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omeriko9 2010-03-30 19:48

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 588066)
Today I installed call notify, but I don't get notification of sms or missed call. Am i missing something? Haven't tried to reboot yet. Looked up in processes list but nothing on call or notify.

Hi, and thanks for helping testing.
You won't see anything like that in the processes list because it's a python script, what runs it is probably "", and the father process is "hildon-status-menu".

If it's not a dependencies problem, you can try running:
"killall -9 hildon-status-menu
killall hildon-status-menu"
instead of restarting.

If it's still not working, it's probably a dependency problem that silently fails. Please let me know.

ammadtira 2010-03-30 20:07

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I give a miscal after installation. But couldnt see any notification..why??

puiradu 2010-03-30 20:14

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
same here! no notifications. I just uninstaled waiting for a functional version.

ammadtira 2010-03-30 20:17

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Actually I restarted.. Then I give miss call again and got the notification this time. But there are some bugs/

a. I make 2 and then 3 misscalls.. But it still shows 1 (it should be 3)
b. I send an sms. It is showing sms only.(it should show call and sms)
c. I again give a miscall and it shows 1 miss call only (it should show call and sms)

I appreciate the work,but i think the above said bugs should be fixed

zlatko 2010-03-30 21:08

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Restarted status menu as you suggested. I can see status menu disappear and then loaded again, but still no notification is seen for received sms. Haven't tried missed call yet.

zail 2010-03-30 22:58

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Just installed the new version! Didn't know you had implemented sound notifications so it made me jump! lol

Still getting the persistant icon and +5 notification when I send an sms (and consequently the sound notification too!) but the option to clear manulaly works fine and is very welcome.

One other thing:

When I save changed settings (ie notification settings) should the menu disappear after I press save? It doesn't at the moment and I need to click outside the options area to get it to go away...

Thanks for the update :)

F2thaK 2010-03-31 03:10

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
hey i really dont like the call notify settings in the status area, id prefer them in the settings menu... thanks :D

sounds and vibe are cool, but can i change the vibe setting? i want it more noticable.. :) thanks

zlatko 2010-03-31 05:17

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Tried to update app - I don't get new version. Reinstalled - still no notification present in status.

plaban 2010-03-31 05:28

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Don't like the idea of settings in status menu .It will be nice if you put the Call notify setting in "Settings"

andygee 2010-03-31 08:21

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
What a great little application loaded up last night and worked perfectly this morning when i left the phone on silent and the wife called instead of me not realising for a length of time i was alerted by the vibrate every 5 mins.

Nokia should be sending you some sort of thanks (seeing as they forgot this minor issue) as yesterday I was ready to consign the N900 to plaything and emgency phone and buy something that woiuld let me at a glance see if i missed a call or text as well as the blue flashing light.
Im sure im not the only one who is happy to have a cutting edge phone but needs some basic features in their primary phone they use day to day otherwise divorce is on the cards if i keep appearing to ignore calls from the Wife:rolleyes:

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