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oxpo 2009-11-24 17:11

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
Don't know how much weight to put in this statement from Klas Ström (works for Nokia, Product manager for Nokia Scandinavia):

at the end of the post, he says (something like):

Nokia online shop (sweden) will soon send out information to people that preordered there.


jjx 2009-11-24 23:01

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by oxpo (Post 389245)
Don't know how much weight to put in this statement from Klas Ström (works for Nokia, Product manager for Nokia Scandinavia):

at the en of the post, he says (something like):

Nokia online shop (sweden) will soon send out information to people that preordered there.


With Sweden unable to roll out until the 3 USIM issue is fixed and released, I imagine that's a high priority that may push the next firmware release. They have already written the fix; it is being tested now. Because of that, the next firmware may be a "minor" update, fixing just that issue and perhaps other well-contained faults like the GPS not locking without a working data connection.

cake 2009-11-28 15:43

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
Interestingly, has sent out an email to preorder customers saying the device will be delivered in week 50, but with fw 1.0, adding that 3's SIMs will not work until fw 1.1 is out. The question on everybody's minds right now is obviously what the delay was all about. It all seems extremely fishy at this point.

nymajoak 2009-11-28 15:56

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by cake (Post 397719)
Interestingly, has sent out an email to preorder customers saying the device will be delivered in week 50, but with fw 1.0, adding that 3's SIMs will not work until fw 1.1 is out. The question on everybody's minds right now is obviously what the delay was all about. It all seems extremely fishy at this point.

See Klas Ström's tweet re this:


#N900 pre-order users via Nokia online shop to get their N900's in Sweden on current SW to ensure deliveries in a world screaming for N900.
On he also acknowledges the following as a valid explanation:


Kan ju vara så att dom lyssnat lite på alla klagomål som tex att vi vet det med problemet med 3 simkortet och att vi som förbokat är "powerusers" för det mesta, och sen att dom märkte att 1.1 tog lite längre tid än dom tänkt sig och därför tänkte att vi släpper den till Nokia shop kunder som vet vad det handlar om. Och sen kommer den inte ut i vanliga butiker förren 1.1 är släppt.
Translated, it roughly reads:
It could be that they listened a bit to all the complaints like for instance that we are aware of the 3 sim-card problem and that we who have pre-ordered are generally "power users", and also that they noticed 1.1 took a bit longer than expected and therefore released it to Nokia shop customers who are aware of the issue. Then it won't be released in regular shops until 1.1 is released.

So my interpretation is they basically changed their minds and decided to ship to webshop customers without the firmware update, and inform them via email of the sim card issue. Other shops might have to wait since Nokia can't be sure customers would be informed about the issue.

In addition to this they have also previously said part of the reason for the delay was to wait for larger volumes being delivered by Nokia.

dwould 2009-11-28 16:06

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
I'm interested that some people did get e-mails telling them about the 3 sim issue. I never had any official warning (although I did know about the problem). it's the last remaining thing I really want. other than not working for my SIM the device is fantastic. fingers crossed for a firmware update very soon.

nymajoak 2009-11-28 16:09

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 397731)
I'm interested that some people did get e-mails telling them about the 3 sim issue. I never had any official warning (although I did know about the problem). it's the last remaining thing I really want. other than not working for my SIM the device is fantastic. fingers crossed for a firmware update very soon.

They wrote in the same email that the update was expected in the end of December, so there might not be a separate one before "the Christmas update".

Cybjit 2009-11-28 16:13

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by nymajoak (Post 397724)
On he also acknowledges the following as a valid explanation:

Translated, it roughly reads:
It could be that they listened a bit to all the complaints like for instance that we are aware of the 3 sim-card problem and that we who have pre-ordered are generally "power users", and also that they noticed 1.1 took a bit longer than expected and therefore released it to Nokia shop customers who are aware of the issue. Then it won't be released in regular shops until 1.1 is released.

I don't think that was Klas Ström

dwould 2009-11-28 16:44

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by nymajoak (Post 397733)
They wrote in the same email that the update was expected in the end of December, so there might not be a separate one before "the Christmas update".

I really wish I could get an official time line on when this fix is expected to roll out. I'm hovering over the buy for an o2 sim, I don't really want two overlap the end of my 3 contract, but I also don't want to spend the next month unable to get the most out of my n900...

nymajoak 2009-11-28 16:52

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by Cybjit (Post 397736)
I don't think that was Klas Ström

No, the quote was a post by someone else. Klas Ström acknowledged later in the thread that it was correct.

eikido 2009-11-28 18:27

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

update to deliveries around week 50

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