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pali 2012-04-28 02:26

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by fw190 (Post 1198452)
I probably did something wrong and here is the output of my mess:

BusyBox v1.20.0 (Debian 1.20.0power1) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

~ $ sudo u-boot-update-bootmenu
Adding bootmenu entry for: Maemo 5 (Internal Nand)

Configuration file: /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-power-
Generating u-boot image for kernel 'zImage-'...
/usr/bin/mkimage: line 1: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")
~ $

any hints what to do now?

I updated package u-boot-tools. Try download and install again.

fw190 2012-04-28 07:20

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Now the command went ok but when I boot with the keyboard opened and pick up kernel power I get a boot menu and when I pick up kernel power again I get Booting from (mtdblock4 jffs2)... and white screen and nothing happens.

pali 2012-04-28 09:33

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by fw190 (Post 1198502)
Now the command went ok but when I boot with the keyboard opened and pick up kernel power I get a boot menu and when I pick up kernel power again I get Booting from (mtdblock4 jffs2)... and white screen and nothing happens.

Fanoush bootmenu does not support booting other kernels. I published new version of Fanoush bootmenu which ignore kernel entries. See thread:

fw190 2012-04-28 11:42

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Now everything works! Thank you very much!

pali 2012-04-28 11:45

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Now I found one other problem in this u-boot version: U-Boot RX51 board code does not tell correct RAM size. I will build new version.

pali 2012-04-28 11:51

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1198593)
Now I found one other problem in this u-boot version: U-Boot RX51 board code does not tell correct RAM size. I will build new version.

deb packages updated, source code on gitorious too. I also fixed build problem in debian/rules

J4ZZ 2012-04-28 12:07

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1198445)
Do you mean new u-boot or new fanoush bootmenu?

U-boot from first post. I installed tools, then flasher and then extracted kernel from tar.gz.... u-boot-update-bootmenu and then rebooted... Since then reboot loop and a non working device :(

pali 2012-04-28 12:12

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
J4ZZ, flash defualt kernel. If you are using kernel power, make sure that also default nokia kernel is installed. If you have fanoush bootmenu, update it to new version.

J4ZZ 2012-04-28 12:55

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1198612)
J4ZZ, flash defualt kernel. If you are using kernel power, make sure that also default nokia kernel is installed. If you have fanoush bootmenu, update it to new version.

Flashed default kernel. But I don't get what you mean by having both (default and power kernel) installed.

Anyway, flashing default kernel didn't help... I'm still reboot looping.

pali 2012-04-28 17:51

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
New version again :-) Now SW cursor is working. Also patches (without bootmenu) was sent to u-boot mailinglist, so its time to see nokia 900 support in upstream u-boot.

skykooler 2012-04-29 03:53

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Ok, I tried a different brand of MicroSD card and it worked fine, no more 110 errors. The ones that were giving me trouble were Micro Center brand cards; I don't know the brand that worked, I've had them for a while.

pali 2012-04-29 07:07

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
So no other problems with SD cards? Sounds good.

Can somebody other test also booting systems from SD card (to be sure that problems are really fixed)?

stlpaul 2012-04-29 08:39

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by skykooler (Post 1198920)
Ok, I tried a different brand of MicroSD card and it worked fine, no more 110 errors. The ones that were giving me trouble were Micro Center brand cards; I don't know the brand that worked, I've had them for a while.

FYI Micro Center cards are almost always rebranded A-Data cards.

Nobless 2012-04-29 10:12

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
I'm trying to boot nitdroid but no sucess, i extracted N12_UMay.tar.bz2 and updated with N12_update_2.3.7.tar.bz2 then installed nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-07_7-rc7_armel.deb. Also I tryed to copy this and kernels to mmcblk0p5

I use your .item from your u-boot-images_2012.04-1.tar.gz

ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 rw rootdelay=10 init=/init panic=20 debug"
Sometimes i get NITDROID boot logo for few seconds but stills he hangs and shutdown and and don't remember with which kernel i booted to boot screen...

Can anyone say which kernel i should use to boot Nitdroid with u-boot, because i'm trying to do this 2 days and nothing, maybe I do some mistakes somewhere else ?

starkwiz 2012-04-29 13:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Thanks Pali for great work on u-boot. It makes multi-boot in N900 easier and safe.

How to set default boot entry in u-boot ?

I am not very sure if this has been answered before. I tried looking in this forum but didn't get a straight answer.

I am using the power kernel in multi-boot mode and would like it to be set as default.

Now, I have to make sure that the keypad is out before I power-up N900 and select power kernel boot entry.


vakkov 2012-04-29 18:55

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
@Nobless you didn't replace and init_subsys

fw190 2012-04-29 19:01

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1198953)
So no other problems with SD cards? Sounds good.

Can somebody other test also booting systems from SD card (to be sure that problems are really fixed)?

I'm running Nemomobile from SD card. works ok. The system starts without problems.

sicelo 2012-04-29 19:20

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
what about booting from eMMC partitions.. is that 'fixed'?

Hurrian 2012-04-30 10:40

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1198953)
So no other problems with SD cards? Sounds good.

Can somebody other test also booting systems from SD card (to be sure that problems are really fixed)?

I'm still hit by -110 error on a 32GB Sandisk Class 4, starting Nemo 2012-04-12.1

EDIT: It was probably a fluke. All is well now.

J4ZZ 2012-04-30 11:54

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
I could need some advice here for selecting custom kernel when backupmenu is installed. When booting with keyboard out only omap1 gets loaded and then backupmenu opens. No Bootmenu where to select anything.

So is there a way to keep backupmenu and pick custom kernels? Btw. I also would like to know how to set the default booting kernel. I would like to have power kernel as default.



Nobless 2012-04-30 19:47

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by vakkov (Post 1199155)
@Nobless you didn't replace and init_subsys

I replaced :) but in you filename : "" was error: " .rc" and i checked now, renamed it and its works :) Thanks now its boot ok. :)

pali 2012-05-01 00:36

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
1 Attachment(s)
Here is new version of script u-boot-update-bootmenu which support specifing first (default) menu entry. Specifing first menu entry is done by creating symlink from menu entry file to /etc/default/bootmenu.item

For example this will configure kernel power v50 as first entry:


$ ln -sf /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-power- /etc/default/bootmenu.item
$ u-boot-update-bootmenu

Please note that when keyboard is closed, u-boot will always boot attached kernel. This behaviour must be changed in u-boot binary.

J4ZZ 2012-05-01 13:31

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Just tried the above, but in u-boot when I choose attached kernel, again only omap1 gets loaded and after that in boot menu, there's only one option which says Maemo 5 (Internal Nand) and wich again only boots omap1 instead of anything else? *feeling noobish*

What I'm missing? :D



pali 2012-05-01 13:38

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
@J4ZZ, what about writing output from update script and output of ls -l /etc/default/bootmenu.item ?

J4ZZ 2012-05-01 13:43

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
This is update-script output:

┌[ root]+[N900]
└[~]--> u-boot-update-bootmenu
Default bootmenu entry is '/etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-power-'
Adding bootmenu entry for: Maemo 5 with attached kernel 2.6.28-omap1 (Internal Nand)

Configuration file: /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-power-
Generating u-boot image for kernel 'zImage-'...
Adding bootmenu entry for: 'Maemo 5 with kernel-power'
Configuring this bootmenu entry as default

Configuration file: /etc/bootmenu.d/30-Maemo5-2.6.28-omap1-fb.item
Generating u-boot image for kernel 'zImage-2.6.28-omap1-fb'...
Adding bootmenu entry for: 'Maemo 5 with 2.6.28-omap1-fb'

Configuration file: /etc/bootmenu.d/30-Maemo5-2.6.28-omap1.item
Generating u-boot image for kernel 'zImage-2.6.28-omap1'...
Adding bootmenu entry for: 'Maemo 5 with 2.6.28-omap1'

Configuration file: /etc/bootmenu.d/40-Nemo.item
Adding bootmenu entry for: 'Nemo'

Configuration file: /etc/bootmenu.d/50-NITDroid.item
Adding bootmenu entry for: 'NITDroid'

Configuration file: /etc/bootmenu.d/60-Kubuntu.item
Adding bootmenu entry for: 'Kubuntu'

Generating u-boot bootmenu script...

And here is ln -s...:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root    root            61 Jan  1  2000 /etc/default/bootmenu.item -> /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-power-

pali 2012-05-01 13:47

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Now you should have in u-boot first entry "Maemo 5 with kernel-power". If not, sent me generated file bootmenu.scr from MyDocs

J4ZZ 2012-05-01 14:01

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
1 Attachment(s)
The first pickable options I see from bootmenu are only:

Attached kernel
Internal eMMC
External SD card
U-Boot boot order
U-Boot console

Then when I select "Attached kernel"
Fanoush Boot menu starts with
"Maemo 5 (Internal Nand)"
"Power off (when not on charger)" options. That's all I get.

I attached bootmenu.scr :)

pali 2012-05-01 14:21

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by J4ZZ (Post 1200073)
The first pickable options I see from bootmenu are only:

Attached kernel
Internal eMMC
External SD card
U-Boot boot order
U-Boot console

Then when I select "Attached kernel"

This output is default hardcoded into u-boot. And it is fallback if bootmenu.scr cannot be loaded from first eMMC fat32 partition.

So you have problem, that u-boot cannot read bootmenu.scr from that location. But no idea why. Do you have corrupted/resized/reformated/... MyDocs?


Originally Posted by J4ZZ (Post 1200073)
Fanoush Boot menu starts with
"Maemo 5 (Internal Nand)"
"Power off (when not on charger)" options. That's all I get.

Fanoush bootmenu is now irrelevant.


Originally Posted by J4ZZ (Post 1200073)
I attached bootmenu.scr :)

Uhm, your bootmenu.scr does not contains kernel power... This is also strange... I will try to investigate this problem too.

J4ZZ 2012-05-01 14:46

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

I reformatted MyDocs a while back under Ubuntu with Gparted, because i had to delete a few unused partitions. But I think that should be no problem at all, should it?

pali 2012-05-01 15:02

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
run in u-boot these commands:
mmc dev 1
mmc part 1
fatls mmc 1:1 /

J4ZZ 2012-05-01 15:46

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Manufacturer ID: 11
OEM: 100
Name: MMC32
Tran Speed: 25000000
Rd Block Len: 512
MMC version 4.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 29,8 GiB
Bus Width: 8-bit

mmc dev 1

mmc1 is current device

mmc part 1

shows partition map
1 Type c
2 Type 83
3 swap (Type 82)

fatls mmc 1:1 /

lists 132 file(s), 144 dir(s)
but the file/folder names seem to be totally messed up... :(

pali 2012-05-01 15:52

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by J4ZZ (Post 1200164)
fatls mmc 1:1 /

lists 132 file(s), 144 dir(s)
but the file/folder names seem to be totally messed up... :(

so this is problem why u-boot cannot load it.

you can try to backup all files, then format partition to vfat (fat32) and copy files back.

scoobydoo 2012-05-01 16:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
sorry to sound ******ed but can't seem to do this part


This tarball contains some kernels (stock PR1.3 and stock PR1.3 with framebuffer) and some item files.

For playing & testing download archive to / and unpack it as root:
$ cd / && tar -xf u-boot-images.tar.gz

probably just bieng a fool

J4ZZ 2012-05-01 16:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
but why is this? Filenames are just fine in WinSCP or Putty when doing ls.

Could this be caused by a restored backup optfs?

Estel 2012-05-01 16:30

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
No, it doesn't work that way. Just do as Pali suggested - at best, it will fix Your problem, at worst, it will filter out possible source of issues. U-Boot is just different kind of low-level, when reading required bits - it may work well via filemanager, SCP or whatever, but be too FCKD up for U-Boot. Which seems to be the case - You said already, that for U-Boot directories/filenames are FCKD.


drucula 2012-05-01 19:47

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
I found out the reason that causing J4ZZ's problem (and mine). I have (now, had) the same problem too after installing u-boot today for the first time.
The problem is backupmenu. It is creating a .item file in /etc/bootmenu.d/ called backupmenu.item which contains only this line:

. /usr/share/backupmenu/BackupMenuLauncher.item
u-boot-update-bootmenu can't read this file correctly and then fails while running, throwing some "can't read from /dev/null" error (sorry for not saving the error log :( ).

I fixed it this way: flashed only the kernel, booted maemo, renamed this /etc/bootmenu.d/backupmenu.item file, reflashed u-boot (run dpkg -i u-boot-flasher...) and finally ran u-boot-update-bootmenu again. Now everything works the way it should have worked.

pali 2012-05-01 19:54

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by drucula (Post 1200389)

. /usr/share/backupmenu/BackupMenuLauncher.item

This is not valid bootmenu item file. u-boot use same file format as fanoush bootmenu and this is invalid.

drucula 2012-05-01 20:20

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1200395)
This is not valid bootmenu item file. u-boot use same file format as fanoush bootmenu and this is invalid.

That's the weird part.. I found no reason for it to be there at all. I looked through backupmenu's .deb and install scripts and found nothing related to /etc/bootmenu.d. I have no idea how it got there. I certainly have not copied it there.

J4ZZ 2012-05-01 22:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1200168)
so this is problem why u-boot cannot load it.

you can try to backup all files, then format partition to vfat (fat32) and copy files back.

It's half way fixed... Proper U-boot menu is now showing omap1-power50 and all the others, but after selecting default entry all I get is "Starting Kernel..."
and then the phone turns off. :mad:

fatls mmc 1:1 / is now displaying correct filenames after backup and mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/MyDocs... and then restoring.

J4ZZ 2012-05-01 22:15

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by drucula (Post 1200389)
I found out the reason that causing J4ZZ's problem (and mine). I have the same problem too after installing u-boot today for the first time.
The problem is backupmenu. It is creating a .item file in /etc/bootmenu.d/ called backupmenu.item

sorry, but I cannot confirm that. No such *.item file here. But the problem still exists.

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