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cheahk 2008-08-28 16:12

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
Professional Lottery Participant.

When I win the big one, N900s for everyone!!!


Baloo 2008-08-28 16:54

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?

Originally Posted by cheahk (Post 218556)
Professional Lottery Participant.

When I win the big one, N900s for everyone!!!


We will hold you to that! ;)

yerga 2008-08-28 17:10

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
It seems I am a rare specie in the community, specially when my principal role here is developer.

I am finishing the Chemistry grade and I will work in the research world in the future (I have made some collaboration on research yet, but I am not going to do any more until I don't finish the last 6 subjects I lack).

My speciality is in the "Immunoanalysis with electrochemical detection" field, it doesn't have anything to do with computer science not even programming, my programming knowledge is "autolearned" in my spare time.

cheahk 2008-08-28 17:11

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?

Originally Posted by Baloo (Post 218577)
We will hold you to that! ;)

We could be using N9000s by the time I retire. But I'm willing to negotiate. :cool:


heavyt 2008-08-28 17:31

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
I "drill holes" in the sky for an airline. :)

overfloat 2008-08-28 17:44

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
What, no finance guys here? I was expecting a few....... anyway, i'm an equity analyst

thorbo 2008-08-28 18:02

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
Hardware/software hobbyist, 9 years professional graphic designer and 1 year Customer Support rep for a military software contractor... with a music degree and MBA -- all in all a weird mix. Working on a Masters in Architecture. One day, perhaps. Trying to integrate all the different hobbies/tasks.... not so easy.

anidel 2008-08-28 18:15

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?

Originally Posted by lorelei (Post 217368)
Systems manager for High Performance Computing machines (clusters, supercomputers and compute-grids). The nice thing about this job is the fact that you get to "play" with beautiful (and expensive) hardware :)

...and graduated in 2006 (Computer Science)

For a moment I thought you were saying "with beautiful (and expensive) women" :-D

anidel 2008-08-28 18:23

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
By the way I was a Computer Science, Network Security researcher in Italy until 2 days ago when I signed the contract for my very first permanent job in London.
I will be a 'regular' Software Developer for a gambling company based in Chiswick, W4 London starting from this September (22nd).

Big change.. but at least I have a permanent job :D (the researcher one was being conducted as post-doc).
I have been a software developer (no capital letters) since I discovered what a computer is (it was a Laser 500, similar to a C=64) back in the late 80s.
Actually I became a 'real' developer when I get my first Linux kernel (0.99pl13) running on my 386sx with 2Mb of RAM.

Ahh good old times..

Thesandlord 2008-08-28 18:27

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
Dual Enrolled High School and Community College student. Hope to finish my BA associates degree before high school is over, and then go to a 4 year. Marketing is my desired major, but things change. Dream is to bring down the apple marketing machine (No, no I was kidding, please don't kill meeee....)

I help my mom run her website be sometimes writing flash/java games, tutorials, etc.

Recently finished an internship in market research. It was really fun, because I got to read and write about Symbian, Android, Maemo, Moblie Linux, Windows Mobile, and different processors (and more fun stuff), and got PAID to do it.

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