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xanderx 2013-12-02 16:18

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Well, today is the last day for completing payment if you want this to be your xmas gift. I've decided to not go for the phone this year. Probably, late January or early February will do. I might watch how it evolves. If no substantial fw update is out, I pospone the purchase until June for sure. I guess that is enough time to fill the actual gaps in the OS. For minimal fixes there are always folks from the community, as seen from the glorious N900 era, but there is too much unattended stuff at the moment that requires some true hard work.

cvp 2013-12-02 16:39

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by kollin (Post 1391752)
First tweak : Installing google play ;)

second - turn hotspot on/off


N9uwu 2013-12-02 16:40

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Head said wait, heart said go for it.

Order #200004081 - Paid :).

rob_kouw 2013-12-02 21:20

Are the Jollas being shipped into EU countries yet? Guess not, it may take 2-3 weeks more?

mariusmssj 2013-12-02 21:45

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Paid €414 £343, pre-ordered on the first campaign. UK

technicus 2013-12-02 23:55

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Preordered in first wave and already paid!

willi6868 2013-12-03 21:36

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
You lucky ones :(
I would like to pay for my Jolla but I can't... :mad:

mariusmssj 2013-12-04 10:27

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
You got my money Jolla, I want my phone NOW!!!

cvp 2013-12-04 15:17

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
well well.... jolla will shipping before christmas... xmas is in 3 weeks... shipping time is 3-4 weeks... and there dont send it to us in this moment.... hmm see anyone the problem? ;)
but maybe is meaning xmas 2014 ;)

ggabriel 2013-12-04 15:21

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by cvp (Post 1392558)
well well.... jolla will shipping before christmas... xmas is in 3 weeks... shipping time is 3-4 weeks... and there dont send it to us in this moment.... hmm see anyone the problem? ;)

In fairness, they mean 3-4 weeks from the moment you pay, that's why they set the limit to Dec 2 - it wouldn't work out for Christmas anyway, but they were being pessimistic, so hopefully whoever was able to pay will get it.

hemiwi 2013-12-07 10:57

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Ordered on 19.09 paid on 28.11. ID=200003xxx.
Anyone roughly paid at samedate and got notification or change of "paid" to "Picking"?

ggabriel 2013-12-07 11:14

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by hemiwi (Post 1393331)
Ordered on 19.09 paid on 28.11. ID=200003xxx.
Anyone roughly paid at samedate and got notification or change of "paid" to "Picking"?

I think we are on the same payment day/order number range. I ordered the 0€ option though. You appear to be in Finland, so you may have your tracking number before me. Keep us posted ;-)

hemiwi 2013-12-07 11:38

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1393334)
I think we are on the same payment day/order number range. I ordered the 0€ option though. You appear to be in Finland, so you may have your tracking number before me. Keep us posted ;-)

Definetly! This is the worst waiting game ever, cause even if i trust Jolla to really serve us accordingly to our order nobody really understands the numbers and or queue. :D

strongm 2013-12-07 12:17

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by hemiwi (Post 1393331)
Ordered on 19.09 paid on 28.11. ID=200003xxx.
Anyone roughly paid at samedate and got notification or change of "paid" to "Picking"?

I ordered back in July and completed payment 25.11.2013 and an ID of 200001xxx , and I'm still only marked as 'paid'

mikecomputing 2013-12-07 12:57

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by strongm (Post 1393353)
I ordered back in July and completed payment 25.11.2013 and an ID of 200001xxx , and I'm still only marked as 'paid'

LOL, You sound like you are the only one waiting?

But fact is: there is less than 10 persons has reported that they got the "picking" message.

Now lets see what happens comming week. My guess is some more finns will have it atleast end of coming week :) nd some more "picking"

Btw change thread title to Jolla Phone ASAP!

Google translate it to "Did you mean iphone"....

ggabriel 2013-12-07 13:13

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1393358)
Google translate it to "Did you mean iphone"....

Because google has been returning bad quality results for the last few years. I use TMO's search, it works just fine.

EDIT: yeah, remove the jPhone. The "jPhone" may have been my fault actually, was just making a joke months ago and stuck with Dave ;-)

minimos 2013-12-07 13:14

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
One clarification regarding the 'in picking' status that I didn't realize before:
- if you look at the link you got when you pre-ordered the phone (reachable from -> My Orders), the one that has the 'hex' order id, that one probably will keep at the 'Paid' status.
- but, if you look at the link you got by email when you completed the payment for the phone (i.e. -> MyOrder), the one with the 2xxxxxxxx or 1xxxxxxxx order id, there you can hopefully now read that your device is 'In Picking' status.

ggabriel 2013-12-07 13:23

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by minimos (Post 1393362)
- but, if you look at the link you got by email when you completed the payment for the phone (i.e. -> MyOrder), the one with the 2xxxxxxxx or 1xxxxxxxx order id, there you can hopefully now read that your device is 'In Picking' status.

That's the one I'm looking at, it's still in "Paid" :-)

strongm 2013-12-07 13:52

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1393364)
That's the one I'm looking at, it's still in "Paid" :-)

Yep, and me.

strongm 2013-12-07 14:00

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1393358)
LOL, You sound like you are the only one waiting?

Not at all. My point was that I ordered earlier and had a lower Order No (although we already know that the Order No has - at least according to Jolla - nothing to do with delivery order) than hemiwi and ggabriel and that they therefore might have a little longer to wait.

Come Monday Jolla will only have 1 to 2 weeks to deliver to me if they are going to meet their (eventually disappointing) delivery schedule.

bennypr0fane 2013-12-07 14:08

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1391700)
This answer I got for "NOT right" countries...

That mean I and others like me can purchase Jolla device only when it would be available to everyone on their site... I don't understand why they allowed preorder for this countries if they can't send devices to them. And why could they send t-shirt...
So disappointed...

You could try using a mailing proxy, if they already have one those in any EU country

ggabriel 2013-12-07 17:23

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by strongm (Post 1393370)
Not at all. My point was that I ordered earlier and had a lower Order No (although we already know that the Order No has - at least according to Jolla - nothing to do with delivery order) than hemiwi and ggabriel and that they therefore might have a little longer to wait.

BTW, I'm assuming that regardless of the order priority, the Finnish will have it first, at least Jolla is saying that. Perhaps for the obvious reason that DNA will do it and they have more hands.

Nevertheless, I don't care. I'm past the first week, so 2-3 to go ;-)

strongm 2013-12-07 17:25

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1393414)
the Finnish will have it first, at least Jolla is saying that

The message to date has been confused on this. JollaHQ have tweeted more than once that the phones will be shipped purely in priority order

ggabriel 2013-12-07 17:32

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by strongm (Post 1393415)
The message to date has been confused on this. JollaHQ have tweeted more than once that the phones will be shipped purely in priority order

Yeap, you are right... second question here implies that even folks in "yet unsupported" countries would get it, as they were allowed to pay 40€. But we know they won't (USA, Australia, etc.).
I still remember them saying that they were serving Finland first *shrug*. At the very least they'll get it first because it will be easier transport wise.

AMD 2013-12-11 16:48

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Lol. I got the e-mail today and paid. IN YOUR FACE DAVE!

ggabriel 2013-12-11 16:51

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by AMD (Post 1395066)
Lol. I got the e-mail today and paid. IN YOUR FACE DAVE!

You can now upgrade to this thread and complete the spreadsheet :-)

AMD 2013-12-11 17:01

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1395067)
You can now upgrade to this thread and complete the spreadsheet :-)

Welp, when I get my tracking number will do. Now I'm so relieved that I paid. :D

Dave999 2013-12-11 17:10

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by AMD (Post 1395066)
Lol. I got the e-mail today and paid. IN YOUR FACE DAVE!

A mail is a mail. a phone is a phone. You are not over the bridge yet young man ;)

ggabriel 2013-12-11 17:13

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by AMD (Post 1395068)
Welp, when I get my tracking number will do. Now I'm so relieved that I paid. :D

No, you can go now, the spreadsheet begins with Paid status. Well, it's up to you really.

Akkumaru 2013-12-12 02:28

Well AMD, good luck with your sailfish :P I'll be here with my N9 and N900~

AMD 2013-12-12 13:11

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by Akkumaru (Post 1395262)
Well AMD, good luck with your sailfish :P I'll be here with my N9 and N900~

Sailfish OS was ported to the N9 already. Go try it out if you haven't already.

AMD 2013-12-12 13:13

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1395071)
A mail is a mail. a phone is a phone. You are not over the bridge yet young man ;)

I paid and delivery time is 3-4 weeks. There there, wipe those tears off, I know you're jealous but crying doesn't help Davey! :D

Akkumaru 2013-12-14 10:46


Originally Posted by AMD (Post 1395494)
Sailfish OS was ported to the N9 already. Go try it out if you haven't already.

Will soon :P at least, until it has the swipe rotation correct :P

Dave999 2014-06-20 10:21


Originally Posted by AMD (Post 1395496)
I paid and delivery time is 3-4 weeks. There there, wipe those tears off, I know you're jealous but crying doesn't help Davey! :D

Not that jealous of you AMD...You do know that my devices is in shipping but seems to be stuck in Germany on the way to Moon! Hope I will get it on moonday.

GL with your waiting game! ;)

40 eur discount on jolla. I was expecting at least a 100 euro discount by now. But 40 is cool too.

Valid to 09.02.

Pay for your jolla now!

Right here right now...

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