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Poikanen 2008-02-05 18:03

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Any success for kansalaisen karttapaikka maps?

spooley 2008-02-06 15:36

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
I would love to be able to see UK Ordnance Survey Landranger maps in Maemo Mapper.
These maps look like:
Where the X= and Y= numbers refer to positions on a rectangular grid for the UK (which can be derived from GPS lat/lon by some messy maths).

Is there a simple way to achieve this directly in Maemo Mapper?

If not, I wrote my own basic GPS application for a Psion handheld computer some years ago for which I fetched a large number of the Ordnance Survey Landranger tiles, each 200x200 pixel tile providing the data for 1km x 1km. Is there a way I could use such tiles, e.g. served by my own private web server from home, with the wonderful Maemo Mapper?

I've tried to find out sufficient detail about the URI format MM uses to fetch tiles, but I've failed to find:
- whether the X,Y co-ords reference the bottom-left, center or some other part of the tile;
- the relationship between zoom factor in MM and scale (i.e. pixels->meters or lat/long displacement) I being daft in failing to see this?

Thanks in advance for any assistance,

cdmackay 2008-03-01 00:28

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
I'm having trouble with Download in Manage Repositories: it just hangs for ages and then errors. n800, mapper 2.3.1-os2008

I've discovered that this is because it is attempting to download from port 8080 on the remote server(s), i.e. the "webcache" port. This doesn't get through my firewall. Is there any reason why it doesn't use port 80?

Interestingly, when I try to view in my Firefox browser on my PC, it redirects to, so that also fails.

pixelseventy2 2008-03-07 17:09

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by spooley (Post 138985)
I would love to be able to see UK Ordnance Survey Landranger maps in Maemo Mapper.
These maps look like:
Where the X= and Y= numbers refer to positions on a rectangular grid for the UK (which can be derived from GPS lat/lon by some messy maths).

Is there a simple way to achieve this directly in Maemo Mapper?

If not, I wrote my own basic GPS application for a Psion handheld computer some years ago for which I fetched a large number of the Ordnance Survey Landranger tiles, each 200x200 pixel tile providing the data for 1km x 1km. Is there a way I could use such tiles, e.g. served by my own private web server from home, with the wonderful Maemo Mapper?

I've tried to find out sufficient detail about the URI format MM uses to fetch tiles, but I've failed to find:
- whether the X,Y co-ords reference the bottom-left, center or some other part of the tile;
- the relationship between zoom factor in MM and scale (i.e. pixels->meters or lat/long displacement) I being daft in failing to see this?

Thanks in advance for any assistance,

Do the tiles look the same size as for google etc... If so, it would probably be relatively easy to make a web service to take x/y coordinates and return streetmap images

pixelseventy2 2008-03-07 19:44

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
After closer investigation, the streetmaps images are too far removed from the google maps images :(

however, I've been reading about Microsoft MapCruncher - it's a tool for building custom map tiles for MS Virtual Earth, and by inference, Google Maps. So I'm going to try scanning an OS map, making tiles, and creating a site to host the images. Will let you know how it goes.

See for more info

pixelseventy2 2008-03-09 17:12

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
So I scanned in an OS map, used mapcruncher to plot the coordinates, and put the outputted files on my local web server. Created a new repository, using the URL format - and bob's your auntie, it works.

I rendered from mapcruncher with a max zoom of 16 - which gave a good image - this equates to a zoom of 4 in maemo mapper. Only real problem may be the amount of data. I did about 1/3 of the Snowdonia 1:25k map, and this gave 350mb of images. Not a problem for me as I have a web server at home, but might be an issue for some.

spooley 2008-03-18 10:09

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by pixelseventy2 (Post 152637)
So I scanned in an OS map, used mapcruncher to plot the coordinates, and put the outputted files on my local web server. Created a new repository, using the URL format - and bob's your auntie, it works.

THANK YOU, pixelseventy2! Your posts have enabled me to "MapCrunch" some screen captures of LandRanger mapping and get some tiles which are displayable inside Maemo Mapper. I do need to do some experimentation with zoom levels 'though - a 3 x 5km area has generated 75MB of .png tile data!

Cheers again, Simon.

pixelseventy2 2008-03-18 12:07

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by spooley (Post 156737)
THANK YOU, pixelseventy2! Your posts have enabled me to "MapCrunch" some screen captures of LandRanger mapping and get some tiles which are displayable inside Maemo Mapper. I do need to do some experimentation with zoom levels 'though - a 3 x 5km area has generated 75MB of .png tile data!

Cheers again, Simon.

No problem. I did about 50miles x 50 miles, which gave 1.5gb at zoom 16 in mapcruncher (4 in maemo mapper). Detail was OK on a 1:25k map, 15 would be about the limit for a 1:50k map

sam.0906 2008-03-18 12:27

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Hi everyone,

This is my first post here... though I have been reading this forum for a very long. Recently I have been trying to integrate maps from into MM. I looked at the repositories and found that they are very similar to googlemaps.

I could find 2 differences. First difference is that the zoom value (z) increases as one zooms into maps, where as it decreases for other repositories including googlemaps. Other difference is that the coordinates are divided by 10 compared to coordinates in google maps. I think it should not be too difficult to integrate these maps, any pointers would be very helpful.

kepler 2008-05-14 13:21

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Poikanen (Post 138591)
Any success for kansalaisen karttapaikka maps?

Yes, have alook on Tableteer - karttapaikka maps are now available. Also more info in this thread

- kepler

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