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Bundyo 2008-03-14 21:28

Re: The noBounds Project

Abiword isn't quite stable and there's no Impress AFAIK.

Texrat 2008-03-14 21:29

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Karel Jansens (Post 155235)
Yes, you can now see the lack of decent productivity software on a much larger screen.

I could share a PDF presentation if I liked. There's my wow factor... and I would feel the same regardless of employment. ;)

BeIng 2008-03-14 21:38

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 155255)
Well the interface to LCD controller is of course much faster than Wi-Fi. Almost anything is faster than wi-fi (especially the one in our tablets :-). The whole demonstration looks strange. Things on N8x0 display do not match things on big display (1 fish vs tons of fish, 1 house vs whole city, hildon UI vs no UI on big display, 3 thumbnails on the left in quiver vs more on big display). And of course you can't push full screen HD video over wifi (or even usb 2.0 which is ~10x faster) uncompressed at 30 fps. There is simply not enough bandwidth, they must cheat somehow. The most plausible part is accelerated OpenGL which is technically possible with our OMAP chip but still quite improbable. We'll see :-)

You made good points!
The local N8x0 3D rendering is limited. Externally, more details are enabled. The UI handling is not yet done consistently (it's 'demo-SW' :p). It's fine for e.g. quiver, lybniz, MaemoPad, web-browser, and other GUI programs.
You could look more closely in full screen, therefore I've uploaded it in full quality: The N8x0 shows the left upper 800x480 part only. Later versions might have local panning. The FullHD shows the full 1920x1080 output synchonously. Shrinking the huge display content to the small would render it simply unusable tiny, or do you have so small fingers *fg*.
You're correct, uncompressed FullHD video (~3Gbps) won't fit in WLAN or USB2.0 HS. Thus the available compressed MPEG4 AVC, H264 movie-file is easily streamed (20..40Mbps) and to be decoded at display side.

pipeline 2008-03-14 21:46

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by BeIng (Post 155263)
Btw. I'm searching for gnumeric, abiword, impress,... for our demo N8x0. If it runns you'll see another video. Could someone help?

Hmm ok, but first tell what the x in 8x0 stands for :)

Bundyo 2008-03-14 21:52

Re: The noBounds Project
So the actual FullHD decoder will be in the dongle? Wouldn't that make it quite high-priced?

EDIT: About the Impress - here's a straight compile of an old Impress 1.0 viewer - Imposter, not hildonized, but works.

Benson 2008-03-14 22:32

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Karel Jansens (Post 155196)
I don't exactly get the hype here. Basically this is a slightly more advanced form of video-out, for high-resolution displays.

My Archos PMA430 did Svideo-out three years ago and the Pandora will do sVideo-out at 800x480. It's nice that Nokia's solution has DVI and Sub-VGA options, but for a lowest common denominator (and isn't that what you're looking for with a portable device?) nothing pretty much beats good old Svideo.

Unless, of course, you don't fall for the notion of sitting about staring at whatever content someone else feeds you, and hence have no TV in the house. Radio's OK, because you can listen while doing something else. But if I'm gonna sit and stare at a piece of entertainmeent or information, I'll jolly well run the show! Computers good, TV bad.

No matter your opinion on that, I'm sure there are many people who would rather have SVGA (Super-VGA, BTW) than s-vid, if only because they have a nicer computer monitor or (e.g. classroom) projector than TV.


Oh, and on the full HD issue: Exactly how many HD movies are you going to fit on that single microSD card on your N810?
Well, you can get about 4x as many on an N800, you can have multiple cards, or you could fail to acquire the slack-jaw screen-stare, and use that resolution for presentations, web browsing, etc.


And finally: Yes, people. All this was done in Bochum, only seconds before Nokia axed the place!
Yes, 40 million seconds before. They did their best to stop N8x0s from getting features, but you know big corporations move slow.

Benson 2008-03-14 22:41

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by BeIng (Post 155263)
If you've not the right Display available, you could use a dongle with additional power supply. But the N810 USB OTG can provide power through the USB cable, so that you don't need three power supplies.

Btw. I'm searching for gnumeric, abiword, impress,... for our demo N8x0. If it runns you'll see another video. Could someone help?

Impress would be good for creating stuff, but export the presentation to pdf and eVince works great.

Karel Jansens 2008-03-14 22:59

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 155241)
The LCD controller issue isn't really relevant here. If you want to ***** about that go start you own thread where you can moan to your heart's content, there's no need too troll here.

Besides, this really doesn't have a ton to do with what Nokia proper is doing. Sorta like *****ing about the INdT guys not doing something you think Nokia shouod be doing.

Anyway, fixing the LCD controller issue isn't something you can do with software. Wait for step 5 and OMAP3 where we'll have a built-in controller that can handle 800x480. OMAP2 and the N8*0s are a done deal.

Oh, I'll be getting an OMAP3 allright...

Benson 2008-03-14 23:01

Re: The noBounds Project
Heh, not sure why, but I don't think you're talking N900... ;)

BeIng 2008-03-14 23:02

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by pipeline (Post 155287)
Hmm ok, but first tell what the x in 8x0 stands for :)

It's simply for my laziness :D: x stands for 0 and 1 => N800; N810

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