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Breece 2009-11-15 20:33

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
I think this was answered somewhere but i cant find it... Do things like MSN/ICQ integrate with the built in IM?

Laughing Man 2009-11-15 20:41

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
Yes if you have the add-on from the extras-testing repository.

Breece 2009-11-15 21:02

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
Ah cool :) Thank you for that information!

romanianusa 2009-11-15 21:25

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
Most people use Yahoo Messenger and AIM...why not support these IMs and just MSN??

Laughing Man 2009-11-15 21:27

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
Because they are closed protocals that can only be accessed by reverse hacking or permission from those companies (e.g. a form of their own client). But AIM and Yahoo will also work with an add-on from the extras-testing repository. (It's pretty much taken from Pidgin I think).

mece 2009-11-15 22:35

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 377295)
Because they are closed protocals that can only be accessed by reverse hacking or permission from those companies (e.g. a form of their own client). But AIM and Yahoo will also work with an add-on from the extras-testing repository. (It's pretty much taken from Pidgin I think).

What are you on about? Afaik AIM and Yahoo are just as open as msn and ICQ. Either way the haze plugin supports all of them, and its integrated just as the other protocols. Haze is not stable yet though. In time.

Laughing Man 2009-11-15 23:07

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
AIM, Yahoo, and MSN (not sure about ICQ) are all closed protocals. E.g. the companies behind them (AIM, Yahoo, and Microsoft) don't support any client besides their own. Any client you use that uses their protocals (Pidgin for example) isn't officially supported or recognized by them. Thus when AIM, Yahoo, or MSN changes something you sometimes get breaks in Pidgin and have to wait till the developers of Pidgin find a workaround or whatever

Hence why Nokia is not bothering to offer this by default (answer to romanianusa) and hence why we have to go through something like Haze instead of having out of the box support.

mece 2009-11-15 23:09

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
By just as open I meant just as closed, duh :D

AIM and ICQ is the same protocol these days I believe.

abu9al7 2009-11-19 10:39

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
Is it possible to run a multiple MSN Messenger accounts at the same time on N900 ? :)

zfarooq 2009-11-26 19:59

Re: Is there an MSN type client on the Nokia n900?

Originally Posted by rusti (Post 347009)
I use account-plugin-butterly from extras-testing.

hey how did you install that on your n900?

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