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Berserk 2010-07-20 18:31

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Thanks for the update Nicolai!

My reports:
Contacts, Calendar, searched existing name:
It showed contact and birthday (calendar), no crash
Contacts, Calendar, searched 'flurk' (nonsense):
No results, empty screen, no crash

Contacts, Conversations, Calendar, searched existing text:
Crash after result screen filled up (which is after 5 results)

Contacts, Conversations, Calendar, searched 'flurk':
No results, app crashes after a few seconds (it does look like it's searching before crash, load animation circle is shown in top bar)

Case sensitivity had no influence on the above

Hope it helps!

quipper8 2010-07-20 18:54

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by jacktanner (Post 753939)
Nicolai, great work. As far as searching emails - that would probably be prohibitive without indexing. Tracker is capable of indexing emails, but that seems to be disabled (at compile time?) on the N900.

And of course, there's search over file contents, too (.doc, .pdf, etc.)

In pr1.2 there is typing in email list view to search on email headers so maybe there is an index already made somewhere that scout can access??

Not sure

maybe here:

PipoXtreme 2010-07-20 20:45

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I updated now with the newest patch - but problem with conversations stay present... :(

nicolai 2010-07-20 22:57

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Next try. (version 0.5)
Fixed a minor bug with icon cache, but
I am sure this doesn't fix the program crash.


daperl 2010-07-21 01:49

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
This is ridiculously fast and excellent. I'm trying to beat the crap out of .5, but I can't make it crash. :) :( But I did notice something strange when creating the package, I had to soft link

Code: to
in order to get it to build. Maybe no one has updated gettext for PR 1.2 or something. Strange.

Anyway, great work and good luck!

zenit 2010-07-21 04:29

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Hi Nicolai

The latest version still crashes and quits when I add the conversation search. It shows the results fleetingly before quitting.
Is there any error log I can retrieve and post here.
I have around 2500 messages in 500 conversations which might have non-english characters.

Any help!!

PipoXtreme 2010-07-21 05:43

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 758525)
Next try. (version 0.5)
Fixed a minor bug with icon cache, but
I am sure this doesn't fix the program crash.


correct, crash again.

doraemon_eric 2010-07-21 05:48

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I tried the apps but it ends suddenly.. not sure if it is because I have some double byte characters (Chinese) in my calendar, conversion and contact ....

riahc3 2010-07-21 07:28

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 748980)

here is my new Application.
Scout - Search Contacts, Conversations and Calendars.
You can search for text in Contacts for names, nicknames
usernames, addresses or phone numbers.
Calenderentries with summary or description text.
And text in your conversations.
It is currently in extras-devel. It may crash sometimes
but is mostly useable.

An example is shown in the screenshot for searchtext "test".
The search result category is indicated by the different icons
on the left side (contacts, calender, sms). I use two different
kind of icons for sms and chat conversations and for each
two different icons (with and without the blue arrow)
to distinguish received and outgoing messages.

Selecting a search result has different actions:
-opens a contact details dialog for contacts
-opens the calendar app for calendar entries (agenda view)
-opens a new window with the full message text for
I wished I could open the conversation app for the conversation
search result, but I couldn't find a way to do so.

This is my entry for the coding competition. I want to announce it
here and now, first, to collect some feedback and second, because
I know there is a some demand for such an app.

test and
give feedback.


The application and idea is VERY nice. Although I believe you can do something else and win the coding competition....

Make this application a Windows Search/Spotlight scale. Integrate it directly into the OS. Say Im at one of the homescreens. I pull out the hardware keyboard and type "Fox"

It could pull up 3 results:

A contact called James Fox. A click on him calls him. A click hold on him opens a context menu with "Send SMS", "Videocall", etc.
A calander event that says "James Fox's birthday". Clicking on it would simply open calander and take me to that event. Holding could make other options which I cant think of right now for this event.
A application called MicroB. In its description it says "MicroB, the browser based on FireFOX" reason being why it shows up in the results. Clicking on it would open the application.

If we put a adress say, "", the search application should be able to see (because of the www. and .com) that it is a web address.

It could pull up 2 results

A option saying "Open ' in your default browser (nameofdefaultbrowserherewhichgetsitfromsystemsett ings)"
Pidgin, which has GTalk access which is made by Google

Also typing something like "shutdown" should show the first option "Shutdown Nokia N900"

The idea is GREAT but IMO it needs to go alot further. BTW, Im not sure why you choose NOT to index things (space?)

Besides that, thanks for the great application.

Note: I just noticed that the event ends today. Oh well. Hope you win and that gives you the will to see the points I pointed out :)

nicolai 2010-07-21 10:06

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Thank you daperl. I tried hard to crash this app, no success.
I never wished so much to see one of my apps crashing :-)
I must admit the buildprocess is totally obscure to me. I use
autotools the first time. (I took the maemopad example from
the maemo 5 developer guide).
All my other apps (widgets and plugins) were simple enough
for good old handmade makefiles.
I wished I had used it here too.

Thank you for your patience and effort. I hope
I can fix this.

Yes I tried many queries with different multibyte character and
even hacked my conversation and calendar entries,
in order to insert multibyte (arabic) text.
No crash. I don't think it is related to text encoding anymore.

Maybe it depends on the different IM-services.
Now, I have to register some accounts. I use only
icq at the moment.


Originally Posted by riahc3 (Post 758819)
The idea is GREAT but IMO it needs to go alot further. BTW, Im not sure why you choose NOT to index things (space?)

Besides that, thanks for the great application.

Note: I just noticed that the event ends today. Oh well. Hope you win and that gives you the will to see the points I pointed out :)

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions.
No indexing, because it is quite fast and I don't need to
update a index. But yes for a general purpose desktop search
I would prefere some indexing framework (like tracker for example).
Competition or not, there are still users which cannot use
this app. This bothers me and I want to get this fixed.


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