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hadjistyllis 2011-09-19 15:56

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
HI Guys
I saw the post for Angry Birds Season HD.
well why to do
Just copy to preenv libs folder with the name You will have both files and all will be normal.
use this
Open Xterm
Sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/lib
All DOne have fan

moepda 2011-09-19 20:24

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
tried the santiago preenv hd and its working perfect . i just updated icons only for hd games not normal and works great . i set the brian_7 weboshd script to normal before doing as he had suggested in an earlier post . left original preenv icons untouched...

many thanks to everyone involved in preenv,preenv HD,its scripts and everything else :)

Boemien 2011-09-19 21:18

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by moepda (Post 1091975)
tried the santiago preenv hd and its working perfect . i just updated icons only for hd games not normal and works great . i set the brian_7 weboshd script to normal before doing as he had suggested in an earlier post . left original preenv icons untouched...

many thanks to everyone involved in preenv,preenv HD,its scripts and everything else :)

Thanks for your feedback but i'm a little bit confused with all of this. I already installed some HD games, who can post a proper tutorial to make these games work with the others without changing the libsdlpre-tab file. What about those who already have HD games installed? Do we have to delete them and install them again???
We definitely need a good tutorial!!!
Anyway, thanks to all for your effort and the hard work.

moepda 2011-09-19 22:01

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
say you already got an hd game installed and working...for example i use doodlepoolhd...

all you must do is :

1 : install the preenv hd deb file.

open xterm and


sudo gainroot


desktopgen-hd  /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.myinteractive.doodlepoolhd/appinfo.json

Dont close xterm just change com.myinteractive.doodlepoolhd to the game folder for the hd game each time

( , com.fallentreegames.quellhd , com.com2us.sliceitpalmhd , com.rovio.angrybirdsseasons-hd etc etc)

repeat this desktopgen-hd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.myinteractive.doodlepoolhd/appinfo.json for hd games only . dont touch original webos games...

thats all you need to do , no reinstall, just these couple of lines.

the icons will be identical to before also . same location etc ..

N900L 2011-09-19 22:27

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
1 Attachment(s)
i got glow hockey hd running but the screen orientation is wrong

so i gave the following commands in xterminal to correct this :

$ gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 0
~ $ gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 4
~ $ gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_width 320
~ $ gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 320
~ $ gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 480

can you help me?

beach king 2011-09-19 22:35

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
thanks trisha02 for the script !! I was thinking about the same idea you did but to compile preenv again ..
anyway thanks

santiago 2011-09-20 02:52

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
4 Attachment(s)
i use this Game Beyond YNTH HD :D

this is an amazing GAME guys! Can someone make a patch for the multitouch? i add some screenshots it needs the multitouch patch.. Installed with preenv-hd script :)

trisha02 2011-09-20 03:45

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by beach king (Post 1092071)
thanks trisha02 for the script !! I was thinking about the same idea you did but to compile preenv again ..
anyway thanks

it was not my was santiago's. he is the best. can anyone make sandstorm to says segmentation fault

N900L 2011-09-20 05:22

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
please help me with this problem

Boemien 2011-09-20 08:36

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by moepda (Post 1092039)
say you already got an hd game installed and working...for example i use doodlepoolhd...

all you must do is :

1 : install the preenv hd deb file.

open xterm and


sudo gainroot


desktopgen-hd  /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.myinteractive.doodlepoolhd/appinfo.json

Dont close xterm just change com.myinteractive.doodlepoolhd to the game folder for the hd game each time

( , com.fallentreegames.quellhd , com.com2us.sliceitpalmhd , com.rovio.angrybirdsseasons-hd etc etc)

repeat this desktopgen-hd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.myinteractive.doodlepoolhd/appinfo.json for hd games only . dont touch original webos games...

thats all you need to do , no reinstall, just these couple of lines.

the icons will be identical to before also . same location etc ..

Thanks a lot for your reply man.

I tried Tap Tap Rocket HD but it's a bit slow and laggy!! :o

N900L 2011-09-20 10:25

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
can anyone help me to adjust glow hockey to the screen?
these are the commands ive typed in and this is what came out:

commands ive typed

gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 0
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 4
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_width 320
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 320

this came out:

thank you

BTW Can someone can convert the working games to deb so noobs can play them too?

moepda 2011-09-20 11:16

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by N900L (Post 1092432)
can anyone help me to adjust glow hockey to the screen?
these are the commands ive typed in and this is what came out:

commands ive typed

gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 0
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 4
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_width 320
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 320

this came out:

thank you

BTW Can someone can convert the working games to deb so noobs can play them too?

when i installed glowhocky hd i didnt make any adjustments to run it . did the apjson bit to get icon and it worked correctly full screen using the brian_7 weboshd patch and now using santiago patch. just installed and ran. i do find with some games the phone orientation is relevant. if slider open or phone turned it changes some games .
with glowhocky the phone must be landscape (use orientation lock if got cssu) and game should work as it does using this method on mine.
hope that helps a little N900L.

N900L 2011-09-20 11:26

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
i have both patches installed
how did you install it ?

trisha02 2011-09-20 11:26

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by moepda (Post 1092450)
when i installed glowhocky hd i didnt make any adjustments to run it . did the apjson bit to get icon and it worked correctly full screen using the brian_7 weboshd patch and now using santiago patch. just installed and ran. i do find with some games the phone orientation is relevant. if slider open or phone turned it changes some games .
with glowhocky the phone must be landscape (use orientation lock if got cssu) and game should work as it does using this method on mine.
hope that helps a little N900L.

in glow hockey u cant control the paddle.u hav to tap on the screen and the paddle goes makes no sense and its not der any way to fix it?

N900L 2011-09-20 11:48

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
ok then
i dont need glow hockey if thats the case.
is there an easier way to install the games?

moepda 2011-09-20 15:42

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1092241)
i use this Game Beyond YNTH HD :D

this is an amazing GAME guys! Can someone make a patch for the multitouch? i add some screenshots it needs the multitouch patch.. Installed with preenv-hd script :)

likewise installed with preenv hd script but not working correctly. game opens ok proper screen resolution etc. problem is when i select "how to play" the screen becomes approx 1/4 size (plays in bottom left corner) and no touch response at all. if choose "begin journey" screen goes black as if to load but just hangs with game never starting. got glowhocky,sliceit,quell,seasons,rio tt rockets,glyder2,kamiretro,doodlepool all working perfect just this doesnt ? wonder if i need to gconf screen ? but menu is ok so stuck !

cloud596 2011-09-20 16:53

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by hadjistyllis (Post 1091826)
HI Guys
I saw the post for Angry Birds Season HD.
well why to do
Just copy to preenv libs folder with the name You will have both files and all will be normal.
use this
Open Xterm
Sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/lib
All DOne have fan

really waste memory, u can symlink it

N900L 2011-09-20 18:25

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
after installing raging thunder slice it! hd opens upside down in landscape. how do i get it back into portrait mode?
plz help
does anyone know how to also get cosmic nitro from landscape mode to portrait mode?
i saw this game running on the iphone in portrait mode.


beach king 2011-09-20 18:57

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by N900L (Post 1092711)
after installing raging thunder slice it! hd opens upside down in landscape. how do i get it back into portrait mode?
plz help
does anyone know how to also get cosmic nitro from landscape mode to portrait mode?
i saw this game running on the iphone in portrait mode.


hey N900L

I think too many commands in gconftool messed up the whole thing ..
you can reset any game that its rotation isn't correct
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/preenv/[GameName]

or you can reset the whole gconf database with this
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/preenv

if that didn't help any ... and you are using preenv-hd script I think you can reset its rotation with
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/preenv-hd

hope this help :D

N900L 2011-09-20 19:28

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
no i just want to get it into portrait mode because it started the first time in landscape mode and i saw this game running on the iphone in portrait mode.

@beach king
i just restored the cosmicnitro gconftool.
its still in portrait mode but the touchscreen is wrong now.
but it worked on slice it.
thank you.

this game isnt fun in landscape as its better to play with one hand.

santiago 2011-09-20 19:40

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by moepda (Post 1092613)
likewise installed with preenv hd script but not working correctly. game opens ok proper screen resolution etc. problem is when i select "how to play" the screen becomes approx 1/4 size (plays in bottom left corner) and no touch response at all. if choose "begin journey" screen goes black as if to load but just hangs with game never starting. got glowhocky,sliceit,quell,seasons,rio tt rockets,glyder2,kamiretro,doodlepool all working perfect just this doesnt ? wonder if i need to gconf screen ? but menu is ok so stuck !

did you use preenv-hd and desktopgen-hd?
try with

sudo chown -R user /gamepath/com.gamefolder
and with

sudo chmod +rwx /gamepath/com.gamefolder


desktopgen-hd  /gamepath/com.gamefolder/appinfo.json

patlak 2011-09-20 19:40

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by N900L (Post 1092766)
no i just want to get it into portrait mode because it started the first time in landscape mode and i saw this game running on the iphone in portrait mode.

Mine works perfectly fine in portrait. Have you messed about with orientation manually?

moepda 2011-09-20 20:24

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1092776)
did you use preenv-hd and desktopgen-hd?
try with

sudo chown -R user /gamepath/com.gamefolder
and with

sudo chmod +rwx /gamepath/com.gamefolder


desktopgen-hd  /gamepath/com.gamefolder/appinfo.json

cheers for your reply and hd patch santiago :)

used your commands but same result . as i posted , installed loads of hd games with your hd patch and all work fine . beyondynth opens fine and main menu is perfect . nformation and options both work . when i do how to play you get leaves blow across the screen , this is fullscreen but actual gameplay screen (seen at same time as leaves) is bottom left of screen about 1/4 screen with no touch response.
i wonder if bad ipk but do think that there probably arent many copies about ? not sure as your copy obviously works and mine fails !

edit : when trying to load actual game when screen is black and nothing happens ,htop shows cpu at 87% !

edit 2 : Added screenshots , first 2 pics show options/how to play level select - working full screen with correct touch responses
second pics show how it goes wrong ! game screen shrinks but leaves dont ?!? and lastly actual screen 1/4 size with no touch screen responses. actual game doesnt even load :(

N900L 2011-09-20 20:48

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
@beach king
i just restored the cosmicnitro gconftool.
its still in landscape mode but the touchscreen is wrong now.
but it worked on slice it.
thank you.

this game isnt fun in landscape as its better to play with one hand.

beach king 2011-09-20 22:06

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by N900L (Post 1092826)
@beach king
i just restored the cosmicnitro gconftool.
its still in landscape mode but the touchscreen is wrong now.
but it worked on slice it.
thank you.

this game isnt fun in landscape as its better to play with one hand.

Most games work fine for me unlike buka and bukaHD it still have some touchscreen coordination issue and some other games ...
I cant find any ipk for cosmicnitro
can u pm me with link ?!

I will try it.
Glowing Hokey HD is working fine with me in portrait mode and with good touch coordinates ..

santiago 2011-09-21 00:18

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by moepda (Post 1092813)
cheers for your reply and hd patch santiago :)

used your commands but same result . as i posted , installed loads of hd games with your hd patch and all work fine . beyondynth opens fine and main menu is perfect . nformation and options both work . when i do how to play you get leaves blow across the screen , this is fullscreen but actual gameplay screen (seen at same time as leaves) is bottom left of screen about 1/4 screen with no touch response.
i wonder if bad ipk but do think that there probably arent many copies about ? not sure as your copy obviously works and mine fails !

edit : when trying to load actual game when screen is black and nothing happens ,htop shows cpu at 87% !

edit 2 : Added screenshots , first 2 pics show options/how to play level select - working full screen with correct touch responses
second pics show how it goes wrong ! game screen shrinks but leaves dont ?!? and lastly actual screen 1/4 size with no touch screen responses. actual game doesnt even load :(

ummm very strange tell me the game version, maybe it's wrong the game version. if you wait, the screen is in full mode or is it 1/4? becouse to see it in full screen i have to wait the the foliage went away.. in the animation frames i mean

trisha02 2011-09-21 00:45

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by beach king (Post 1092855)
Most games work fine for me unlike buka and bukaHD it still have some touchscreen coordination issue and some other games ...
I cant find any ipk for cosmicnitro
can u pm me with link ?!

I will try it.
Glowing Hokey HD is working fine with me in portrait mode and with good touch coordinates ..

glow hockey HD working fine? can u control the paddle by touch or u hav to press anywhere and the paddle moves there? which one?

raverpol 2011-09-21 02:10

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I downladed ipk files for angry birds season HD and angry birds rio hd and install preenv-hd and did the trick with libSLD
now I can open AB season HD but it is too large for the screen. How can I change it?
I can't open AB rio HD, it is trying to open but after some sec the screen closes. What can I do?

szopin 2011-09-21 02:23

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Check HD versions are 800x480 compatible, format your files 8 times for added security, try on nitdroid, should be more compatible.

dignified 2011-09-21 02:39

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
where can i download web os games.. ?sorry newbie

raverpol 2011-09-21 02:47

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
now I have problem with all of my webOS games :(
NOVA, Let's Golf, NFSU, Hero of Sparta and Tetrisopen in a very small window in the left-down corner when I use my phone in landscape
AB season HD are too big for my screen in landscape
AB season and rio open in revert portrait when Im in landscape with my phone
AB rio HD doesn't open at all

I need help, first time I dont know what to do :(

trisha02 2011-09-21 05:18

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
copy the or given in pg 245+(not sure) in /home/user directory. if u have done so then just type this in xterminal bfre playing non hd games

sudo gainroot
sh weboshd/

and for playing hd games u can type
sudo gainroot
chmod 777 /

or to avoid this u can install the new preenv-hd and then just desktopgen-hd appinfo.json for the hd game.then u dnt hav to type again nd again in xterminal

dignified 2011-09-21 07:01

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
i type the desktopgen but it shows cannot open no such files or directory

dignified 2011-09-21 07:06

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
pls post some ther direct link of hd game

N900L 2011-09-21 07:16

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
i installed angry birds seasons hd via webos game manager and via xterminal.
both got the same result :
the game is installed but it doesnt open.
does anyone know the solution?


@beach king
i did install cosmic nitrof from a deb file

dignified 2011-09-21 07:21

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by N900L (Post 1093042)
i installed angry birds seasons hd via webos game manager and via xterminal.
both got the same result :
the game is installed but it doesnt open.
does anyone know the solution?


@beach king
i did install cosmic nitrof from a deb file

where can i download hd games?

Kevstacey 2011-09-21 07:24

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
ive installed Slice it HD, it loads up in portrait mode fine up until level select screen, then when i select a level it closes itself

any ideas? cheers :D

trisha02 2011-09-21 07:28

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

dignified 2011-09-21 07:49

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
page load error trisha

patlak 2011-09-21 08:05

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by dignified (Post 1093044)
where can i download hd games?

WebOS games

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