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Acidspunk 2012-04-22 12:12

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Just got an update for this. Is there a changelog somewhere? Thanks Bonapart! :)

bonapart 2012-04-22 12:21

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Acidspunk it's not me, according to build service it's sakya ...
Changes that he wrote in build service is
* Fixed options layout

sakya 2012-04-22 12:47

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Yes, it's me, I just added labels to the options screen and icons to the start/configure buttons.

Acidspunk 2012-04-22 13:11

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Well, thanks sakya. :)

Mohammed Muid 2012-04-22 16:10

Re: [Announce] gpSP
i downloaded this emulator. downloaded the roms and put it in a folder in MyDocs. i also put the gba_bios.bin in MyDocs. opened the app. opened the game.the game opens but its stuck in licensced by nintendo screen. pressing any key doesnot work.what to do? please help

bonapart 2012-04-22 16:17

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Mohammed Muid tap title- select copy bios
after coping from menu you can delete bios from MyDocs

Mohammed Muid 2012-04-22 16:38

Re: [Announce] gpSP
i did select the bios. but dint delete it. do i hav to delete it? is it necessary?

bonapart 2012-04-22 16:52

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Mohammed Muid no. Bios is copied to /opt and used from there, bios that you put to MyDocs simply doesn't needed anymore
if emu doesn't work read ( replace psx4m-gui to gpspmgui ) and create report ;-)

Mohammed Muid 2012-04-22 17:54

Re: [Announce] gpSP
the game opens. all the games shows on the list. for example when i open 007. it opens. the change language screen comes very slow. it goes from dark to bright in few seconds. as if its running on 1mhz :p. my phone is newly flashed running latest cssu testing and kp50 at 900mhz. i also changed the keys. but pressing any key doesnot change the language or move the selction also doesnt close. i have to bring the multitasking screen via ctrl+backspace then i hav to close it. its same for all games. roms are downloaded from and are in zip format

Acidspunk 2012-04-22 18:09

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by Mohammed Muid (Post 1195964)
the game opens. all the games shows on the list. for example when i open 007. it opens. the change language screen comes very slow. it goes from dark to bright in few seconds. as if its running on 1mhz :p. my phone is newly flashed running latest cssu testing and kp50 at 900mhz. i also changed the keys. but pressing any key doesnot change the language or move the selction also doesnt close. i have to bring the multitasking screen via ctrl+backspace then i hav to close it. its same for all games. roms are downloaded from and are in zip format

Go to options, set the screen to double or triple scale and the sound buffer to 4096 bytes.

byakabs 2012-04-22 18:17

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by Mohammed Muid (Post 1195964)
the game opens. all the games shows on the list. for example when i open 007. it opens. the change language screen comes very slow. it goes from dark to bright in few seconds. as if its running on 1mhz :p. my phone is newly flashed running latest cssu testing and kp50 at 900mhz. i also changed the keys. but pressing any key doesnot change the language or move the selction also doesnt close. i have to bring the multitasking screen via ctrl+backspace then i hav to close it. its same for all games. roms are downloaded from and are in zip format

for normal speed you mast set next options:
Frameskip - auto
Sound buffer - max

sakya 2012-04-29 15:01

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Just wanted to share this information.
To make Mario Advance 4 (and other games) work with gpsp you need to patch it:

Just set Flash_Type and 64kb and patch the rom. It works. ;)

Acidspunk 2012-05-03 23:28

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by sakya (Post 1199088)
Just wanted to share this information.
To make Mario Advance 4 (and other games) work with gpsp you need to patch it:

Just set Flash_Type and 64kb and patch the rom. It works. ;)

Yep, it works with Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga! It doesn't crash anymore. Thanks Sakya.

optimaxxx 2012-05-08 17:16

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Hey, i followed this guide, for gpsp, and it doesn't seem to fix the "1m sub-circuit" issue.

Anybody figured out how to make this work?

for STOCK pokeman firered?

visN900 2012-05-09 00:20

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 1203619)
Hey, i followed this guide, for gpsp, and it doesn't seem to fix the "1m sub-circuit" issue.

Anybody figured out how to make this work?

for STOCK pokeman firered?

thats pokemon fire red's rom problem.. they haven't fixed it.. try leafgreen instead.. its works fine

optimaxxx 2012-05-09 17:41

Re: [Announce] gpSP
wow, that really sucks, pretty much halfway through firered omega...
damn that sucks!

and there really isn't any functional workaround?

Brian_7 2012-05-09 17:45

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Finally Mario power tennis works, but on vgba. With that patch i don't have the reboot problem anymore. I tried it on gpsp, but the screen looks so small and it is so slow.

zzzchainzzz 2012-05-09 18:12

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by sakya (Post 1199088)
Just wanted to share this information.
To make Mario Advance 4 (and other games) work with gpsp you need to patch it:

Just set Flash_Type and 64kb and patch the rom. It works. ;)

What next after setting both flash_type and 64kb? press send ?

i can see my file in the dialogue window... is that d whole process?

Acidspunk 2012-05-09 18:40

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by zzzchainzzz (Post 1204222)
What next after setting both flash_type and 64kb? press send ?

i can see my file in the dialogue window... is that d whole process?

yeah press send and it will create a new file on the folder you\ve selected.

OMOIKANE 2012-06-12 10:11

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Is it possible to make savestate files near roms? Missing savestates after backupmenu's backup restore(

bonapart 2012-06-12 17:36

Re: [Announce] gpSP
OMOIKANE: ln -s should help...

misiak 2012-06-12 23:11

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by bonapart (Post 1221013)
OMOIKANE: ln -s should help...

I think he meant e.g. when you have rom A in /home/user/MyDocs/games/romA.gba, the save could be saved in the same directory under same name, e.g. /home/user/MyDocs/games/romA.gba.save1, but when rom B is in /home/user/MyDocs/garbage/dir/romB.gba, the save would be saved as /home/user/MyDocs/garbage/dir/romB.gba.save1, etc. I don't use gpSP, but I suppose all saves are saved in one directory, so ln -s would only change that whole directory, not save saves in each rom's directory. As I said, I don't use gpSP so please forgive me if I wrote something which has no sense ;)

OMOIKANE 2012-06-13 16:01

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by bonapart (Post 1221013)
OMOIKANE: ln -s should help...

I can't symlink /home/opt/maemo/usr/games.
Here is some exe files and other staff.
I think this is very strange place for savestates.

Addison 2012-07-11 06:54

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Any chance you could somehow use your -scin option with Picodrive?

Sorry that I keep asking for this. :(

SSLMM 2012-07-25 14:56

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Is there any workaround to get Golden Sun 2 playable? Golden Sun 1 works almost perfectly (some rare graphic glitchs but nothing that prevents gameplay) and i just finished it but wanted to continue the story to the second game.

When we start a new game it just reboots after the characters are showed, and if i transfer a .SAV file from pc, it reboots after the title screen.

Thanks in advance

Edit: in gpSP-j ( for the psp) the game works fine (but slow on psp :s ). I don't know it that helps...

luiscesjr 2012-07-27 01:08

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by sakya (Post 1199088)
Just wanted to share this information.
To make Mario Advance 4 (and other games) work with gpsp you need to patch it:

Just set Flash_Type and 64kb and patch the rom. It works. ;)

Added that to the Wiki, if there are any inacurate information, please
people, feel free to edit it.


Originally Posted by SSLMM (Post 1242798)
Edit: in gpSP-j ( for the psp) the game works fine (but slow on psp :s ). I don't know it that helps...

Which version of gpSP for psp are you using? The Kai's version has a workaround for some games, but well, I will not really get into it as this kai version it's none of my business, but check out google on why it's not a viable option on many cases, and why it's so slow.

skate_boy92 2012-07-27 16:54

Re: [Announce] gpSP
I entered those commands:
chmod 777 /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown user /opt/maemo/usr/games
chown -R user:users /home/user/.config/Team16

but nothing happend except those commands:
mkdir -P /home/user/.config/Team16/gpsp/

when I entered this command:
chmod 666 /opt/gpspm/conf.gpsp
it said: chmod 666 /opt/gpspm/conf.gpsp: No such file or directory

any solution?

bonapart 2012-07-27 17:16

Re: [Announce] gpSP
open gui and try to configure keys?
i didn't see any problematic in your post...

skate_boy92 2012-07-28 03:43

Re: [Announce] gpSP
The games start too slowly. What should I configure?

bonapart 2012-07-28 06:03

Re: [Announce] gpSP
sound buffer to maximum

skate_boy92 2012-07-28 15:40

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Yea. It worked very well. Thanks a lot

SSLMM 2012-08-07 13:22

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Is there any way to change save type to flash 128 kb?
I want to play a hacked firered rom, but can't save ( as other users have mentioned before) and to progress in the game we need ingame save working. on gameboid we can select the save type and the save works there or in VBA on the computer by just selecting "flash 128 kb". On gpsp for psp (i don't kwow if it is a good comparison) it gives the user to change flash type.


mrwormp 2012-08-30 13:43

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Recently whenever I open gpSP and start a game it would close instantly and the only way I can get a game to play is to first start pokemon emerald, close it then start another game. any suggestion to correct this.

visN900 2012-08-31 00:10

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by SSLMM (Post 1248687)
Is there any way to change save type to flash 128 kb?
I want to play a hacked firered rom, but can't save ( as other users have mentioned before) and to progress in the game we need ingame save working. on gameboid we can select the save type and the save works there or in VBA on the computer by just selecting "flash 128 kb". On gpsp for psp (i don't kwow if it is a good comparison) it gives the user to change flash type.


do one thing then.. start pokemon from your PC.. save the game inside it(inside game click to get those options like pokedex pokemon etc.. in that click save) and u ll c pokemon ***.sav in that folder(inorder to change the save type to 128kb go to file->emulator->save type->flash128).. take that .sav file and drop it in opt/maemo/usr/games..go to pokemon game and wait till it shows the main scrren.. there u ll c continue.. click it and enjoy :D then whenever you save a gave(the same save method as mentioned above) it overwrites it :D

visN900 2012-08-31 00:13

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by mrwormp (Post 1257919)
Recently whenever I open gpSP and start a game it would close instantly and the only way I can get a game to play is to first start pokemon emerald, close it then start another game. any suggestion to correct this.

make sure u have the correct configurations for that game too.. or reload the config's once again and save them..

FIQ 2012-11-20 13:44

Re: [Announce] gpSP

I just want to mention one thing.
It seems that some people here (I know that I did) has issues with flash format, and for me personally, the "save in PC and move .sav" solution didn't work out.

It seems as the configuration directory is /opt/maemo/usr/games/ - this is where saves are stored and such. However, there's a configuration file that has specific configuration for each game to fix compatibility (including save flash size). This file is in /opt/gpspm for me. This place isn't recognized by the GUI. The real solution should be making the GUI read/write to that directory instead of /opt/maemo/usr/games, but this should work as a temporary solution:

~ $ cd /opt
/opt $ cd gpspm
/opt/gpspm $ cp game_config.txt /opt/maemo/usr/games

skate_boy92 2012-11-21 12:54

Re: [Announce] gpSP
after flashing the phone, I installed gpsp and quickload, quicksave don't work (I have set the key already)

Acidspunk 2012-11-21 16:51

Re: [Announce] gpSP

Originally Posted by skate_boy92 (Post 1296727)
after flashing the phone, I installed gpsp and quickload, quicksave don't work (I have set the key already)

Try typing this in xterminal and then try again.


chmod 666 /opt/gpspm/conf.gpsp
chown user:users /home/user/.config/Team16/gpspmgui/

skate_boy92 2012-11-22 11:32

Re: [Announce] gpSP
still not work... >_<

skate_boy92 2012-11-23 11:49

Re: [Announce] gpSP
anybody helps?

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