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DeeJay_XB 2008-08-11 12:10

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
@wartstew please write a short step by step guide for the ip-camera with httpd!


raynman 2008-08-12 16:20

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Adding a couple of command shortcuts to osso-statusbar-cpu for this would be a wonderful addition to an already great application. Could someone please post the command I need to enter into osso-statusbar-cpu in order to do this?

To start, I tried httpd -k start which works from xterm, but I probably need to combine this with sudo gainroot somehow. Must I put the two commands in a script and run sh -c '/pathto/'?

lad 2009-02-19 15:30

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
I guess there is no streaming cam ap for 0S2008 that has the same simplicity and gui as Peek-A-Boo did on OS2007?

raingnomo 2009-03-18 18:17

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by laavu (Post 186486)
When you start the server with motion detection enabled, the server saves the stream when motion is detected. You can playback this stream using the "View stored stream" link. The default location where the stream is saved is the internal memory card root and the file name is gstmjpg.mjpg.

how can i change the location where the stream is saved? i would like it to be my external card..


oronzous 2009-04-10 00:10

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Just log in to say:
1- thank you, great app and very easy to use

2- some ISP (like mine) block ports for security issues. I had to call them and they opened port 80 in a few minutes.

wartstew 2010-04-09 22:33

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by DeeJay_XB (Post 212264)
@wartstew please write a short step by step guide for the ip-camera with httpd!


Sorry about taking years to get back, but I didn't see this post until I had to look up this thread to help do it again since my N810 ate its root file system (ouch!).

1) Anyway I installed thttpd instead of Apache, It is in a repository somewhere.

2) Get a root shell and edit /etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf to enable option "nochroot" and disable "chroot". Note the security issues with this, but I had to do it to be able to run the busybox shell that is in /bin. I had installed the editor "nano" to do this, but "vi" is already on your NIT if you know how to use it (I do, but not real well).

3) I installed the gstmjpg application listed elsewhere on this thread.
(dpkg -i gstmjpg_1.0.11_armel.deb)

4) Since thttpd was configured to put its root in /var/www, I created the directory "cgi-bin" there and moved the contents of the gstmjpg created cgi-bin to it: mv /usr/lib/cgi-bin/* /var/www/cgi-bin
You can probably ignore all that previous stuff I posted about symlinks since there probably won't be any updates to the gstmjpg for the Nokias anyway.

5) I also moved the gstmjpg http documents from /usr/htdocs to /var/www: mv /usr/htdocs/* /var/www

6) At this point you should be able to go to http:<your NIT's IP>/webcam.html and see it all work.

7) Since this thing was set to record everything to your internal mmc device (which take some processor time), for me I would rather not record, just stream, but do so in a high resolution mode so I edited /usr/share/dbus-1/services/gstmjpg.service and removed the "--out" and everything past it, then changed the "size" from qvga to vga, turned the frame rate down to 3. Now it easily streams 640x480.

Now you just have to pretty up the web pages the way you want. Notice that the stuff in cgi-bin are just shell scripts that you can change to make them work the way you want. Just remember all cgi-bin progs must output the "content type" line followed by a blank line for them to work.

(So now when my NIT eats itself again, I can find these instructions again and use them myself!)

assetburned 2010-04-09 22:48

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
hmm any chance that someone will port all this to the Maemo 5 platform?

nokian-series 2010-04-09 23:35

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by assetburned (Post 603563)
hmm any chance that someone will port all this to the Maemo 5 platform?

Dont work on N900 :(

assetburned 2010-04-11 18:31

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
because of the missing packages, right. but they could be ported or not?

Pinatz 2010-08-02 13:00

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Is there a way to stream this and sound parallel?

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