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darkphantom93 2012-11-12 13:48

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
how to do it manually??i have read the previous post but still no idea
can u teach me step by step. thx!! (im noob) :(

efion 2012-11-12 13:54

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Any idea how to change text color on function key to black?
want to change all keys in white.
Change FONT_COLOR_FUNCTION_KEYBOARD to #000000, but the text stays white

Kozzi 2012-11-12 14:11

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Here is a version for blanco theme, just do the installation like always.
Download link:
If you use colorthemes, you will have to copy the constants.ini inside to /usr/share/themes/color_mode/meegotouch.

darkphantom93 2012-11-12 14:15

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
thx Kozzi :D

zaidk9 2012-11-12 18:31

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
can any1 make vkb theme as in wp7

HELLASISGREECE 2012-11-12 19:11

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard theme

Originally Posted by Gandan (Post 1285121)

This one (along with OP's "glossy" keyboard) are the best form this thread, imo.

fantastic \m/

Akkumaru 2012-11-13 01:57

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
How to make my own keyboard theme?

efion 2012-11-13 04:44

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)
I mean this white text, any idea how to change it to black?

dannejanne 2012-11-13 06:16

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Will update first post soon again.

Travz03 2012-11-13 08:19

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)
I found that this VKB is really nice and looking great, but one more thing I want to have is the same keyboard but instead using the green keys, white letters and black background, can someone do this? Thank you!

zaidk9 2012-11-13 10:32

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by efion (Post 1293628)
I mean this white text, any idea how to change it to black?

is that vkb available in n9qtweak????

MK99 2012-11-13 10:53

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by efion (Post 1293628)
I mean this white text, any idea how to change it to black?

Those are .png icons.
Is located: /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/icons

ttt0600 2012-11-15 10:00

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
3 Attachment(s)
And here is what happend to me after trying out more than 7 different themes using Tweak D-8 from N9 QuickTweak!!

Anyone can help me fix it before I reflash my N9

Note: I tried the following but nothing helped!!
1- Restored to default from N9 QuickTweak!!
2- Reseted my device from Settings!!
3- I did a backup!!

Attachment 29899

Attachment 29900

Attachment 29901

thedead1440 2012-11-15 10:07

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Did you have a backup in N9QTweak before applying the tweak?

If not download clean backup and restore only the theme...

AMD 2012-11-15 10:26

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
The best way till now for me is doing it the way.

ttt0600 2012-11-15 10:35

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1294469)
Did you have a backup in N9QTweak before applying the tweak?

If not download clean backup and restore only the theme...

sorry I forgot to add it but I did everything that is possible from N9QTweak, including the clean backup method.

thedead1440 2012-11-15 10:47

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by ttt0600 (Post 1294473)
sorry I forgot to add it but I did everything that is possible from N9QTweak, including the clean backup method.

Weird...You'll have to further investigate what has happened as nobody seems to have an issue on it...

thedead1440 2012-11-15 11:37

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

One thing to ask you did a reboot right? Also this was applied on the system default theme?

Want to re-install the system's theme packages?

ttt0600 2012-11-15 11:40

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1294499)

One thing to ask you did a reboot right? Also this was applied on the system default theme?

Want to re-install the system's theme packages?

1- Yes and yes
2- yes I want to install the theme packages but I do not know how

thedead1440 2012-11-15 11:44

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by ttt0600 (Post 1294502)
1- Yes and yes
2- yes I want to install the theme packages but I do not know how

as root in terminal:


apt-get install meegotouchtheme meegotouchtheme-nokia meegotouchtheme-nokia-icons meegotouchtheme-nokia-graphics --reinstall

ttt0600 2012-11-15 15:01

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

It did not help :S

Thanks anyway

thedead1440 2012-11-15 15:07

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by ttt0600 (Post 1294589)
It did not help :S

Thanks anyway

Try as root:


apt-get install meego-keyboard --reinstall
pls ensure you do a reboot...

ttt0600 2012-11-15 15:19

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1294592)

pls ensure you do a reboot...

I did it but still no luck :( !!

thedead1440 2012-11-15 15:23

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by ttt0600 (Post 1294599)
I did it but still no luck :( !!

So everything re-installed properly but nothing changes the keyboard layout?

Are you sure you did the re-installation of the earlier posts' commands correctly? The .pngs and the .css are all restored by those so I am pretty sure you haven't done the re-installation correctly...

I would prefer you paste the output of the re-installation of the earlier post...

ttt0600 2012-11-15 15:30

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1294601)
So everything re-installed properly but nothing changes the keyboard layout?

Are you sure you did the re-installation of the earlier posts' commands correctly? The .pngs and the .css are all restored by those so I am pretty sure you haven't done the re-installation correctly...

I would prefer you paste the output of the re-installation of the earlier post...

Yes I am sure I did it correctly. before I used your commands, I was using different icons than the original ones, and they went back to the original theme icons after applying the command

as far as the output :S. I dont know how get it

thedead1440 2012-11-15 15:32

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by ttt0600 (Post 1294603)
Yes I am sure I did it correctly. before I used your commands, I was using different icons than the original ones, and they went back to the original theme icons after applying the command

as far as the output :S. I dont know how get it

You can get output via SSH or just give me a screenshot...

Also can you try changing to another theme then restoring?

Lastly, the first post has the .zip which has a default folder too to restore to as it was...If you follow the instructions there and run the script it should restore too...

ttt0600 2012-11-15 16:03

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1294605)
You can get output via SSH or just give me a screenshot...

please see link for output here.

thedead1440 2012-11-15 16:07

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by ttt0600 (Post 1294617)
please see link for output here.

See the error:

Setting up meegotouchtheme-nokia-graphics (5.0+0m8) ...
ImageCacheGen: Converting images ...
ImageCacheGen: FAIL!

So its better to use the .zip in the first post and restore the default one...

ttt0600 2012-11-15 16:40

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1294619)
So its better to use the .zip in the first post and restore the default one...

do you know why I get the following when using the method given in first post?

killall: can't kill pid 1545: Operation not permitted

thedead1440 2012-11-15 22:44

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by ttt0600 (Post 1294627)
do you know why I get the following when using the method given in first post?

killall: can't kill pid 1545: Operation not permitted

That is a scripting error that should not affect the end-result... Does it work for you after a reboot?

ttt0600 2012-11-16 03:05

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1294763)
That is a scripting error that should not affect the end-result... Does it work for you after a reboot?

Nope it did not. I think I am going to have to flash it

thedead1440 2012-11-16 03:07

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by ttt0600 (Post 1294817)
Nope it did not. I think I am going to have to flash it

Can you check manually in the path whether the files were replaced with your default files? You can see from the script in the first post the location of them...

Dazsa 2012-11-16 06:05

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
it was a hard decision on which keyboard to keep, there are three I liked, thanks! I just have one question, I have already done all the steps for the Gandan_CyanLime2 which is the one I have now, however, the images of the keyboard are shown in gallery, I guess I can not delete them, can I? I know another way to enable this is using Qtweak but I modified one color (did not enjoy the lime keypressed and changed it for a darker blue). Is it possible to keep the keyboard theme and changing the files to another location so that they do not show in my gallery images?

efion 2012-11-16 06:29

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Dazsa (Post 1294846)
it was a hard decision on which keyboard to keep, there are three I liked, thanks! I just have one question, I have already done all the steps for the Gandan_CyanLime2 which is the one I have now, however, the images of the keyboard are shown in gallery, I guess I can not delete them, can I? I know another way to enable this is using Qtweak but I modified one color (did not enjoy the lime keypressed and changed it for a darker blue). Is it possible to keep the keyboard theme and changing the files to another location so that they do not show in my gallery images?

you can create a .keyboardtheme folder

ttt0600 2012-11-16 06:47

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1294819)
Can you check manually in the path whether the files were replaced with your default files? You can see from the script in the first post the location of them...

yes I was thinking about doing that before I flash it. I will do it and let you know as soon as i get a chance

Dazsa 2012-11-16 22:10

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by efion (Post 1294849)
you can create a .keyboardtheme folder

Thank Efion!! this means only moving everything to .keyboardtheme and it will not affect the configuration of the keyboard? or do I have to change something else as well?

efion 2012-11-17 00:59

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Dazsa (Post 1295100)
Thank Efion!! this means only moving everything to .keyboardtheme and it will not affect the configuration of the keyboard? or do I have to change something else as well?

U'r welcome
Yupp, it will not change your keyboard configuration you are currently using, well you must move again the N9_keyboard_theme back to MyDocs if you want to implement another theme though
Or (i'm not trying this method yet) you can edit the script in and change the folder to .keyboardtheme instead of N9_keyboard_theme

ttt0600 2012-11-19 09:05

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1294819)
Can you check manually in the path whether the files were replaced with your default files? You can see from the script in the first post the location of them...

Sorry for the late replay, i have been busy last 3 days!!

I think I found the problem after checking it manually using WinSCP.
if you look at the screenshot below, you can see I have two background images in the following path:

Attachment 29928

one is named: meegotouch-keyboard-background.PNG (which is causing the problem)
Attachment 29929
and the other one is named: meegotouch-keyboard-background.png (which it the original one)
Attachment 29930

But my problem now is that I tried deleting one of them but WinSCP gives me this massage:
Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 13

I tried to change the permission from properties but I get this massage:
Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 9

Any suggestion how to solve this?

thedead1440 2012-11-19 09:15

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
use root in WinSCP not user...

ttt0600 2012-11-19 09:33

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1295803)
use root in WinSCP not user...

finally worked!! :p

Thanks for the help

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