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joshua.maverick 2009-12-08 08:28

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by Tintin (Post 415816)
Purty indeed.
I'd personally prefer it if;
- the menu items on the left hand side were on the right hand side as I mosly use Twitter to read and it'd be nice not to have to look at those options every time.

- that there were no 'Twitter' icon - and instead the message is just sent pressing Enter - but having said that..that may not work so well for our friends on N800's.

- that the theme was muh more dark/black (personal preference of course)

@TinTin: Took your advice, aside from the dark/black, though I may mess around with that. Great input on the right side idea! Let's wait to hear what dwould says before I continue. Maybe he'll want to run with wazd's layout, or his own.

Regardless, dwould, if there is anything I can do to help, just let me know.

Tintin 2009-12-08 08:33

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 416020)
@TinTin: Took your advice, aside from the dark/black, though I may mess around with that. Great input on the right side idea! Let's wait to hear what dwould says before I continue. Maybe he'll want to run with wazd's layout, or his own.

Regardless, dwould, if there is anything I can do to help, just let me know.

You're good.

The only other thing I would personally prefer is 'icons' for "Tweet' and 'Refresh' instead of big icons with text in them.


kryptoniankid17 2009-12-08 09:55

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 415860)

i like the right side too. seems alot less distracting to the eye.

heavenstorm 2009-12-08 11:54

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Hello everybody,

i have a N900 since yesterday... and was very amused to read about the witter-aplication...

i have installed it as it was written, but it don't start.. it opens but nothing happens... i waited for almost 15 minutes but i could only read witter in the status bar...

has anybody the same problem or a solution for that?

Have i to install any phyton-packages first?

Sorry if the question is stupid, but i am a real newbi...

ARJWright 2009-12-08 14:39

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by wazd (Post 415978)

You know something, while the other mock up looks great from a functional end - and seems to borrow form Gravity (Symbian^1 version) - this one seems to better follow the UI guidelines, and evne introduces a bit of a nuance with the bottom text box that needs to be considered for future updates to the UI guide.

Tintin 2009-12-08 17:21

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Installed it to my N810 and here are some areas of improvement (sorry if they have been mentioned);

1) I'd love to see the avatars and not just the twitter names

2) Some texts in the timeline goes past the right edge of the screen and does not seem to wrap correctly

3) Nothing happens when selecting direct messages, mentions or search.

4) Could you add a 'retweet' option that takes advantage of the now built-in retweeting function?

5) I'd love kinetic scrolling on the N810 platform as well

6) I would much prefer that instead of a full date and time stamp in the tweets that it would say 'Posted 4 mins ago', etc.

7) Auto-refresh of the timeline would be great

8) A better looking UI :)

9) When on the Friends/Contacts list it would be nice to be able to click the name of a contact and then see all his/hers tweets

Like the contact management options a lot!

dwould 2009-12-08 20:20

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by wazd (Post 415978)

I really like this one.

I guess I should learn how to put pictures on buttons instead of text...
I also have not the slightest clue how I would put the remaining character count inside the test entry field.

My personal though on avatars is they provide nothing I want to see at the cost of screen space. I can't recognise most people from their avatar pictures anyhow.

unfortunately this week is likely to see little progress because I had a day job, and it rather gets in the way ;-)

my plan for now is to figure out the garage project stuff to get the code in SCM, and sort out diablo versus fremantle. As there is a good chance diablo will get left behind in the enthusiasm for the nice new n900

With that sorted I might stand a chance of keeping track of various enhancement requests!

dwould 2009-12-08 20:22

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by bdogg64 (Post 415523)
I don't know if you've seen this already, but it might make it easier to implement some of these requested features

I modified one of your earlier builds from your blog post and it works pretty good

yes I saw it, but the intention when I started this was to learn python, more than it was to make a twitter application anyone else would use. So I'm making life hard for myself by writing from scratch (badly) many things I'm sure I could just pick up from existing stuff.

dwould 2009-12-08 20:43

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by Tintin (Post 416908)
Installed it to my N810 and here are some areas of improvement (sorry if they have been mentioned);

1) I'd love to see the avatars and not just the twitter names

2) Some texts in the timeline goes past the right edge of the screen and does not seem to wrap correctly

3) Nothing happens when selecting direct messages, mentions or search.

4) Could you add a 'retweet' option that takes advantage of the now built-in retweeting function?

5) I'd love kinetic scrolling on the N810 platform as well

6) I would much prefer that instead of a full date and time stamp in the tweets that it would say 'Posted 4 mins ago', etc.

7) Auto-refresh of the timeline would be great

8) A better looking UI :)

9) When on the Friends/Contacts list it would be nice to be able to click the name of a contact and then see all his/hers tweets

Like the contact management options a lot!

1) sorry, I persnally don't want to spend the screen space on a tiny picture

2,3,4)I'm afraid the 810 verison is currently quite far behind
nothing will happen when you select any of the views until you hit 'refresh'
retweet is being developed and if I figure out a sensible way to manage two slightly different code streams, then it will go to the n810 too

5)kinetic scrolling on the 810 is a question of me figuring out library that provides it

6)the problem with time stamps that show you how long ago, is that you have to have a constantly updating process to keep them up to date. that means battery drain vs inaccuarcy. fixed time stamp is just right.

7) same thing with 6. but very commonly requested. so I'll probably work on it, but it means me learning how to do threads etc.

8) everyones a critic....;-)

9) yeah, I guess that would be nice...perhaps one of the core things to get working before I worry about multiple accounts etc

Tintin 2009-12-08 20:46

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I guess we're all different - for me avatars help a lot as i subscribe to a lot of news/site updates that oftgen post 4-5 tweets in a row. Having the avatars is a great way for me to quickly see what sort of posts I have.

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