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Foxer 2010-06-21 10:43

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 721723)
Thank you for this.

I found some bugs and made a new version (0.5).
New feature:
the statusbar plugin hides the builtin profile button.
you can select ogg-files (if ogg files are supported).


thank you so much for considering my request regarding the .ogg's!! I just updated and it works great :) Now my only wish is that maybe someday we'll see MIDI suport on the N900..

Regarding the discution about the icons in profiles, they don't work for me either (not that i'm complaining)

Thanks Again!!!

nicolai 2010-06-21 14:26

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by Foxer (Post 723450)
Regarding the discution about the icons in profiles, they don't work for me either (not that i'm complaining)


skalogre 2010-06-21 16:20

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Lovely application, Nicolai :) . The only thing I would like to see is the ability to use the profiles your program creates with Alarmed. Not sure if that has to do with ProfilesX or Alarmed, though, frankly.

rajil.s 2010-06-21 17:02

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 723681)

Icons now work. thanks for the update.

harald 2010-06-22 05:59

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 723681)

Thanks, nicolai.
Very much appreciated.

Foxer 2010-06-23 04:15

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
icons now work! :D Great job!
This is one of the most appreciated apps. on the n900

F2thaK 2010-06-23 04:39

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by skalogre (Post 723810)
Lovely application, Nicolai :) . The only thing I would like to see is the ability to use the profiles your program creates with Alarmed. Not sure if that has to do with ProfilesX or Alarmed, though, frankly.

Im with you on this, but im happy with alarmed + tweakr

skalogre 2010-06-23 05:18

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 725864)
Im with you on this, but im happy with alarmed + tweakr

Don't get me wrong, I use Tweakr also - but ProfilesX is a bit easier to use :)

F2thaK 2010-06-23 05:29

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
IMHO tweakr is quicker to use, but ProfilesX is easier to setup/change

nicolai 2010-06-23 08:06

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thank you all for your feedback.

The main reason I made profilesx, and why I prefere it to tweakr,
tweakr is a workaround.
I used it too, and I am grateful to the developer of tweakr.
In my opinion, to supporting only two profiles is a bad design decision.
Right after some users complained that there are only two profiles,
he made it possible to handle additional profiles. That was really fast.

But a workaround isn't necessary. ProflesX uses the same config files
like the builin profiles manager and the same "profile-backend"(libprofiled).
No hacks, no hidden apis, no unofficial dbus-calls, no fake profile.
It is all there.

But of course, it would be much much easier (and faster) to implement
those features, if nokia would had made this gui-parts open source.
Instead of that, I had to recreate the whole gui-parts from scratch.
(the same goes for other ui-components (calendar/mediaplayer widget, phone-ui,
contacts-ui). And I really don't get it, what would nokia lose, if those gui-parts
would have been open source.There are so much possibilities for
the community to make this device better and fulfill more
user wishes).


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