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bill_klpd 2013-08-29 12:31

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I am not sure what I can do with this app, but if I will edit the main.qml I will be able to make the app to have different behaviour in different places?
I thought that by changing the target etc. I will be able to have it, but I am not sure... Can you give me some suggestion on what to do to help you with this?? :)

elros34 2013-08-29 13:04

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
First clear bahavior in qtedger-settings and then in main.qml after onSignalEdge: {

if (edge == "right3") //bottom right swipe
                if (activeWindow == "BatteryGraph")
                utils.runProgram("phone-control --ledon PatternError")
            else {
                utils.runProgram("phone-control --ledoff PatternError")

bill_klpd 2013-08-29 13:38

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I have wrote this:

        onSignalEdge: {
            if (edge === "right3") //bottom right swipe
                            if (activeWindow === "Calculator")
                            utils.runProgram("WebOS Games")

But it doesn't open the WebOS Games... Is this how it should be written?

Even with your script I don't see any led or any behavior on BatteryGraph....

elros34 2013-08-29 13:46

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
"WebOS Games" ?? rather "/usr/bin/wgames"

bill_klpd 2013-08-29 13:48

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1370411)
"WebOS Games" ?? rather "/usr/bin/wgames"

the "Calculator" is ok??

bill_klpd 2013-08-29 13:56

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Yeap it works :D
Can I use dbus signals as well?

elros34 2013-08-29 13:57

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I didn't test but I think you can.

bill_klpd 2013-08-29 13:57

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1370417)
I don't know check yourself I have "Kalkulator" but it depends on language

I worked with "Calculator" ;)

bill_klpd 2013-08-29 14:01

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I will try to write what I think as a nice behavior and I will upload the file to see it and tell me what you think (maybe not now...) :D
Thanks for this ;D
P.S: Dbus works as well ;)

enne30 2013-08-29 17:54

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1370331)
Check /usr/share/icons/hicolor/80x80/apps/ and /usr/share/applications/hildon/qtedger.desktop

- use it and you'll see ;)
- yes
- wmctrl -c :ACTIVE:

ok, I could not figure out the wmctrl (though I could imagine :p ), 'cause on non-thumb is not working (neither the -c command)

I tried with microB window and qtedger-settings one (also multimedia)

bill_klpd 2013-08-30 12:00

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I know that this is in an early stage but here are some ideas for the future use of this app :D

on desktop:
left->task manager
up->hildon status menu(if possible)

on menu:
right->task manager
up->hildon status menu

on task manager:
up->hildon status menu
down->close all running apps(if possible)

on app:
left->task manager
up->hildon status menu
down->close the app(if possible)

on call(incoming):
left->task manager or silent
up->hildon status menu
down->reject call

on call(while talking):
left->task manager or mute
up->hildon statuse menu
down->end call

elros34 2013-08-30 18:14

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by enne30 (Post 1370495)
ok, I could not figure out the wmctrl (though I could imagine :p ), 'cause on non-thumb is not working (neither the -c command)

I tried with microB window and qtedger-settings one (also multimedia)

really? do you installed wmctrl ? :D


Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1370615)
I know that this is in an early stage but here are some ideas for the future use of this app :D

As I said several times I can't do this because I don't know how.

P.S. You must implement dbus in hildon-status-menu yourself because I don't know nothing about gtk.

bill_klpd 2013-08-30 18:57

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1370721)
As I said several times I can't do this because I don't know how.

I thought that the app that you gave me named test was a test for having this...

enne30 2013-08-30 21:24

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1370721)
really? do you installed wmctrl ? :D



EDIT: Is that normal it kills *every* microB window open?

bill_klpd 2013-08-31 14:37

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
elros34 do you know why it doesn't understand some programs like the web for example? do you have to do something with the qmlapplicationviewer to make it understand the apps or what?

bill_klpd 2013-08-31 15:24

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
ok I didn't have as well installed the wmctrl :P
so after checking what it can really do here is on more command that you can use :D

close running app(I added it on bottom swipe):
wmctrl -c :ACTIVE:

elros34 2013-08-31 15:33

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by enne30 (Post 1370762)
EDIT: Is that normal it kills *every* microB window open?

unfortunately yes. I will check the different way.

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1370856)
elros34 do you know why it doesn't understand some programs like the web for example? do you have to do something with the qmlapplicationviewer to make it understand the apps or what?

I use xlib to detect window and I have finished solution but it's really slow on few places(hildon, conky and other not standard windows).

bill_klpd 2013-08-31 15:40

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1370869)
I use xlib to detect window and I have finished solution but it's really slow on few places(hildon, conky and other not standard windows).

Do you have something we can test? :D
(maybe like the other one which is editable in qt :))

elros34 2013-08-31 15:48

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
no, at the moment I'm busy with something else: own lockscreen

bill_klpd 2013-08-31 15:53

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1370875)
no, at the moment I'm busy with something else: own lockscreen

I think that I will use it when it is ready ;P

P.S: How did you lock the n900 with the power button? Is there any app available?

elros34 2013-08-31 15:56

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
just press twice power button.

bill_klpd 2013-08-31 15:59

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1370877)
just press twice power button.

I didn't know this :p

bill_klpd 2013-08-31 22:34

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Here is a something I wrote that I thing that might help on making the app a little faster :)
(There are some names that are not right and some things that won't function but it is a small try :))

    Connections {
        target: utils
        onSignalEdge: {
            txt.text = edge
            txt2.text = activeWindow

            if (edge == "right1") //top right swipe
                            if (activeWindow == "Desktop")
                            if (activeWindow == "Menu")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")
                            if (activeWindow == "Task Manager")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")

            if (edge == "right2") //right swipe
                            if (activeWindow == "Desktop")
                            if (activeWindow == "Menu")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")
                            if (activeWindow == "Task Manager")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")

            if (edge == "right3") //bottom right swipe
                            if (activeWindow == "Desktop")
                            if (activeWindow == "Menu")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")
                            if (activeWindow == "Task Manager")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")

            if (edge == "left1") //top left swipe
                            if (activeWindow == "Desktop")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")
                            if (activeWindow == "Menu")
                            if (activeWindow == "Task Manager")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")

            if (edge == "left2") //left swipe
                            if (activeWindow == "Desktop")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")
                            if (activeWindow == "Menu")
                            if (activeWindow == "Task Manager")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")

            if (edge == "left3") //bottom left swipe
                            if (activeWindow == "Desktop")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")
                            if (activeWindow == "Menu")
                            if (activeWindow == "Task Manager")
                            utils.runProgram("dbus-send --type=signal --session /com/nokia/hildon_desktop")

            if (edge == "bottom") //bottom swipe
                            if (activeWindow == "Task Manager")
                            utils.runProgram("close all running programs")
                            utils.runProgram("wmctrl -c :ACTIVE:")


            if (edge == "top") //top swipe

                            utils.runProgram("Hildon Status Menu")

enne30 2013-09-22 20:30

Re: (Help) N9 Swipe to N900

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1358752)
Latest and last version.
Now most of the programs may have their own profile.
Close option close all osso-xterm windows and doesn't work on microb instead, better use:

dbus-send --session --type=method_call --print-reply --dest="" /com/nokia/osso_browser/request string:"close_window"

hi elros34, I tried above command but no success.. maybe I have to use new command 'dbus-signal'? how to do it?

thanx in advance :)

elros34 2013-09-22 21:05

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
sorry my bad I corrected second post.

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 21:09

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1358752)
Latest and last version.
Now most of the programs may have their own profile.
Close option close all osso-xterm windows and doesn't work on microb instead, better use:

dbus-send --session --type=method_call --print-reply --dest="" /com/nokia/osso_browser/request

Is this the latest version? :D

elros34 2013-09-22 21:11

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
There is nothing to improve so..

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 21:34

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I will try it now :D
Thanks for your great work ;)

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 21:42

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
One more thing!
How do we edit the profile of each program? :)

By the way what's going on with you qt lockscreen? :D

elros34 2013-09-22 21:52

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Just press "Add new".

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1376146)
By the way what's going on with you qt lockscreen? :D

I don't have much time now. It's usable but buggy

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:06

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376150)
Just press "Add new".
I don't have much time now. It's usable but buggy

I 've got to admit that it looks pretty cool ;)

Can you upload the source code of the qtedger?

elros34 2013-09-22 22:13

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I didn't plan it because code it's little "ugly" but if you really want, send me message on pm ( I will send you source later)

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:17

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376155)
I didn't plan it because code it's little "ugly" but if you really want, send me message on pm ( I will send you source later)

I want to edit the profile of each app and I think that it can only be done with the source code... Right?
This is why I want it :)

elros34 2013-09-22 22:21

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
No, there isn't any database of all apps. You have global settings and profiles. In profiles you can add new application by "Add new" button then write name of window. To find window's name:
killall qtedger
and do some swipes then you will see window name.

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:28

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376159)
No, there isn't any database of all apps. You have global settings and profiles. In profiles you can add new application by "Add new" button then write name of window. To find window's name:
killall qtedger
and do some swipes then you will see window name.

Sorry I didn't notice that :p
I will try it now! :D

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:35

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I 've got a problem... The swipe doesn't work with the command /opt/qtedger/qtedger
, I mean it runs the program but it stays showing something about the velocity.

elros34 2013-09-22 22:38

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
When you run it just do swipe

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:40

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376164)
When you run it just do swipe

I did, but it doesn't do anything...

elros34 2013-09-22 22:48

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
You should see in terminal a lot of output

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:53

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Here it's what I get! I even swipe, but it doesn't show anything, and it doesn't do the swipe!

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