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b-man 2008-07-29 02:23

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Looks pritty cool, could you provide some information on how you did this?, i would love to try this out:).

dan 2008-07-29 13:33

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Debian is an awesome addition to NIT.
Anyone encounter the following error when using Synaptic manager to load an app.
It says I've run out of space on my devise and can't load app.
I have over 20gb on that card!
I'm on a trip so I can't read several hundred posts on my N800 to see if this has been addressed. TIA, Dan

Benson 2008-07-29 13:48

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by b-man (Post 208047)
Looks pritty cool, could you provide some information on how you did this?, i would love to try this out:).

Me? Just:

debbie gmpc
Obviously, you need a Debian chroot environment with gmpc installed. Beta3-based here, but you should be able to make things rock with Beta4.

b-man 2008-07-29 14:06

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Thanks, i kinda figured that you needed to do that :P.

qole 2008-07-29 16:47

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Does gmpc need mpd? If so, that'll be a problem for anyone using our stock chroot scripts...

Benson 2008-07-29 16:54

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Well, it connects to an mpd. But you'd typically use it as a remote control (over wifi) for your media machine running mpd, or (atypically) run mpd under Diablo (like me), and then either maemo or chroot apps can connect and control it. Using the Debian mpd inside the chroot would be basically pointless.

fatalsaint 2008-07-29 16:54

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by qole (Post 208288)
Does gmpc need mpd? If so, that'll be a problem for anyone using our stock chroot scripts...

I had that working with bootable debian beta3.. I had to remove your copy commands that overwrote the passwd and group files.. beta3's passwd file was so similar that there was no issues I ran into with not copying over the stock passwd file and keeping the mpd user.

Everything worked great for me. Beta4 will be a different story...

qole 2008-07-29 17:01

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 208292)
Using the Debian mpd inside the chroot would be basically pointless.

Why? Your mmc cards are visible in the chroot...

I have tried a handful of XMMS2 clients and various other Debian media players, all of them have performance issues. So far nothing compares with maemo XMMS for performance...

Benson 2008-07-29 17:04

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Yeah, but why run daemons from chroot (not necessarily available at boot, and blocks you from unmounting the card) when you've got the same thing already built for Maemo?

Not that you can't do it, but for mpd, I think it's pointless. For something else where there's no Maemo build, it could make sense.

qole 2008-07-29 17:58

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Just a note, I posted simple instructions for getting Alsa (sound) working in a Debian install that has no support yet (like the chroot image) in this post.

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