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conny 2011-07-10 16:16

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Looks interesting.

conny 2011-07-10 16:22

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Compiles and runs fine. But it seems that it only displays plain text, not rich-text.

lkravovicz 2011-07-10 16:38

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Posted a note on!forum/qtnote-discuss

caco3 2011-10-22 15:02

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Is there any progress on conboy?
Is anybody working on a version for Harmattan?
I know Harmattan is a dead end, but if there is already a half working version, it might be better than nothing.

conny 2011-10-22 15:27

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by caco3 (Post 1112062)
Is there any progress on conboy?
Is anybody working on a version for Harmattan?
I know Harmattan is a dead end, but if there is already a half working version, it might be better than nothing.

Yes, I'm working on it. Progress is a bit slow since I'm the only developer and I have lots of other things to do as well...

Code is here:

IDis 2011-11-09 16:07

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I have two questions for you.

- Any plans for the introduction of the categories? (education, work, home) I now have about a hundred entries. I'd like to organize.

- When you start the synchronization, this error is issued:

Synchronization failed

Error Mesage
Could not parse server answer
PS when downloading the version specified 0.7
but the information inside the program - About Conboy

thank you

ossipena 2011-11-10 05:57

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 1112072)
Yes, I'm working on it. Progress is a bit slow since I'm the only developer and I have lots of other things to do as well...

Code is here:

good to know that you are working on it. I'll continue working on my clone as soon as I get my main project into good enough state.

I already have couple ideas concerning the functionality etc.

IDis 2011-11-11 11:19

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I found why this error occurred when synchronizing

Synchronization failed

Error Mesage
Could not parse server answer
in Russia no longer transfer time (Summer / Winter)
time is very different
where can I download a previous version? In this version does not work search within your notes. (in Russian)

conny 2011-11-13 17:14

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by IDis (Post 1121795)
I found why this error occurred when synchronizing

in Russia no longer transfer time (Summer / Winter)
time is very different
where can I download a previous version? In this version does not work search within your notes. (in Russian)

Hi IDis,
I'm not exactly sure what causes this error and unfortunately I can't check because my N900 has died a couple of month ago :(

You can find older versions of Conboy here:

conny 2011-11-13 17:18

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

my N900 died a couple of month ago and I'm loosing the interest in Maemo5. Therefore I announce that I won't further develop Conboy for Maemo5 (nor Maemo4).

If anyone wants to take over, please contact me or simply grab the code from Gitorious or

I've started a new project to bring Conboy to MeeGo Harmattan. The first alpha version can be found here:

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