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jaysire 2010-04-19 18:44

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Although this particular "source" specifically states that the resolution cannot be determined, so I think the info in the previous message should be taken with a grain of salt.

nilchak 2010-04-19 18:50

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 494351)
Maybe I need to list some of my hardware in my sig, but I'm not sure it would make a difference.

I own, use and very much enjoy an iPod touch 2G. I work on a Mac all day long. I'm an Apple fan; pure and simple. But I'm also a licensed iPhone OS developer. Whoopdy do, I spent an extra $100... PER YEAR! to do what I want with the iPod. Well, I can't really do everything I want with it. Not even close. Apple leaves plenty to be desired, and although I've yet to be in a straight jacket, I think I have a small idea what that would be like.

I've also spent over 2 years hacking on my n800, n810, and now I couldn't be happier thrashing away on an n900.

So, I hope it's safe to say that I know something about the differences between Nokia Maemo devices, and Apple handhelds. But it seems that some of the new comers are trying to convince some of us seasoned individuals that someone has to be a computer genius to know what products are right for them. Well... that's f*cking bullsh*t. Someone's gonna spend $600 and not have a 25¢ clue about what they're getting? If so, then I guess I need to start selling my toilet water.

Daperl, when you look at the differences between the iPhone system and the N900 are you using your developer sence more than the general user sense ?

My main question being how does a common general user (think of a non-geek, person hardly familiar with open source or walled garden paradigm's let alone the terminology) look at the 2 devices in terms of what it brings to the user ?

When you mention yourself as a seasoned individual - are you talking about seasoned in the development aspect or seasoned in understanding what is good for the general users ? I simp;y ask as I really want to understand the market factors which drive the adoption from the perspective of a user - not so much as a developer. The power user / developer angle is a no-brainer as far as I am concerned - its the N900 hands down as a winner - but what interests me is what drives a common user - cause he is obviously the one who drives the market.

Any perspective ?

nosa101 2010-04-19 18:53

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by UNderworld (Post 618020)
apple releases "upgrades to new OS" for the iphone whereas Nokia releases "bug fixes" for the N900 - AND we have been waiting since Feb..:D

So Apple doesn't do bug fixes?

gerbick 2010-04-19 18:57

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
Personal credentials aside; do people still have faith that the N900 will get the any updates past PR1.2 that will combat "next generation" (and I use that term loosely) Apple or Android phones?

Forgive my ignorance - I'm just a little Adobe Flex dev that's formerly a MCSE that strayed away from Microsoft and settled on OS X but I shun the whole "Cult of Mac" mentality that actually owns an iPhone 3GS now since my iPhone 3G died and I have a 770 and N810 (my qualifications suck, I know) - but it just seems like Nokia has sorta stalled. It's understandable because MeeGo is the new push; but like before, it seems like new/shiny shiny will get the attention from Nokia and people will get left behind.

So... with that said... hell. Now I'm confused. I guess I'm trying to figure out why we're comparing a platform that's not yet specified what the upgrade path will be (I've not been around, so if I've missed it, please clarify) to a phone that's only a rumor that's down the line?

And I ask as a consumer... not as a developer. Until Flash Player 10.1 comes about, I have very little I could say about development on the N900.

nosa101 2010-04-19 19:21

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
as long as the qt frameworks for maemo 5 and meego are the same then i think the n900 is in could hands

Laughing Man 2010-04-19 19:30

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by nilchak (Post 618173)
Daperl, when you look at the differences between the iPhone system and the N900 are you using your developer sence more than the general user sense ?

My main question being how does a common general user (think of a non-geek, person hardly familiar with open source or walled garden paradigm's let alone the terminology) look at the 2 devices in terms of what it brings to the user ?

When you mention yourself as a seasoned individual - are you talking about seasoned in the development aspect or seasoned in understanding what is good for the general users ? I simp;y ask as I really want to understand the market factors which drive the adoption from the perspective of a user - not so much as a developer. The power user / developer angle is a no-brainer as far as I am concerned - its the N900 hands down as a winner - but what interests me is what drives a common user - cause he is obviously the one who drives the market.

Any perspective ?

I don't think there is any one common user. It's kinda like the "casual" gamer argument in the videogaming world. What defines casual? For some it's playing Halo, GTA, COD. While others it's if you play the Nintendo Wii. But I think tasks a common user probably wants to do is..

Listen to music, post on social sites (Facebook, Twitter), browse the web, and maybe use GPS navigation. Within that context, Apple's walled garden works (already you could do limited multi-tasking with music + another app). Now with Apple's newer (but still limited) multi-tasking they can do all 4.


Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 618189)
Personal credentials aside; do people still have faith that the N900 will get the any updates past PR1.2 that will combat "next generation" (and I use that term loosely) Apple or Android phones?

Forgive my ignorance - I'm just a little Adobe Flex dev that's formerly a MCSE that strayed away from Microsoft and settled on OS X but I shun the whole "Cult of Mac" mentality that actually owns an iPhone 3GS now since my iPhone 3G died and I have a 770 and N810 (my qualifications suck, I know) - but it just seems like Nokia has sorta stalled. It's understandable because MeeGo is the new push; but like before, it seems like new/shiny shiny will get the attention from Nokia and people will get left behind.

So... with that said... hell. Now I'm confused. I guess I'm trying to figure out why we're comparing a platform that's not yet specified what the upgrade path will be (I've not been around, so if I've missed it, please clarify) to a phone that's only a rumor that's down the line?

And I ask as a consumer... not as a developer. Until Flash Player 10.1 comes about, I have very little I could say about development on the N900.

I think officially PR 1.3 is in the pipeline. But as for combating next-generation that's up to Meego (it always has). Maemo is still more of a desktop like OS than a mobile phone OS.

rustler 2010-04-19 19:46

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by AznR00t (Post 616974)
I like the full Bluetooth keyboard support that will be enabled with iPhone OS 4.0. Is Maemo upgradable on the n900 and is full Bluetooth keyboard support a possibility?

I'm not sure what you mean by "full Bluetooth keyboard support" but my iGo stowaway keyboard has always worked. It works with my N800, N810 and N900 great.
Take care.

gerbick 2010-04-19 20:01

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 618239)
Maemo is still more of a desktop like OS than a mobile phone OS.

Normally I would agree; however after seeing how the prior Maemo iterations were dropped, the closed bits are still closed for the most part; I can't recall a time I can't just install something else on a desktop.

I just re-appropriated four older Dell P3 Win2k machines with Ubuntu and it's relatively fast and without many issues. The N900, or more importantly to me, the N810 can't say that will happen with all of the bits usable.

Not unless I'm missing something.

Laughing Man 2010-04-19 20:13

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 618305)
Normally I would agree; however after seeing how the prior Maemo iterations were dropped, the closed bits are still closed for the most part; I can't recall a time I can't just install something else on a desktop.

I just re-appropriated four older Dell P3 Win2k machines with Ubuntu and it's relatively fast and without many issues. The N900, or more importantly to me, the N810 can't say that will happen with all of the bits usable.

Not unless I'm missing something.

As always with computers, it's a driver problem. =P. I remember when parts of my Sony VAIO laptop wouldn't work in Ubuntu because it didn't have the drivers for it (granted they were minor functions like the extra volume buttons). But I agree, the closed parts of Maemo are annoying.

berty 2010-04-19 20:26

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
Get an iPhone and don't be dissapointed with the experimental N900.

From an iPhone convert.

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