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Jordan C 2010-11-16 18:40

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
linked by fr3sh, re-downloaded it though and it's now working fine!! It updated the app and job done!! :)

fraaaaanka 2010-11-16 22:50

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
i am in the uk

got it working by downloading the fennec beta .... i have to use facebook touch website.
also to add a new place (such as 'my house' 'my work' etc) i have to use default browser and visit facebook touch.

thanks to all who gave input towards getting this working on n900

Jordan C 2010-11-23 15:07

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
I'm unable to add a new place via Fennec (get Object>object) and it fails. Using MicroB still get the coordinates error.

piggz 2010-11-23 19:44

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
Works for me in opera-mobile using the touch website

rmerren 2010-12-09 04:12

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
I added checkin functionality to the effing application. Now you can do facebook places checkins from the N900.

mataleo 2011-01-14 00:35

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
Hi, I had same problem in microB, that error with lattitude.

But i got it working on my n900

I am in UK, on vodafone, got latest firmvare (debranded)

what I did, was install maemo-geocashing from app manager

and install firefox from ovi store

then go to in firefox, and dont go to places, just click icon next to your status update line, and it should works.

after check in, if i wanted to check in to different place, I had to close and reopen firefox and do it again.

but working fine

i did not tested in microB vrowser yet, will let u know later if anyone interested

prove can add me :

martycollinsesq 2011-01-14 01:08

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
Places works well on Effing and Opera 10. whatever for my N900. Not so good to mostly not at all on Firefox. I am pretty sure I updated with the fennec stuff already.

mataleo 2011-01-15 15:57

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by mataleo (Post 919888)
Hi, I had same problem in microB, that error with lattitude.

But i got it working on my n900

I am in UK, on vodafone, got latest firmvare (debranded)

what I did, was install maemo-geocashing from app manager

and install firefox from ovi store

then go to in firefox, and dont go to places, just click icon next to your status update line, and it should works.

after check in, if i wanted to check in to different place, I had to close and reopen firefox and do it again.

but working fine

i did not tested in microB vrowser yet, will let u know later if anyone interested

prove can add me :


still getting issues

sometimes works sometimes not, strange, getting that lattitude error

never checked it by gprs, only wifi so far

will keep try

mataleo 2011-01-15 21:02

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
got it sorted

works in opera (not firefox and microb)

installed maemo-geoching

i am in uk

works fine over wifi and gprs

travla 2011-01-16 10:12

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by fr3sh (Post 866187)
yea not the ovi version but the beta one from the mozilla page
and then use dpkg -i to install it but u should remove the ovi version first

Working for me too with Firefox 4 Beta, thanks for the tip. Anyone know why this wouldn't work with MicroB or Firefox 1.1?

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