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flailingmonkey 2011-06-09 23:40

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
geneven, Stskeeps isn't the victim. The community is the victim. Stskeeps got tired of correcting deliberate misinformation, the constant hijacking of threads, and completely unconstructive attitudes of a tiny (yet screeching) minority of the community. So, he's going to continue his work, still in the open, but not on this forum.

The departure of Stskeeps means that the number of members who actually contribute, and bring technical information to light, has been reduced, leaving the discourse here to be just that much less useful. Even in cases where he might not do the work himself, he consistently provided detailed and helpful information in order to aid those who might step up.

For this reason, the community is the victim. Perhaps you believe that Stskeeps hasn't contributed all that much, but post after post in this thread is a testament to his influence. The whole ban petition business was indeed ridiculous, because the disturbances caused by abill_uk should never have been allowed to continue on and on as they were.

P.S. talking **** is not criticism, nor is it opposition. Demands that the all others deliver to you all of your heart's desires are not arguments. It is just petulance.

geneven 2011-06-09 23:51

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/

Originally Posted by flailingmonkey (Post 1026119)
Perhaps you believe that Stskeeps hasn't contributed all that much, but post after post in this thread is a testament to his influence. The whole ban petition business was indeed ridiculous, because the disturbances caused by abill_uk should never have been allowed to continue on and on as they were.

P.S. talking **** is not criticism, nor is it opposition. Demands that the all others deliver to you all of your heart's desires are not arguments. It is just petulance.

Perhaps you believe that the Pope is a hari-krishna.

Has Stskeeps appointed you his spokesman, or are you just making stuff up? It's hard for me to tell.

Frappacino 2011-06-10 00:00

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
ffs sake dont fight and piss in this thread

so stskeeps isnt posting here - no fvcking big deal and i dont mean it in an offensive way - if you want to keep talking to the guy go over to where the meego guys hang out and talk to him there - some of you act like u never see him again

its a shame - the internet always have trolls and the ONLY way to combat it is to ignore them - bans dont do sh1t if the guy is persistent enoiugh

Hariainm 2011-06-10 00:18

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
Once upon a time, this forum used to be a develop-friendly web, wich many of us, "curious hippies", with sincerely free contribution make this forum grow and attract both people and project / ideas.

Sad to see last year, this slowly turns to the opposite, with much more talk and winning with no real contribution, with more of us acting like politicians, with the "unquestionable truth" behind us, and doing more talk, less work. More hindering and creating a bad atmosphere, that hurts EVERY SINGLE person loged on this forum, owned of a NIT.
This is it.
Because every one of us wants our device to success and grow on projects, apps, usability and mods / hacker-friendly options. Call it what you want. And the leave of such a huge member of t.m.o like stskeeps is a huge miss for all of us.
And now i'm thinking about what's the cause this forum change so much, from a linux-hacker atmosphere to a low-end warez zoo. And have no answer.

geneven 2011-06-10 00:24

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/

Originally Posted by Hariainm (Post 1026131)
And now i'm thinking about what's the cause this forum change so much, from a linux-hacker atmosphere to a low-end warez zoo. And have no answer.

Check out the many wonderful threads here; I read them every day. Your generalization is unfair and untrue.

Uber_L33t_Hax0r 2011-06-10 01:03

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 1026113)
He is doing what he should be doing and that is to concentrate his work on MeeGo in the right place, you can not serve 2 masters and he is clearly needed in the place he should be.
He cannot contribute to Maemo because of legal reasons and that is where the conflict derives because this is
I want to see MeeGo much more established and he is doing the right thing to make this happen.

The 2 banners for MeeGo in the top right corner should not be on this community, wrong place for MeeGo.

Maemo and MeeGo do not belong together and I hope now Maemo is given the attention it deserves on

Let Carsten get on with his work and we should do the same here.
We ALL can go join him on MeeGo.

Conflict over.

He is doing what he wants because he wants to do it, not because you think he should. He is free to concentrate his work on as many things as he wants, and can serve as many "masters" as he wants. Help is needed by everyone everywhere.
He can contribute to Maemo or Meego as much as he wants. There is no conflict.
Meego wants Meego to be more established.

The 2 banners for Meego in the top right corner should stay. This is one of the right places for them.

He will get on with his work because he wants to, not because you are letting him. You have done no work here and will do no work here because you have no work to contribute.

Anyone that joins him on Meego will do so because they wanted to, not because you said that they can.

You are conflict incarnate.

IcyMoustache 2011-06-10 01:07

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
As dwaradzyn pointed out, we really need good moderators to prevent this thread slide from value adding discussion to a "low end warez zoo"...

more than half the posts I come across are e.g. useless speculation of the number of pixels in N9.... cmon guys, over and over, over and over people discuss the same @@@@ again and again...

In a way Stskeeps departure echoes that of qwerty12 (if you can remember the giant that guy was).

MetalGearSolid 2011-06-10 01:18

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
Thank you Carsten for all that you have done and all that you are still doing. Looking forward to a wonderful N900 DE.

All the Best.

PS- Will still be stalking you meego-arm irc :)

ScottishDuck 2011-06-10 01:31

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
I guess this is a chance for abill_uk to step up and lead the community as he always wanted to, get all that work done that he has promised with his fabulous engineering skills, right?

Sad to see you leave carsten, hope to get my n900 fixed soon and help the Meego team squash bugs.

lemmyslender 2011-06-10 02:41

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
Please, let's place the blame where the blame is due; not on a single person, but on a corporation. Nokia is the root cause of much of the whining and complaining here at tmo. Nokia mis-handled Maemo and the N900. If Nokia had invested the amount of support the N900 deserved there would be far less whining going on here.

For instance, imagine what would or wouldn't have happened if Nokia had properly addressed and fixed the usb port issue.

I think Carsten is understandably frustrated seeing so many unimaginable things happen lately: elop, microsoft, abandoning Meego, failing to release the developer device, lackluster MeeGo conference, elop's o **** moment, etc. I bet whether or not he will admit it to himself, Carsten is suffering from feeling like a good portion of his life for the last several years is collapsing around him. Yes, MeeGo is continuing on, but without a strong Nokia influence, where is it really heading, and does Carsten truely believe it meshes with his vision?

I thought Carsten should have been banned (for a short time) after starting the poll, clearly he needed a vacation away from here. It should have been clear to everyone that he would be leaving shortly after such a childish outburst, and not getting his way.

A lot of people looked down on the way qwerty left, and to me this is much the same. Unlike qwerty however, I think Carsten will be back, although not for some time, and not with the same activity level. After all he will need N900 users to make the DE a success, and where better to find them than here?

In the meantime, we'll all miss his contibutions. Hopefully he enjoys his well deserved vacation.

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