![]() |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Just got it, geeze what a beater. Filled with photos of the previous owners kids (I hope) and porn. Digitiser is totally scratched to F. It is like looking through a frosted glass toilet window, however it is still useable.
Full re-flash, CSSU stable, KP49, SSH, rootsh. I am soldering down the USB port now, also it is a HW. Rev 2101. |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
1 Attachment(s)
DavyP, i just edited something in the Makejadsh, by the way feel free to edit as u want.. Now it creates the Right shortcut, but i missed something about unzip $JAR "specific file and parameters that i miss.." -destination $MIDLET_NAME.png, then i left it like this and i used "java" icon in my path then..
To invoke it, i moved it on /usr/bin/, ahh, one more thing, if i leave $PWD path, it searches for /home, then i inserted the complete path, assuming it like /home/phoneme/.. this is the script, everything works fine for me ;) Code:
#!/bin/sh |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
at the changes in your script and include it my next build. The reason why I used the $PWD variable, is because I am not sure where people unpack this application. In my case with the emulator, it is in /home/developer/phoneme but on a real device this would be in /home/user/phoneme. I probably should have used some shell script tricks to figure out the location of the midlet scripts, but maybe these problems can be more easily solved if I would package the phoneME application in a deb file rather than in a tgz file you have to unpack manually. Cheers, Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
2 Attachment(s)
is there a way to select some buttons? i add screenshots some games works! :D i'm trying The Wolfman, i add a screenshot of what i cannot push as a button event. By the way, the correct path for the phoneme, like standard optifyed apps is /opt/phoneme, i left /home/phoneme becouse your How-to say this, just to not complicate the things to the newbies that try to run it from a shel command i think is better to symlink the CVM binary and the gcc library like follow /usr/bin/cvm (full or symlinked to the opt) /usr/lib/libcvm.so (full or symlinked to the opt) i add a screenshot of what i cannot push.. edit: just the Enter Button is mapped in phoneme? in this game i cannot use other keys just the Enter Button.. is it caused by the jsr implementation? by the way it's an amazing JVM! |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right. However, I think this game like many others suffers from not having a keyboard layout like on a feature phone. At the moment, I am not having a lot of spare time to add an alternative keymapping, but it will be one of the features I will look into first. Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
the midlet extract midi temporany files in the /tmp, will be nice and light to move the temp in /home/user/MyDocs/phoneme-cache/ becouse it has much more space and, with more maemo tools we can access directly to every temp single file on it (logs, midi, mp3, or more..) thx for you big work, Cristian |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Last build works great on N9, download in Opera Mini also works. Double tap to zoom not working.
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
run the script for the midlet you want ;) i go to sleep :) when i'll be ok, i'll add a string to remove the jar, jar, .desktop file of a game/app you want to remove zzz ZZZZ zzz ZZZz goodnight you all |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
/home/developer $ devrootsh apt-get update /home/developer $ devrootsh apt-get install unzip ... E: Package unzip has no installation candidate /home/developer $ devrootsh apt-cache search unzip zlib-bin - compression library - sample programs busybox-power - Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems - enhanced package So I had to install the busybox-power package. However, the unzip implementation it provides does not support the -aa -j command line switches: BusyBox v1.19.3 (Debian 1.19.3power1) multi-call binary. Usage: unzip [-opts[modifiers]] FILE[.zip][LIST] [-x XLIST] [-d DIR] Extract files from ZIP archives -l List archive contents (with -q for short form) -n Never overwrite files (default) -o Overwrite -p Send output to stdout -q Quiet -x XLST Exclude these files -d DIR Extract files into DIR Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
The modified script that also creates the icons does not seem to work.
The application is running in the background and all the paths are OK but as soon as I tap on the icon, the whole interface becomes unresponsive. I actually have to shut down the whole emulator and start it up again. Strangely enough, if start the X terminal application in the N900 menu, and run the script from there, I have no problem, and neither when I start a terminal from my Linux desktop via the "mad remote shell" command. Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
edit: open the sh file you have (midletname.sh) and change the phoneme path there remember? you told me you have a different path in you Madde emulator Code:
#!/bin/sh |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
this is my menu item opera-mini
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=OperaMini-Java Exec=/opt/java2/bin/cvm -Xmx12m -Dmicroedition.profiles=MIDP-2.1 -Dsun.midp.library.name=midp -Dsun.midp.home.path=/opt/java2/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc -Dcom.sun.midp.mainClass.name=com.sun.midp.main.Cdc MIDletSuiteLoader sun.misc.MIDPLauncher -suitepath /opt/java2/opera_mini_6.5_.jar -1 Browser X-Osso-Type=application/x-executable Icon=opera |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
If I do "mad remote shell", I am logged in with username 'developer'. To
become root I have to run devrootsh [command]. I basically think that all these are issues with the emulator doing things differently compared to a regular N900 device. Also note that not all midlets ship with an icon. Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
tanks santiago its worked in maemo but must delet "sudo" in
Icon=$MIDLET_NAME" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/hildon/"$MIDLET_NAME".desktop meaning Icon=$MIDLET_NAME" | tee /usr/share/applications/hildon/"$MIDLET_NAME".desktop |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Santiago: I took care of correcting all the paths.
There is something else going on. The midlet is actually running, but behind the hildon menu with all the icons. If I close the emulator, it kills the application (including the hildon menu app) and then I see the midlet very briefly before the emulator completely shuts down. So it is probably not a problem with your script. Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
I have a java game. When i make a "file.sh" manual, then i can run that java game, but when i make "file.sh" by makejadsh, then I saw whitescreen. What do you think about this problem ?
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Davy this is the corrected script Code:
#!/bin/sh |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
can show us both, we can have a look at how they and hopefully tell you what is wrong. Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Hi all,
I am still having issues with the emulator not properly starting when applications with the shortcut/icon in the menu. I have the same problems with the template applications from madde, so it is a general problem and a bug in my application. However, it means I am not able to test the deb package I created: http://davy.preuveneers.be/phoneme/public/n900/deb/ It installs phoneme in /opt and creates shortcuts to phoneME (which does nothing because it calls cvm without parameters), Opera Mini and microemu-demo. Could somebody install this (with dpkg -i xxx.deb) and test this and see if the shortcuts work? I think there might be an issue that the package will be installed as root, and that the midlets won't have write access to certain subdirectories in /opt/phoneme because they don't run with root privileges. The Opera Mini midlet would be a good test case for that. Thanks, Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Microemu-demo works though. where is it trying to install opera mini? |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
In my next deb I will rename the files to operamini to avoid the name clash.
Edit: opera name clash fixed in latest build. Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
However, this folder is owned by root:root and the phoneME vm is executed under the account 'user' which does not have write permissions to this folder. See if you can do the following as root: chmod a+rwx /opt/phoneme/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc/appdb and if that changes the problem. The reason why microemu does not have this issue, is because it does not write to this appdb folder. If I can then figure out how this folder can maintain its write permissions while creating the deb archive, then we are good to go. Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Jep, fixed in my last upload of 1 minute ago (same filename though).
Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
i'll post a new script this evening ;) i did it, but i didnt save it! :(
then later i'll finish it edit: @DavyP The script name is excalibur, just becouse it's fast, and powerfull, also easy to remember.. I added more features like - use the right midlet name in the shortcut - use the right icon name for the shortcut - call to gtk-update-icon-cache to see immediately the icon on the shortcut (*** minor maybe fix at the end of this message) - possibility to remove all files after installation of the midlet, expecially: $SH file $JAD file $JAR file $DESKTOP shortcut After the installation, without closing the shell, the excalibur script (for newbies must be on /usr/bin/ with chmod +rwx or 775) will ask you to go on the menu, and to try the midlet.. (maybe you want an auto test that run it with final question about the result?) By now, if you will answer with Y, it will keep the midlet, else it will remove it.. ####### Excalibur Script ######## Code:
#!/bin/sh ***gtk-update-icon-cache fix*** cause of some strange reason, my device is an example about it, the /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache doesn't work as well, then i searched on this Amazing Talk foundig the Bug Report about /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache. Seems to be that /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache just has one line in: Code:
#!/bin/sh -e Code:
#!/bin/sh -e Ciao you all, Cristian |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Hi Cristian,
Thanks for all these script updates. At the moment I cannot test this on the emulator due to incompatibilities with a real device. There is one thing I wanted to point out: you do not need to generate the jad file if it does not exist. In such a case, you create the sh file without the '-jadpath midlet.jad' parameters. Also, you could argue if you create a desktop file, you can directly put the startup command in the desktop file rather than in a separate script. Then there are a few minor other issues I have come across with certain midlets (like wrong line endings and dangling spaces). I will see how I can fix these issues and embed the script in my next build. My plan was actually to build something directly within the phoneME application in native Qt4 code in a similar way like I did for my Android build, but for the time being I think you script will do. Cheers, Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
1 Attachment(s)
i can try with zenith for now, but first i remove $JAD and $SH variables, i made confusion! ahahhaah ** foe the lines, you say this or the other script? beccouse i changed sed lines here to use correct icon, names etc edit: Script is changed now, i fixed everything except it doesnt accept jar file names with spaces ( ex: ciao from the italy.jar )i'm tired, i go to sleep i see caracters everywhere.. changes removed sh line removed jad line changed the echo >> to $MIDLET_NAME.desktop as u wrote down here is the zip file with gtk-update-icon-cache and excalibur script, they must be on /usr/bin/ with rwx permissions. Ciao dall'Italia :D Cristian |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
just couse i cant sleep.. :D i decided to add more lines like.. "Select the kind of file" somenting like echo "write JAR for a .jar file or JAD for a .jad file" for Jad file, it will wget the jar file asking for a connection first else it will abort.. when downloaded, it will ask if disconnect or not, if install it or not.. for a Jar file it will jump to the Jar line :D maybe i had to use the functions.. becouse it's becoming too disorganized in and uncommented :D Moderators: apologize me, i quoted my self for mistake! Sorry for the x post! |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
PS: one of the Maemo Amazing things is just.. The command line! imo by the way, i'll made the possible to finish it today, i started at 7.55 am, this new is coloured and more easy to use.. It ll run in a shell from a shortcut launcher PS2: maybe the shell isn't graphically "beautiful" but it helps you to find every kind of error ;) |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
About the command line use:
I hope at some point to be able to integrate everything in the Qt4 application in the way I did for my Android port. Now this takes time, and I think for the time being the script for santiago is the best there is. Cheers, Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
i made some variables like $RED $BLU $YELLOW $GREEN $END # closes single color i'd like to print the "ls *.jad" coloured, i'm in panic.. Do you know how to do it? thx Cristian PS: what does the "Panic" message mean? |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
definitely have the grey bar. In fact, the only difference is a simple method call and if I can somehow at runtime find out if I am running either Maemo or MeeGo I could produce one build for all. Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Hi all,
I uploaded a new deb to my website at: http://davy.preuveneers.be/phoneme/public/n900/deb/ The build now contains a simple Qt4-based frontend "Run MIDlet", which will allow you to select a jar file from the filesystem and run it. It does not create desktop shortcuts (yet). For those still favoring the terminal, you can now run a midlet like his: /opt/phoneme/bin/runmidlet midlet.jar You could also pass along the jad descriptor if you have the jar file in the same directory: /opt/phoneme/bin/runmidlet midlet.jad This way, you no longer need to specify a bunch of parameters at the command line or create shell scripts or jadfiles. Also, if there is a way on Maemo to associate jar/jad files with the runmidlet application, you could run midlets from your file manager. Running from a browser might be possible, but only for jar files and if the browser downloads the jar file to the filesystem and starts runmidlet with a local filepath as parameter (i.e. no http url as parameter). Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
I uploaded another deb with a new minor feature. It detects whether
the app is running on Maemo or on MeeGo by looking at the contents of /etc/issue. On the latter it will run the midlet in full screen to avoid the grey bar. If this works reliably on the N900 and the N9/N950, I no longer need to produce 2 different builds. Davy |
Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
hi am willing to sell my N900. you can email me dashin.veer@gmail.com for further information.... |
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