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ossipena 2009-12-04 08:35

Re: N900 bricked hheellpp

Originally Posted by Bijiont (Post 409216)
speaking of wiki, I am surprised the flashing instructions for each OS aren't a little more clear.

For example I don't see the "u" key mentioned on any of the OS instructions.

I know what some are saying "Then update it. . . it's a wiki anyone can do it". I would but I don't have a N900 nor first hand experience flashing only what I have read here at

Something which may be helpful would be to break down per device how to flash. I know this may sound "low tech" but maybe even include images for people who don't have a tech background.

I know I know, "Are you some kind of *****"? No I actually do a ton of programming so this isn't a request or suggestion from a low tech person but someone who almost spends more time commenting code than the actual code itself.

Code is only as good as the comments that tell you what a nest does.

this is great point. I will add your post to wiki talk page atleast as a reminder for myself.

Bijiont 2009-12-04 08:40

Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Great thanks ossipena!

Just thinking the community won't always have die hard linux buyers. I know there are some out there that may have the N900 and not even know what linux is.

Just looking to better the community now that I will soon be among the N900 owners. (GF got me a N900 after my long 7+hour battle with NokiaUSA. Amazon order for the win).

Z0l 2009-12-04 09:11

Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
If flashing does not start with a "Waiting for suitable usb device" message, you may try to turn off the phone, hold the "u" key on the keyboard and plug in the cable. This way the phone won't boot up but it'll stay in bootloader mode and you can flash it.
[edit] Sorry i missed the post describing this method :)

archebyte 2009-12-04 14:58

Re: N900 bricked hheellpp

Originally Posted by Bijiont (Post 409216)
For example I don't see the "u" key mentioned on any of the OS instructions.

The 'u' key is clearly mentioned in the wiki instructions for XP and for Flasher.

Screenshots are of little use when commands are needed.

jiiv 2009-12-04 16:10

Re: N900 bricked hheellpp

Originally Posted by archebyte (Post 409984)
The 'u' key is clearly mentioned in the wiki instructions for XP and for Flasher.

Screenshots are of little use when commands are needed.

Yeah, we just really need to get that into each OS section. Most people aren't going to read the entire page, only the part the guide leads them to (Why would anyone read the Windows XP section if they're working on another system?).
I'd do it, but my wiki technique is very weak...looks like I should probably brush up on that in the near future.

christexaport 2009-12-04 17:03

Re: N900 bricked hheellpp

Originally Posted by jiiv (Post 409048)
Watch out, I might try to take you up on that when there's another meetup. :)
Glad to be of assistance.

good luck. I cant afford to pay attention atm. MAybe I'll wash your car, or guard your Maemo devices... (evil grin)

marpsoft 2009-12-05 02:26

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
OK Guys. Solution for all that have Vista 64bit OS (or other 64 bit microshit) and cant flash n900 and posible many other devices.
You need to turn on loading of unsigned drivers.
You do it by choosing option in text boot menu (the one that you will get after pushing "F8" key just on start of Windows booting).
You need to choose from text menu "Boot without checking for signed drivers" or similar (cant exactly write option name because got polish edition of Vista)
If someone can check how its called in english version properly then please write it.

Good luck.
Have a nice day.
And pray for fast firmware update (Bricked 2 times in 1 week).

christexaport 2009-12-05 23:57

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
I've yet to see a Vista tutorial. The XP one does not work.

God 2009-12-10 00:10

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
This vista tutorial works 100%

christexaport 2009-12-10 14:23

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Nice post, God. Unfortunately, I don't speak Italian. Care to repost one in English?

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