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misterc 2014-08-05 18:54

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
maybe i should update my footer.... mega troll?
and silence there was.... ¦-)

rcolistete 2014-08-08 22:52

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Today (08/08/2014) the Nexus 5 alpha version of Sailfish ( was released :
- download & install Sailfish on Nexus 5;
News :
What is working :

m4r0v3r 2014-08-09 08:50

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
yeahhhhh buuddyyy

bill_klpd 2014-08-17 12:04

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
If you haven't seen it yet, rusty88 from xda has made an image of sailfish for GS3!
Here are some more instructions and the download link for the image if anyone wants to give it a try :D

jalyst 2014-08-17 12:45

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Thanks everyone for sharing here what's happening at xda-dev, & elsewhere.
IIRC I saw a OnePlus One port commencing, & some other major makes/models.

mscion 2014-08-19 21:56

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Any news on the Jolla Launcher for Android. As I recollect, a beta version was going to be released in August. Thanks!

bill_klpd 2014-08-19 22:07

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1436318)
Any news on the Jolla Launcher for Android. As I recollect, a beta version was going to be released in August. Thanks!

Where did you see that??
The only things I think that are available are some apks to install on an xda thread (some are custom with some more ambiences if you haven't seen them)...

jalyst 2014-08-20 04:55

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1436318)
Any news on the Jolla Launcher for Android. As I recollect, a beta version was going to be released in August. Thanks!

There really needs to be a Jolla Launcher thread @TMO for the folks who actually care about that... :rolleyes:

bill_klpd 2014-08-20 12:42

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1436338)
There really needs to be a Jolla Launcher thread @TMO for the folks who actually care about that... :rolleyes:

Why don't you make one?
The only bad/weird thing is that there are also people doing some work on this on the xda forums and it's a pity that we can't/don't work together...
We could do something better!

P.S: Some guys there were talking about how to add more ambiences. So you had to decompile the package. It was the first time hearing about decompiling, so I have one question... When you decompile a package, does this mean you can see the whole source code, the one that the developers had wrote from the first time? If yes, why some times we bother about open source programs if it is easy to see the source code?? Sorry for this silly question :D

mscion 2014-08-20 13:19

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1436320)
Where did you see that??
The only things I think that are available are some apks to install on an xda thread (some are custom with some more ambiences if you haven't seen them)...

It was mentioned in post 32 of this xda thread

Not sure what their source is but I thought I saw it elsewhere too (not that it makes it true!)

There have been two releases that I know of. I've tried them on my note 3 and galaxy tab pro 8.4. The first release seem to work ok but the second seemed to crash a bit too much. Currently, for me, other launchers (like ss launcher) combined with some Xposed modules (like swipe) give a better overall experience. When Android L comes out, my guess is that the gap will widen.

I just got hold of a nexus so I hope to try out sailfish on it in the near future. I actually have a Jolla phone but don't use it as a daily drive. More fun just trying to get Sailfish to work on other hardware.

I kind of wish the N9 OS could be ported to android. That was about the best overall experience for me. Very well thought out.

jalyst 2014-08-20 13:38

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1436377)
Why don't you make one?
The only bad/weird thing is that there are also people doing some work on this on the xda forums and it's a pity that we can't/don't work together...
We could do something better!

Personally, I'm not very interested in that area, even on my Android devices...
But there clearly needs to be one for those who are, so that it can be discussed in that thread instead of here.
Perhaps some of the regulars at the sister xda-dev threads, can be encouraged to sign-up/post @TMO too.

bill_klpd 2014-08-20 13:46

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1436380)
Personally, I'm not very interested in that area, even on my Android devices...
But there clearly needs to be one for those who are, so that it can be discussed in that thread instead of here.
Perhaps some of the regulars at the sister xda-dev threads, can be encouraged to sign-up/post @TMO too.

This is the reason I signed up to xda too (and because right now I only has an android phone)..

Personally I care more about a working image for android phones instead of the launcher but it is nice to have a nice launcher that works good as well!
I already installed jolla on GS3 just to test it, but without sim support(yet ;)) I went directly back to android.

jalyst 2014-08-20 15:17

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I guess the launcher's still important in that it helps with greater awareness of Sailfish, but if they're going to do it, they better do it well. If it's done badly it might actually hurt them more than it helps, personally I think they should focus most of their (very limited) resources on the ports.

Anyway, my point is that launcher talk needs it's own thread, it shouldn't be continually raised here, folks are sub'd to this thread so that they can read/post about the ports. If they also want to read/post about the launcher, then they're welcome to start & sub. to a new thread for that. ;)

I'm not criticising anyone in particular, we're all human & we all break forum netiquette occasionally, accidentally or otherwise

rcolistete 2014-08-26 17:42

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
New alpha 3 version of Sailfish for Nexus 5 was released in 18/08/2014, supporting :
- Bluetooth;
- Allow untrusted software;
- Filemanager app;
- USB connection dialogue: Developer mode, USB tethering, charging, ...;
- Devicelock.

Now there is an option to install Sailfish with multiboot.

minimos 2014-08-29 15:47

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
From a stskeeps' retweet I discovered there is a Sailfish alpha image for Nexus 7 (grouper):
Has anybody tried it?

tunap 2014-08-29 18:10

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Early Adopters 4[1] was released for Nexus 4(Mako) yesterday. I was up late installing, tweaking settings & crashing(trying to). Prelim I've verified working without error so far: talk, text, wifi & mobile data(3G/T-mobile/USA). Display customizations, sys sounds & vibrate all look good. I think I'm going to retire my n900 this long, holiday weekend...
Oh yeah, this is also running as an alternate using MultiROM[3].

Having troubles with tethering(native & JollaStore app), camera works for awhile but eventually freezes/crashes and cannot get bluetooth to start. Video's going to take some work(3rd party codecs/apps), but mp3 codec was quick & painless to fix[2].
I'm sure there's more, but it's a lot less than EA3 and this is just prelim UI feedback, I haven't looked under the hood yet.

Great job to all the people working on these ports!!!!!
Fantastic work, thank you.


[2]MP3 codec

[3]MultiROM supports SailfishOS now, too!

tunap 2014-08-29 18:16

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Early Adopters 4[1] was released for Nexus 4(Mako) yesterday. I was up late installing, tweaking settings & crashing(trying to). Prelim I've verified working without error so far: talk, text, wifi & mobile data(3G/T-mobile/USA). Display customizations, sys sounds & vibrate all 5x5. I think I'm going to retire my n900 this long, holiday weekend...

Oh yeah, this is also running as an alternate OS using MultiROM[3].

Having troubles with tethering(native & JollaStore app), camera works for awhile but eventually freezes/crashes and cannot get bluetooth to start. Video's going to take some work(3rd party codecs/apps), but mp3 codec was quick & painless to fix[2].
I'm sure there's more, but it's a lot less than EA3 and this is just prelim UI feedback, I haven't looked under the hood yet.

Great job to all the people working on these ports!!!!!
Fantastic work, thank you.


[2]MP3 codec

[3]MultiROM now supports SailfishOS on Mako!

junnuvi 2014-08-30 21:06

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by minimos (Post 1437459)
From a stskeeps' retweet I discovered there is a Sailfish alpha image for Nexus 7 (grouper):
Has anybody tried it?

That's true. Here is link for more information about port (and download links):

Demati 2014-09-18 01:19

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9 (or other)

Originally Posted by Demati (Post 1438581)
4G/LTE data is not working (but voice is and 3G data works just fine)

I just want to share that I got 4G working by tweaking the APN settings. For anyone trying out Sailfish on an Androind device on T-Mobile try the following:

1. Go to Settings -> system -> mobile network
2. Long press Internet/WebConnect and select Edit
3. Enter the APN as:

Kangal 2014-09-18 09:09

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Interesting, more Android devices to load Sailfish OS on:

sledgeas 2014-09-23 13:07

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Hellow fellows! Happy to share this with you:

First hardware keyboard phone HTC DesireZ got a SailfishOS port!

More news:

Come and say hello at #sailfishos-porters on Freenode


rcolistete 2014-12-22 16:24

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Sailfish OS beta 1 for Nexus 4 (mako) was released in December 11th 2014 :

Known issues :
- OTA Updates do not work;
- the camera does not fully work;
- Android app support is not available.

rcolistete 2014-12-22 16:27

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Sailfish OS alpha 4 for Nexus 5 (hammerhead) was released in December 18th 2014 :

Known issues :
- OTA Updates do not work;
- the camera does not work;
- Android app support is not available.

* 2014-11-27 MultirROM users: if your primary ROM is Lollipop based, just install any SailfishOS version accompanied with CM11 .zip, and you'll have best of both worlds working! Thanks to @julle131 for finding this!
* Alpha4 - 18 December :
- Jolla Store enabled (but do not add Jolla Account during start-up wizard, skip and then add later, due to a known issue);
- Sailfish OS Update 9;
- Magnetometer support;
- Improved BT HID support (US bt keyboard layout provided);
- Generic BT improvements;

jalyst 2014-12-23 03:18

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I hope it comes to the Galaxy Note 4 eventually, I don't think I'll end up getting the Nexus 6.
I'm in no rush to put Sailfish on it, but hopefully approx. 1-yr from now it'll be possible...
By then though we might finally have the Jolla 2, so I'll prolly buy it, plus a nextgen Android handset.

minimos 2015-01-11 16:28

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I did read in the past that there was MultiROM support for Sailfish on e.g. Nexus 4, but I did not see any comment whether it works also on Nexus 7 2012 Wifi.
Well, I tried it and I can confirm that it does :D

It looks a bit weird to interact with a Sailfish UI scaled up 1.5x times from the Jolla device, but it feels otherwise 'home'.

francesco VE 2015-01-11 23:02

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
can o b possible to install sailfish on galaxy note edge on the future?

juiceme 2015-01-12 07:29

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by francesco VE (Post 1456278)
can o b possible to install sailfish on galaxy note edge on the future?

Well as for currently looking at the CM support page for Samsung Note models the edge is not out yet:;
However it has been reported to be under development.

So, answer it probably yes.

rcolistete 2015-01-16 20:36

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Sailfish OS alpha 5 for Nexus 5 (hammerhead) was released in January 14th 2015 :
Adaptations/libhybris/Install SailfishOS for hammerhead
[ROM] [14Jan] [GNU/Linux] Sailfish OS (Alpha) - now with MultiROM

Known issues :
- OTA Updates do not work;
- the camera does not work;
- Android app support is not available.

* 2014-11-27 MultirROM users: if your primary ROM is Lollipop based, just install any SailfishOS version accompanied with CM11 .zip, and you'll have best of both worlds working! Thanks to @julle131 for finding this!
* Alpha5 - 14 January 2015
- WLAN remembers last connected AP after reboot - bug fixed
- Sailfish OS Update 10
- Fingerterm app scaled to the screen size
- Help us close this bug down - I could not reproduce it during 1st bootup
* Alpha4 - 18 December :
- Jolla Store enabled (but do not add Jolla Account during start-up wizard, skip and then add later, due to a known issue);
- Sailfish OS Update 9;
- Magnetometer support;
- Improved BT HID support (US bt keyboard layout provided);
- Generic BT improvements;

mscion 2015-01-16 20:59

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by francesco VE (Post 1456278)
can o b possible to install sailfish on galaxy note edge on the future?

This is not the same as installing sailfish but, for fun I tried the Jolla Launcher that was in development a while back on my Edge. It actually worked pretty well but the scale was a bit off. The icons looked too big and the app drawer needs to have at least 5 columns. Don't know if there is any more development on the launcher but it would be a nice alternative to what is out there.

rcolistete 2015-01-31 15:54

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Sailfish OS beta3 for Nexus 4 (mako) was released in January 28/29th 2015 :
(Nexus 4) [ROM][29Jan][GNU/Linux] Sailfish OS (community port)

Release Notes:
28 January 2015: Basic Bluetooth support works (pairing and file transfer)
Another new feature is backup working between Sailfish versions :

Also you'll be able now to create a backup and transfer it. This means if you'll upgrade to a new release you can restore you're jolla backup. Hey that's great. Read more on: #13
Known issues, as before :
- OTA Updates do not work;
- the camera does not fully work;
- Android app support is not available.

jalyst 2015-02-07 18:39

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Is Nexus 5 almost ready for prime time, I might buy a 2nd-hand one, chuck Sailfish on it, & use it alongside my Note 4. :)

jflatt 2015-02-12 00:59

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1459971)
Is Nexus 5 almost ready for prime time, I might buy a 2nd-hand one, chuck Sailfish on it, & use it alongside my Note 4. :)

Nexus 4 works quite well

jalyst 2015-02-12 05:02

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by jflatt (Post 1460480)
Nexus 4 works quite well

Nah, more interested in N5...

Jedibeeftrix 2015-02-12 12:24

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
that is what I have, would love to stick sailfish on it.

m4r0v3r 2015-02-14 13:17

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1460485)
Nah, more interested in N5...

ive had exactly same thought ,bought a nexus 5 with broken sim slot to mess around with. the camera still doesnt work though and the sensors are all ???

jalyst 2015-02-14 13:50

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Yeah, moving sloooooowly, wish they wouldn't prioritise N4 quite so heavily... :-/
Jolla's getting quite cheap now though, if they haven't released a J2 by the end of this year, & if I can get over the frustration of that, I may buy a Jolla instead.

m4r0v3r 2015-02-14 18:09

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
the main reason i want a nexus 5, is for te screen and ram, in sunlight I cant really read the Jolla screen, and I've had enough of the new ram managment system killing the browser or whatever am listening to.

Demati 2015-02-16 12:49

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I'm still running Sailfish on my Nexus 5. I haven't had any issue with it as a daily driver (other than the camera).

I had bluetooth issues early on but those issues were resolved with Alpha 4. There is no way I can think of to test GPS as there is no Android compatibility (so I can't install Google Maps or Here Maps).

I don't use navigation on a daily basis and I have another device for a camera so I don't really miss running Android. My installation is also via multirom so if push came to shove and I needed navigation I can always boot over to Android.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me and I can report back here. I am currently running Alpha 6 on my Nexus 5.

pagis 2015-06-24 21:34

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
has anyone tried to port sailfisOS to Amazon firephone?

m4r0v3r 2015-06-26 12:32

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
does it have a cm11 port?

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