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Re: "Now Playing" app
this just might only be me, but i have to keep adding songs to my playlist to play them. and most times when i press play, i wont play. its just there for nuthin. possible bug? i love the widget but its unstable atleast for me . |
Re: "Now Playing" app
I installed a now playing from deb, grabbed the phone after installation reboot but nothing happens as if it was not working, what could be the cause?
Re: "Now Playing" app
ps ax | grep nowplayingd Code:
dpkg -l | grep nowplayingd |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Tuminoid when i install from .deb on x-term
wrote starting nowplayingd and restart phone, and when i log to ssh on phone and there dpkg -i nowplaying... was fine, but after reboot deamon not started and another time apt-get remove and install... this is bug or something wrong with .deb file ? |
Re: "Now Playing" app
The reboot with 0.1-2 is not intended, it is caused probably by a bug in dsmetool (I've seen similar issues with other daemons as well in certain circumstances), but its fixed in unreleased version of nowplayingd, by supplying a different flags to dsmetool (it gives up instead of rebooting). I have no idea why the daemon would not be running after reboot, if deb was installed successfully, as its started by dsmetool, and given the flags in 0.1-2 it guarantees the daemon starts, or device reboots. If you are installing unreleased 0.2 from GIT directly, then it might be a case where dsmetool has already given up and daemon won't be running. I'll look into it before sending 0.2 to -devel. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
I also notice that when u do that and u try to play something or u remove it too fast while the phone is still turning on it resets all the widgets =( MASTER |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Seems that nowplayingd isn't run after fresh reboot for me, with 0.1-2
Works just fine if I start it on my own. Is it being started by init? |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Re: "Now Playing" app
No worries at all. Good work you guys have been doing.
Re: "Now Playing" app
Hi Guys.
I'm using this lil' addition since day 2 i guess. I wonder if it's still that popular. For me it is. And i thought if the devs are still interested to expand or update the "now playing notifications" - Could you imagine a way to customize the the notifications position? Like, pop it up on the bottom, left, right side of the screen... move it from left to right side.... scrolltext... ...something like that. I also photoshopped together some styles of notification I could imagine.^^ tooo bad I'm just a graphics guy... http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/8...tification.png http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8061/notification2.png ...any thoughts? Would be great to see Tuomo or qwerty12 back in here. Lota respect for you guys. |
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