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slender 2010-11-23 15:38

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by extendedping (Post 881180)
Was the employee named Bernie Madoff?

Hah..or maybe Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf? Just guy who has been there from almost beginning. Still he is not only one from Nokia who has clearly been happy about how much they sold N900 devices.

kureyon 2010-11-23 15:39

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 881189)
thats soo different from nokia who puts out devices en mass. all kind of types. differnt types and...

... don't support them, don't provide updates or even bugfixes except for the top selling 1 or 2 models.

buchanmilne 2010-11-23 15:42

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by jpurnomosidi (Post 881183)
What it lacks are Nokia supports/commitment for the device and commercial apps.

Which S60 (N70, N82, N95, E71, E75) already had.


Not long after N900 was launched, Nokia started to shift to another device namely N8/N9 and new symbian^3 os. This is what kills N900. Got betrayed by its creator.

I personally think that N900 was a stepping stone of the unborn N9. Without maemo, meego will not exist. So N9 owes a big time to N900.
Actually, Qt on Maemo and Symbian 3 are the stepping stones to Meego.

Again, N900 is a niche device targeted more at developers. Since Apple is a *very* closed company, let's not compare to them. N900 is more comparable to G1 developer phone.

It's not a Porsche 911, it's a Bugatti Veyron

daperl 2010-11-23 15:44

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by extendedping (Post 881172)
I really don't know what this step 4 business is.

Exactly, so stop guessing what you think Nokia expected and do some research.

The n900 is a tough mainstream sell, but Nokia didn't do themselves any favors by closing as much source as they did. The developers circling this community were champing at the bit, but Nokia shot themselves in the foot by making it difficult to work around their front-end proprietary pieces. And we all know how restless the natives got...

lunat 2010-11-23 16:32

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 881213)
... don't support them, don't provide updates or even bugfixes except for the top selling 1 or 2 models.

yes. but many things can be solved with community effort. and partly they did it.
updates are developed by the authors of software. and if you keep the software like it is and keep things working like they supposed to(even if they have a bug leave that in and give a patch to the devs to fix it!): well you have at least the updates from the devs which you can easily apply. if you on the other hand put your own bugfixes in and change things you drift away from what the devs do and their fixes(anhancements) can't be applied.
and you end up with a device far below its capabilities.

or look at this fight about ui and qt or not. if it is only for qt and not something else: for a different ui you need no other os. if everything else was standard you have the ui and just install it alternatively. have the ui you prever by just installing it? that would be good promotion, wouldn't it? qt runs on maemo. you prefer gtk: well why not - principally runs(sure i tried it)? or elementary: looks nice indeed(and is lightweight)! have you seen the examples? nice! but a casual user will never see these things on the n900. and i think that has an impact on the popularity of the device. if that all was available for a casual user: it sure would give a hype for that device.

nice hu?

cfh11 2010-11-23 17:49

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 881213)
... don't support them, don't provide updates or even bugfixes except for the top selling 1 or 2 models.

To review, PR 1.3 obviously was not an update nor did it contain bugfixes. Also, Nokia Customer Care does not replace devices under warranty or provide basic customer support.

@ All these people claiming that the n900 is not supported:

1) wtf are you smoking?
2) can i have some?

HugoSon 2010-11-23 17:57

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
unstable when launched, bad Nokia marketing, lack of "AppStore" (with money kick-back and QA process) and therefore lack of (consumer) applications

EDIT: but I love my oc N900 and this community!

ossipena 2010-11-23 17:59

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 881153)
Whenever I see this argument, it's hard for me to believe. Like executives were saying, "hey, let's make a quality product and lose a lot of money! Yeah, that would be cool!"

nope, they only said: "lets do major improvements to maemo and release work in progress thing just like 770, N800 and N810 were. After N900 we can make entrance to mass markets with Maemo".

I wish Jaaksi would write here occasionally so you would get your lessons from maemo history.

The whole maemo thing was intended to be 5 step program with minimal R&D resources and huge contribution from hacker-developer-early adopter/similar community.

ossipena 2010-11-23 18:01

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by extendedping (Post 881172)
everything is a step in a process, 4 of 5 2 of 3 or 1 of 100. Was the original iphone a step 5? And it has not been improved since? How did that step 1 device sell? I really don't know what this step 4 business is. It is a product and they wanted it to sell like hotcakes.

get the facts so you don't need to fud all the time

Grok 2010-11-23 19:30

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by lanwellon (Post 880872)
Just wondering the reason.

N900 (Maemo 5) had great UI.

Not worse than iPhone/Android, IMO.

So, why the sales data looks so disappointing...

Just because Maemo 5 is not a phone OS and the consumer cannot accept such a big progress ?

I can only see this reason.

Because both iOS and Android are phone OS,
And, MeeGo, what Nokia is working hard on, is also going to be a phone OS, so my conclusion is phone OS with great UI and many good Apps will succeed.

Symbian is not that successful because the UI of Symbian is far more old-fashioned comparing to iOS/Android.

Is that right ?

Who say's it "failed on consumer market".......You?

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