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ed_boner 2011-12-23 20:35

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
ok..and i restore the original file?

bingomion 2011-12-23 22:07

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
a better fix will be in KP50, it was descussed on the forum a month ago

ed_boner 2011-12-24 12:18

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
right.of course stable kp49 has just been released and we are probably months from a stable kp50...this tweak seems really nice...but i cannot get it to work 100%..always have to write the code on every reboot still..

Hurrian 2011-12-24 14:42

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by ed_boner (Post 1141415)
right.of course stable kp49 has just been released and we are probably months from a stable kp50...this tweak seems really nice...but i cannot get it to work 100%..always have to write the code on every reboot still..

Are you lazy or what?

Drop the new adp1653.ko in /lib/modules/2.6.28-power49/ and add this to /etc/event.d/


start on started hildon-desktop

echo 1 >/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0030/disable_indicator_led
end script

ed_boner 2011-12-25 02:47

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1141457)
Are you lazy or what?

Drop the new adp1653.ko in /lib/modules/2.6.28-power49/ and add this to /etc/event.d/


start on started hildon-desktop

echo 1 >/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0030/disable_indicator_led
end script

Hurrian 2011-12-25 10:10

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by ed_boner (Post 1141599)

Please go shoot yourself, now.
vi /etc/event.d/shootyourselfnowpl0x
chmod /etc/event.d/shootyourselfnowpl0x

maacruz 2011-12-25 10:32

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1141655)
Please go shoot yourself, now.
vi /etc/event.d/shootyourselfnowpl0x
chmod +x /etc/event.d/shootyourselfnowpl0x

A small bugfix :)

ed_boner 2011-12-25 12:25

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable? must think everyone is a coder...or who isnt is not worth helping..really humble way of dealing with the i am lazy and must shoot myself for not knowing what to do..nice directions...tks for nothing

maacruz 2011-12-25 14:02

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by ed_boner (Post 1141679) must think everyone is a coder...or who isnt is not worth helping..really humble way of dealing with the i am lazy and must shoot myself for not knowing what to do..nice directions...tks for nothing

He may appear a bit harsh, but I think it is tongue in cheek humour. Let's keep peace, everyone.
He already gave you instructions, reread the previous post. Btw, you'll probably need clues about how to use the vi editor, use google or use another text editor.
This is somewhat advanced stuff and it is assumed you know the system basics (just basic linux stuff), go ahead under your own responsability.
In other thread you said you already broke your system because you didn't know what you were doing, didn't you? I strongly suggest you do your homework and learn the basics before asking, there are tons of documentation on linux for newbyes, google it.
If you are unwilling to learn such stuff, I suggest you keep disabling the light on each reboot, or wait till someone puts it in a more user friendly way (a GUI or whatever).

ed_boner 2011-12-25 14:31

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
i will do that tks.

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