this app to be a set example to all others Qt apps .thanks anyway ! i love the way you working on it .Great

The problem is the transition is slow. If we have it for the prev/next navigation then it will look cool for the first few minutes/hours but then it will be boring. What do you think ?

Anyway here's his blog post:

And the code can be obtained from here:

The Application code is in this git repository:

Good luck :)

MSameer 2011-09-04 21:46

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by onasre (Post 1081949)
Thank u Bro For adding Search Functionality , Would it be Much to ask

1- Search On partial Of a word .. For Example : انلزمكموها to look for only first 4 digits انلز

lets Say WHY ! Well i tried to see if the App can find the Above word , But Sadly No result . Some words on the Holy Quran are Written different than what it might Sound . Such as ابراهيم

So searching for a part on the word might brings it up ..

2- Stop Searching Button ..

Thanks again for ur time been used for this useful App ..

When you search, you use the normal writing way "املائي". Don't follow the moshaf writing rules.

I tried doing a fuzzy search and seems the engine can handle it fast enough.

There are 2 issues here:
1) Doing fuzzy search will return a lot of results. Are you sure you want to check them all ? We can also add a "checkbox" to enable fuzzy search. What do you think ?
2) You have to take care of any hamza. If an alef has a hamza then the search query must have it as well. That's a limitation of the database backend I'm using. I'm not sure it can be fixed easily.

You don't need a button to stop searching. Searching is instantaneous and doesn't continue in the background.

TransTech 2011-09-05 08:23

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1081938)
@prankster Yes it can be done but it would be an overkill for this application.

@TransTech I'd really love to unify the icons. I can move the option to the menu instead of the toolbar. Would that be better ?

The icons you provided will be used in the toolbar of the index page instead of the menu.

I like your idea.. :) do it as you want i.e. put the search icons on toolbar instead of the menu in Index page.. I personally dont like the menus coming up and down all the time, its a bit disturbing...

I would like to see search icons (go to: ayat, page, part) in search page (word search) also... :)

p.s. do you want backgrounds for buttons i.e. buttons in goto page 1,2,3 etc, search, reset settings ... and others.. ?


onasre 2011-09-05 09:55

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1081955)
When you search, you use the normal writing way "املائي". Don't follow the moshaf writing rules.

I tried doing a fuzzy search and seems the engine can handle it fast enough.

There are 2 issues here:
1) Doing fuzzy search will return a lot of results. Are you sure you want to check them all ? We can also add a "checkbox" to enable fuzzy search. What do you think ?
2) You have to take care of any hamza. If an alef has a hamza then the search query must have it as well. That's a limitation of the database backend I'm using. I'm not sure it can be fixed easily.

You don't need a button to stop searching. Searching is instantaneous and doesn't continue in the background.

1- Yah adding Checkbox or Drop down selection would be Great Help ,

2- if you still Hunting for ideas , I got you one . But might not an easy one , i would not do it if am a Dev :)
is Play a selected Ayah or Chapter .

it is not a good idea i know it :) but it just idea . this can make the size of the App Very Big ..

MSameer 2011-09-05 18:36

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by onasre (Post 1082107)
1- Yah adding Checkbox or Drop down selection would be Great Help ,

2- if you still Hunting for ideas , I got you one . But might not an easy one , i would not do it if am a Dev :)
is Play a selected Ayah or Chapter .

it is not a good idea i know it :) but it just idea . this can make the size of the App Very Big ..

Recitations will be implemented. It's in the TODO list. It won't make the app big as you will have to download it from within the app itself (Like translations).

I added a checkbos for matching whole words. It's in the git repository. I'll try to create a new release today or tomorrow ISA.

MSameer 2011-09-05 18:40

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1082078)
I like your idea.. :) do it as you want i.e. put the search icons on toolbar instead of the menu in Index page.. I personally dont like the menus coming up and down all the time, its a bit disturbing...

I would like to see search icons (go to: ayat, page, part) in search page (word search) also... :)

p.s. do you want backgrounds for buttons i.e. buttons in goto page 1,2,3 etc, search, reset settings ... and others.. ?


Why do you want them moved to the search page ? The logical place is the index page.
Searching is for free text searching.

I'm fine with moving them to the toolbar.

I don't think we need backgrounds for buttons. You already created them. I just need to start using them but the UI is changing a lot as you can see.

The menu might be removed one day. It could be replaced with a second toolbar ;) Let's just see :)

EDIT: I cannot use the verse, part and page icons. They are not square :(

TransTech 2011-09-05 19:39

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1082399)
Why do you want them moved to the search page ? The logical place is the index page.
Searching is for free text searching.

I'm fine with moving them to the toolbar.

I don't think we need backgrounds for buttons. You already created them. I just need to start using them but the UI is changing a lot as you can see.

The menu might be removed one day. It could be replaced with a second toolbar ;) Let's just see :)

EDIT: I cannot use the verse, part and page icons. They are not square :(

Actually I want the ayat, page, and part icons on both the places i.e in index and as well as in search, as it would be easy...

as for the icons problem, i'll check and tell you by tomorrow morning.. as its very late here... (1.00 am) :)

TransTech 2011-09-05 19:47

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1082396)
Recitations will be implemented. It's in the TODO list. It won't make the app big as you will have to download it from within the app itself (Like translations).

I added a checkbos for matching whole words. It's in the git repository. I'll try to create a new release today or tomorrow ISA.

Can we place/use our own downloaded recitations from pc to n900 as some people have slow internet and cannot download all files through app as they will be in hundreds of megabytes... :)

And also can we use audio translations.. as i have verse by verse urdu translations audio.

MSameer 2011-09-05 20:18

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1082448)
Can we place/use our own downloaded recitations from pc to n900 as some people have slow internet and cannot download all files through app as they will be in hundreds of megabytes... :)

And also can we use audio translations.. as i have verse by verse urdu translations audio.

Implementing custom recitations will be easier than implementing custom translations. I have an idea in mind that should make it easy to do custom recitations.

You don't need recitations for translations. You can always use the translation audio as a custom recitation ;)

Regarding icons: Adding them to both pages will look weird but I'll add them. That's not an issue.

I guess the new release will have to wait for the icons then :)

TransTech 2011-09-06 06:28

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1082469)
Implementing custom recitations will be easier than implementing custom translations. I have an idea in mind that should make it easy to do custom recitations.

You don't need recitations for translations. You can always use the translation audio as a custom recitation ;)

Regarding icons: Adding them to both pages will look weird but I'll add them. That's not an issue.

I guess the new release will have to wait for the icons then :)

ok so we can cycle between them...:) that fantastic...:) btw can we listem to whole surah recitation/translation.

Sorry for the icons delay, i had to remake them and create svgs of all..

here is the link:


niqbal 2011-09-06 07:53

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Just two humble suggestions.

1: swipe from left to right -> go to next page; swipe from right to left -> go to previous page
2: Settings -> Translations rather than a 'T' and it can allow you to do the same exact thing that pressing 'T' already has so no major code work just changing the menu item

TransTech 2011-09-06 08:44

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by niqbal (Post 1082662)
Just two humble suggestions.

1: swipe from left to right -> go to next page; swipe from right to left -> go to previous page
2: Settings -> Translations rather than a 'T' and it can allow you to do the same exact thing that pressing 'T' already has so no major code work just changing the menu item

swip left or right was present before, but it created problems for some users... so he changed it to navigation buttons... btw the navigation buttons have some work pending.... ;) hope to see them fixed in future builds...

MSameer 2011-09-06 09:22

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by niqbal (Post 1082662)
Just two humble suggestions.

1: swipe from left to right -> go to next page; swipe from right to left -> go to previous page
2: Settings -> Translations rather than a 'T' and it can allow you to do the same exact thing that pressing 'T' already has so no major code work just changing the menu item

1) Swiping was there and it really confused a lot of people so we had to use arrows. However, the new release will make the whole left and right part clickable which should ease the navigation.

2) I can move the "T" icon to the menu and use the word "Translations" for that. Seems the "T" is confusing...


Navigation bar work has been pushed into git. It should be present in the new release I'll try to create tonight ISA.

The right and left arrows are the same. Only the remaining colored part is semi transparent (very low opacity) as it was interfering with reading the actual text. You will see it :)

I'll check the icons when I'm back home.

MSameer 2011-09-06 16:34

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
0.3.6-1 is out :)
* Navigation bar now has a background that fills the page height to ease tapping.
* Added the ability to search partial words.
* Theme improvements for the chapter title.
* Moved the goto part/page/verse to the toolbar.

Ideas for the next release:

I'll try to merge the index and search pages into 1 page. That's why I didn't put the icons into the search page.

I also need to add the translated sura names. I have them already but need to work on that.

I guess I'll remove the "T" button from the settings page and add a normal button instead.

I'll see if I can start theming the buttons.

TransTech 2011-09-06 19:04

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Liked the navigation and chapter name theme improvement... i'll be waiting for the translated Surah names.. btw the navigation bar opacity should be little bit more visible.. as its very light (because it will contrast the navigation buttons and make them more visible).. :) i have an idea for the search page merging into the index page. i.e use the magnify icon in index dockbar for search..:)

The translation button idea is really good, i was thinking for the one too..:) also you can group similar functions under one head.. i.e translation font, translation manager (downloader and remover) under Translations. etc. :)

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