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MrBlueSky 2012-02-27 18:57

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by vzp916 (Post 1170798)
I don't use Twitter or Facebook.....please help me get it via the apt-get command...

what is the command please?

I wouldn't do that, it failed on my phone and made it unusable for the moment.

jleholeho 2012-02-27 19:03

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
any opinion on how to enable the KEYBOARD again??
I haven`t started downgrade to PR1.1 yet as it seems to be not working...
I can normally use anything, restored the data from Nokia Link backup but I can`t scroll down to my newly-made folders with some apps inside and I totally can`t use keyboard...neither with messages, nor with anything else...

RafaelVlmendes 2012-02-27 19:08

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
When i ill update via OTA say me messenger:
Update frist devtools-debug and devtools-memory.
I ignore and install update and with 0 % catch me error update

jleholeho 2012-02-27 19:10

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
any idea when PR1.2 appears on NaviFirm?

ss29er 2012-02-27 19:14

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by optimistprime (Post 1170748)
has anyone with an australian variant 16gb received the update?

I am in the Philadelphia area with the AU variant and I have not been able to find the update either.

pilisopa 2012-02-27 19:25

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by maxld (Post 1170451)
Mine jumped from 91 to 93% in a few seconds, so I think that it is not normal.

just restart it

mariusmssj 2012-02-27 19:26

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
I got the Use automatically option enabled for my WLAN connection as sown below

If I open a web browser or acuweather after I close them the internet connection gets disconnected. But if I open OVI store, or twitter and facebook. The WLAN connection always stays on.

Is anyone else getting this issue?

jleholeho 2012-02-27 19:40

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
damn it..."downgrade disallowed" on NaviFirm when trying back to PR1.1
looks like I`m seriously stuck with the NEWEST FW, no KEYBOARD and shortened app menu until the PR1.2 shows up on NSU or NF...

vzp916 2012-02-27 19:40

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by mariusmssj (Post 1170837)
I got the Use automatically option enabled for my WLAN connection as sown below

If I open a web browser or acuweather after I close them the internet connection gets disconnected. But if I open OVI store, or twitter and facebook. The WLAN connection always stays on.

Is anyone else getting this issue?

I'm able to do that with PR1.1 (the use WLAN auto part)

Don't use the social media stuff ..or can't comment
At work now, so...can't test

jleholeho 2012-02-27 19:48

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
I don`t believe it...
my N9 rebooted after unsuccesful downgrade via NaviFirm and the app menu suddenly got back...I can sroll down again and work with my folders...
but the KEYBOARD is still not there...
No active input method to choose, installed input methods (0)...???

mariusmssj 2012-02-27 19:48

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by vzp916 (Post 1170846)
I'm able to do that with PR1.1 (the use WLAN auto part)

Don't use the social media stuff ..or can't comment
At work now, so...can't test

oh yeah the Use automatically was in before 1.2 but it closed the connection once the apps that needed internet was closed.

Yeshua 2012-02-27 20:22

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Downloading OTA in Flanders, Belgium. :D

Downloaded (took about 15 minutes or so). Installing now...

Installation completed after about 30 minutes. No problems, but N9 seems to be a little sluggish after 1x reboot...

Updating applications now... Done! (This seemed to take longer than the 1.2 installation.)

Uploaded with


P.S.: Nokia's webpage is still showing 20.2011.40-4 as the latest software...

patocr 2012-02-27 20:40

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by herno24 (Post 1170693)
Refreshing updates i found updates for facebook, twitter, store, maps and drive, but nothing about PR 1.2 :confused:. I cant install this updates, they are incompatible with current installed apps. Maybe they are compatible with PR 1.2?. Anyone from Argentina with PR 1.2?.

we are close amigo, we are close.

aQUICK1 2012-02-27 20:41

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
DL PR 1.2 1 hour ago , and yes all working great. now checking all the new or extras.

N9 64 black made in finland!

optimistprime 2012-02-27 20:48

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
yes, it seems that we are going to be quite late for the 1.2 party, seeing as we only recently got 1.1. Maybe we can try to use NSS to change the region code?By the way, I am in Delaware. Nice to see another n9 user close by;)


Originally Posted by ss29er (Post 1170828)
I am in the Philadelphia area with the AU variant and I have not been able to find the update either.

hgn9 2012-02-27 20:51

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
OTA update in Austria - everything all right here.


lolloo 2012-02-27 20:55

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
nothing yet in Middle East

darrenup 2012-02-27 20:56

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
I can't install the update, I'm receiving the message:

Update Failed
Updated Interrepted
try again

When I clic on try again the process take about 5 min then the same message. somebody knows why?

Forgive my english :p

codix 2012-02-27 20:58

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

i just updated via
apt-get dist-upgrade because it did not work with the update app from nokia (stuck at 0% update status)

Now I have every new application from the PR1.2 Update, but the version it shows under "About this phone" is still Version instead of ...

And when rebooting, it shows a yellow exclamation mark, that the software was modified.

How can I resolve that problems?

Thank you!

codix 2012-02-27 21:19

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by darrenup (Post 1170907)
I can't install the update, I'm receiving the message:

Update Failed
Updated Interrepted
try again

When I clic on try again the process take about 5 min then the same message. somebody knows why?

Forgive my english :p

try Developer Mode Terminal

devel-su Password: rootme
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

D.Cent 2012-02-27 21:22

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by codix (Post 1170923)
try Developer Mode Terminal

devel-su Password: rootme
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

No, don't do that - it will corrupt your system (as you can see for yourself!).

codix 2012-02-27 21:29

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by D.Cent (Post 1170924)
No, don't do that - it will corrupt your system (as you can see for yourself!).

Why? Everything works fine.

+ It's the only way you can update the device under certain circumstances.

Dragoss91 2012-02-27 21:31

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by jleholeho (Post 1170851)
I don`t believe it...
my N9 rebooted after unsuccesful downgrade via NaviFirm and the app menu suddenly got back...I can sroll down again and work with my folders...
but the KEYBOARD is still not there...
No active input method to choose, installed input methods (0)...???

You better start a thread here because people are too excited with the new update so they don't pay attention . :D

romu 2012-02-27 21:35

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Hi everybody,
Just a little question, I updated my N9 to PR1.2 with WinFlasher, about one hour ago, and the N9 hasn't still rebooted, it is currently with a black screen and a flashing white led.

Do I have to worry?

Thanks for the help.

codix 2012-02-27 21:44

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by romu (Post 1170930)
Hi everybody,
Just a little question, I updated my N9 to PR1.2 with WinFlasher, about one hour ago, and the N9 hasn't still rebooted, it is currently with a black screen and a flashing white led.

Do I have to worry?

Thanks for the help.

another question: where did you get the firmware for flashing?

jleholeho 2012-02-27 21:44

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
There`s PR1.2 on NaviFirm??
I have NF1.6 and I can`t see that...

Zelig 2012-02-27 21:49

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
OTA update for Austrian product code
OTA update NOT for Slovenian product code
OTA update for Croatian product code

guess product code of mine!... #&'%$#(')#...

romu 2012-02-27 21:53

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by jleholeho (Post 1170935)
There`s PR1.2 on NaviFirm??
I have NF1.6 and I can`t see that...

Yep, you're right. I was stupid enough to reflash the PR1.1 :mad:

But my question remains.

Swerige 2012-02-27 21:54

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by darrenup (Post 1170907)
I can't install the update, I'm receiving the message:

Update Failed
Updated Interrepted
try again

When I clic on try again the process take about 5 min then the same message. somebody knows why?

Forgive my english :p

Have U tried royster70 tips


Originally Posted by royster70 (Post 1170685)
I was getting a similar error getting stuck 0% and then failing with the OTA update.

In addition to disabling the repositories after seeing the comment earlier in the thread (I had a app for that :) - MeeCatalog), I also disabled developer mode in security - and that seemed to work for me and the update worked.

I disabled repositories using MeegCatalog and switched off dev. mode in one go - so I cannot be sure if this is was the change needed to get the update to continue.

I got the same error, but that actually seems to work for me (installing @ 29%)

Edit: Succsess!!

terrylee 2012-02-27 22:02

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Hi all, I think/hope I may have figured out a way to force update to PR1.2.

I need help testing my theory. I need the following
1. A product code which successfully updated to PR 1.2.
2. For the N9 in (1), in Terminal, give me the contents of the following command
> ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d
(You will see a file that looks like aegis.ssu-keyring-XXX.list. Take note of this file name)
> cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/aegis.ssu-keyring-XXX.list
(Change XXX appropriately. Please send me the contents of this cat command)

Once I get these, will keep you guys posted whether I am successful

My current is PR1.1 Singapore 005 variant

romu 2012-02-27 22:21

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
My N9 is back, forget my question.

jleholeho 2012-02-27 22:26

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
back in PR1.1 I guess...

CepiPerez 2012-02-27 22:34

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Downloading now... I'm in Argentina

Quick question:
Will I loose my contacts, photos and installed apps?

ZogG 2012-02-27 22:35

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by maxld (Post 1170422)
1. Connect you Phone with the USB cable
2. Now open NSS, scan the new device
3. Choose “phone info" after that select "read"
4. You can now see what your phone product code is.
5. At this moment you must modify the power mode to local
6. Your handset will restart in local mode,
7. Select enable the product code and write a new product code over there then click the "write" option .
8. Set power mode to normal once more and hit "read"

what operation system? what version?
checked on 2 computers (both 64bit win7) one return scan results but get eroor on reading, second one no scan results

sugardad 2012-02-27 22:35

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by jleholeho (Post 1170791)
Something`s definitely wrong...
I have the FW files back for PR1.1 downloaded from NaviFirm and ready...
in the meantime, I cleared the device, reset it again and I still can`t scroll down to the very bottom apps in the app menu...and even worse, the keyboard doesn`t show up, at all:mad:
I can`t set my accounts again, can`t get back to N9QuickTweak to make a restore, there`s no PR1.2 on NSU or NF, yet...

and yes, even before I hit the damn button in the app, which started all this, the phone was totally laggy after PR1.2 definitely seemed strange...
so be patient guys, looks like there`s something bad going on and they`ll need some more time to make it properly...

Enable Edit mode while In main menu
Press many times 10+ the create new folder button
this way you can scroll past the files that cannot be accessed

some hacks and/or tweak programs mess with the themes folder thus we end up In this mess

also this app exhibits the same Issues!
I have notified the dev

probable solution
please someone make a .tar of /usr/share/themes (PR 1.2) folder and post It here as to try to restore the original untouched theme


ZogG 2012-02-27 22:37

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
ha the problem was that nss was at program files (x86) dir and not just program files =)

jleholeho 2012-02-27 22:42

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
thanks for info,
I managed to get the app menu back to normal as I tried to downgrade to PR1.1 with NaviFirm (it`s not allowed, of course), but after the phone rebooted then, the app menu went back ok...
but, I`m still stuck with NO text input to choose, active = 0....
I can go to Swype settings but it just won`t show up...just like no basic KB...
so I can`t type anything in the phone, no msssgs, no dev mode...
I have cleared device, reset it, didn` t help...

gransport65 2012-02-27 22:51

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 1170961)
what operation system? what version?
checked on 2 computers (both 64bit win7) one return scan results but get eroor on reading, second one no scan results

Same for me Just gives me "Write new values error". Now I have no product code. It doesn't save my old one either.

sugardad 2012-02-27 22:52

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by jleholeho (Post 1170971)
thanks for info,
I managed to get the app menu back to normal as I tried to downgrade to PR1.1 with NaviFirm (it`s not allowed, of course), but after the phone rebooted then, the app menu went back ok...
but, I`m still stuck with NO text input to choose, active = 0....
I can go to Swype settings but it just won`t show up...just like no basic KB...
so I can`t type anything in the phone, no msssgs, no dev mode...
I have cleared device, reset it, didn` t help...

Try Installing the MesInput and Install some Keyboards

RazorNoobish 2012-02-27 22:55

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1170959)
Downloading now... I'm in Argentina

Quick question:
Will I loose my contacts, photos and installed apps?

Nope, you won't lose anything :) .

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