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mssusa 2010-06-28 02:30

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Thanks for looking into this Mohannad.


Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 730693)
Thank you for your offer! Umm, do you have the Qt SDK installed? My next task is to get translations working.. Ive had one crack at it before and couldnt figure out how it works, are you able to help me out with this please?

Unfortunately, not yet. Since I don't have a linux machine nearby I tried to get the SDK virtual image. For some reason, it is offline for sometime now. I'll try to see if I can find out if it'll be back online.

I had a look at Qt localization from and
It is a bit confusing, but if I understand correctly,
1. you need to pass tr("hard coded string") instead of "hard coded string" for all strings in your source.
2. you also need to add supported localizations to your project file (very simple. Just file names like mPrayerTime_ar.ts).
3. you need to use the "lupdate" command line tool to process the project file and generate the source localization files mentioned in it (like mPrayerTime_ar.ts). These auto-generated files are xml files. lupdate parses all source files in your project and adds all strings inside tr() into the *.ts files. Strings not covered by tr() will not be translated.
4. use the "linguist" graphical tool to open these translation source files (*.ts) and translate the strings into the target languages then save the files again.
5. use the "lrelease" command line tool to pack the translation source files into binary *.qm files that are used by Qt at runtime for translations.

I'll try to get the virtual image and test this. Meanwhile, you can either move into something else or have a second attempt using Qt internationalization

unixlife 2010-06-28 10:09

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Please add a silent option before and after azzan time to make N900 silent in the Masjid. It is every embarrassing in the Masjid when phone rings....May Allah SWT help you...

mohannad 2010-06-30 20:40

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Thank you for the instructions mssusa. I will have another crack at using Qt Linguist and see if i can get it to work.

@unixlife, I will look into that as soon as I've got the basic functionality working.

Ive uploaded version 0.3-1 to extras-dev. Its supposed to have the location detection working (at least it did when I was testing in Qt Creator) but for some reason its not. So I still have some work to do there.

The nan:nan bug that mssusa mentioned has been fixed. Please test and let me know if its not working as it should :)

mssusa 2010-07-01 17:29

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
I can confirm that the nan:nan bug is fixed. However, tapping on auto configure does nothing (unless auto setup of location is done somewhere else).

It also still exits randomly. Happened twice after showing the times.

Azer1 2010-07-04 07:29

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Salam aleikum.
I can't install the programm becouse of problem with package libqtm-location. Couldn't find it. Help me please. Thank you for programm.

rebelnoob 2010-07-05 21:24

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
after reading the comments im waiting for a stable version so i can install and appreciate your work.. there are three packages as prayertime which ones to install?/

mohannad 2010-07-06 08:51

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mssusa (Post 737486)
I can confirm that the nan:nan bug is fixed. However, tapping on auto configure does nothing (unless auto setup of location is done somewhere else).

It also still exits randomly. Happened twice after showing the times.

thank u for testing 0.3-1 mssusa. I uploaded 0.3-2 which should fix the non responsive auto configure button, did u get a chance to try it?

Im still looking into the sudden exitting. Will hopefully have that fixed soon.

mohannad 2010-07-06 09:06

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by Azer1 (Post 740138)
Salam aleikum.
I can't install the programm becouse of problem with package libqtm-location. Couldn't find it. Help me please. Thank you for programm.

Wa'alaikum essalaam, are you trying to install it from the app manager? it should pull in libqtm-location for you. Are u on the latest firmware(PR1.2)?


Originally Posted by rebelnoob (Post 741664)
after reading the comments im waiting for a stable version so i can install and appreciate your work.. there are three packages as prayertime which ones to install?/

the app is called mPrayerTime. It should be stable enough to try now :)

mssusa 2010-07-06 20:02

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 742132)
thank u for testing 0.3-1 mssusa. I uploaded 0.3-2 which should fix the non responsive auto configure button, did u get a chance to try it?

Im still looking into the sudden exitting. Will hopefully have that fixed soon.

Well done Mohannad. Auto configure worked fine for me. I am still suffering from the sudden exit, but I guess once the real cause is found it will be easy to fix.

Thanks again.

Edit: Arrgh. Computers. When they know you are watching they behave. Once you turn your head they misbehave.
I tried to run it from the command line to see if any errors are shown on sudden exit, but it refused to exit! I tried everything but it kept running fine!

Azer1 2010-07-07 20:06

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Mohannad thank you very much. I was able to install the program. Very pleased auto configuration. For me it is very actuality.

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