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jorjino 2010-09-17 13:41

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
And all the best to you!

fms 2010-09-17 16:45

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui

echo "0" > /proc/sys/vm/page-cluster
Please, correct me if I am wrong, but I doubt this one makes sense, as flash memory appears to be written in 256kB pages. So, the original number of 5 that translates into 32*4096=128kB makes more sense. You may even increase it to 6!

shadowjk 2010-09-17 16:56

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Yes, 0 makes no sense, alot of the other various stuff I've seen here and there makes no sense either, but the placebo effect seems to override new slowdowns anyway... :)

debernardis 2010-09-17 17:54

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
So we should see which of the parameters are really useful and which ones are neutral or dangerous... By now tcp_timestamps and page-cluster are considered guilty.
Can you suggest some kind of benchmark to evaluate if pulling them out of the script can make a difference.

Or, what about a double-blind cross-over scheme for an in-vivo experiment? Where a number of volunteers load in blind 3 or 4 different parameter schemes, in a latin square order, and evaluates the effect on an analog visual scale, and then we get the data and make the stats? :)

fms 2010-09-17 17:58

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui

Originally Posted by shadowjk (Post 819074)
Yes, 0 makes no sense, alot of the other various stuff I've seen here and there makes no sense either, but the placebo effect seems to override new slowdowns anyway... :)

I really really think someone should try and package COMPCACHE for the N900. It may make a huge difference, by providing fast intermediate swap area in RAM (where swapped out pages are stored in gzipped form).

fms 2010-09-17 18:01

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 819136)
So we should see which of the parameters are really useful and which ones are neutral or dangerous... By now tcp_timestamps and page-cluster are considered guilty.

I know for sure that the swappiness thing helps. You can test it by running Fennec or any other memory hogging application. The kill_oob_* thing looks sane, and so does the laptop_mode (based on its description found with Google). The tcp_* stuff is petty and probably does not make any difference to the network performance (unless somebody proves otherwise). Can't say much about the rest.

etuoyo 2010-09-17 18:07

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Will surely try this out once I get my n900 back

shadowjk 2010-09-17 18:17

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
What does setting dirty_*expire* to 0 do? Well either way if 0 means immediately it's kinda bad for same reason as setting page-cluster to 0, you want data to have a chance to accumulate before it gets written. Not that good if it means "never" either, data loss would happen everytime you have an unexpected shutdown..

TiagoTiago 2010-09-17 18:29

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
i also wanna know the pros and cons of each change please, also, a GUI for toggling each parameter individually would be great.

Btw, why you don't put this on -devel?

debernardis 2010-09-17 18:37

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 819158)
i also wanna know the pros and cons of each change please, also, a GUI for toggling each parameter individually would be great.

Btw, why you don't put this on -devel?

This has a very easy answer: because before I learn enough Python and/or Qt to make a GUI app - or before I'm proficient enough in those kernel parameters - well the N900 will be in the Nokia Espoo museum as the first of 150 Meego devices already out :cool:
Seriously, guys: I just packed the thing in a deb because it made my n900 so pleasant to use and I wished to share it. Can't do much more :D

But, I like the idea of the double-blind cross-over experiment. Anybody willing to volunteer?

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