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marrat 2011-07-28 07:20

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Pillum (Post 1059518)
What do you mean by shipping?

Shipping as in "Send the package with the N9 out to the customers..."

zehjotkah 2011-07-29 07:48

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
Comparing the N950 with the N9:
First some comparison photos: click me
The OS is the same with the difference that on the N950 it does make sense to have the homescreens in landscape which is (for me) very nice because I'm using my mobile device 90% of the time in landscape.

When typing a short SMS like "okay" or "yes" I'm using the portrait VKB.
When typing a URL I'm using 50% of the time the landscape VKB.
When I'm typing something longer I'm 100% using the hardware keyboard.
I like it more because I can feel the buttons and I'm a lot faster.

The N950 feels very high quality, heavy, made from metal. The screen is not as curved as the one from the N9 but it is a little bit darker, so you won't see the screen as much as on the N9. The whole surface is complete dark black. If there is light around you, you'd think it is a AMOLED Clear Black Display.
The colors on the N9 are nicer, being a true AMOLED display.
But that also means that it does have a lesser amount of sub-pixels per pixel (because it is a pentile AMOLED screen) and if you look from close you can see that in direct comparision with the N950.
The N9 feels incredibly thin. Feels even thinner than the iPhone 4.
Also it feels very high quality but also very light.
The glass of the N9 is not as dark as the one from the N950.
The N9 does have Bluetooth 4 and NFC, the N950 does not have this.
If you drop a N9, you won't see the scratches as much as you see them on a N950. The N950 goes silver (metal) the N9 doesn't change the color.

I have the impression the the speaker of the N950 is a little bit louder than the speaker of the N9, but I'm not 100% sure. Have to check that later...

Any questions?

zymo 2011-07-29 08:51

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 1060408)
Comparing the N950 with the N9:
First some comparison photos: click me
The OS is the same with the difference that on the N950 it does make sense to have the homescreens in landscape which is (for me) very nice because I'm using my mobile device 90% of the time in landscape.

When typing a short SMS like "okay" or "yes" I'm using the portrait VKB.
When typing a URL I'm using 50% of the time the landscape VKB.
When I'm typing something longer I'm 100% using the hardware keyboard.
I like it more because I can feel the buttons and I'm a lot faster.

The N950 feels very high quality, heavy, made from metal. The screen is not as curved as the one from the N9 but it is a little bit darker, so you won't see the screen as much as on the N9. The whole surface is complete dark black. If there is light around you, you'd think it is a AMOLED Clear Black Display.
The colors on the N9 are nicer, being a true AMOLED display.
But that also means that it does have a lesser amount of sub-pixels per pixel (because it is a pentile AMOLED screen) and if you look from close you can see that in direct comparision with the N950.
The N9 feels incredibly thin. Feels even thinner than the iPhone 4.
Also it feels very high quality but also very light.
The glass of the N9 is not as dark as the one from the N950.
The N9 does have Bluetooth 4 and NFC, the N950 does not have this.

Any questions?

So the N9 has really Bluetooth 4.0?! It’s strange 'cause even the nokia page says it’s only 2.1

jalyst 2011-07-29 09:34

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by phuongymy (Post 1048010)
Okay, so i checked out the specs for both and even though its a little early to say if its finalized specs or not. I was wondering what you guys have to say; speculating it from the videos, pictures and specs posted as of yet. Although N9 has great screen, N950 has better camera. N9 has no keyboard where as N950 does. No flash on both.(WHICH SUCKS)
Basically i just want to see what you guys would like to buy.. Nokia n950 or Nokia n9... And please post your reasons why... So i can make up my find and its easier for me to chose. Thanks

My thoughts (still needs to be updated)
In response to...

AFAICS the N950's camera is not better simply by virtue of having higher MP.
More than that's needed before one could unequivocally say "it's better".

jalyst 2011-07-29 09:42

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 1060408)
The N9 does have Bluetooth 4 and NFC, the N950 does not have this.


Originally Posted by abbra (Post 1060412)
If it was not implemented, Nokia wouldn't be able to get Bluetooth 4.0 certification. Simple as that.

But does this page prove that a BT4.0 stack has been implemented, & thereby certified?
And if it does, then the N9 must not be using a radio from the same family as the N950.

The N950 uses 1271/3 (not 1271/3L) as shown by recent dmesg dumps.
So it's only capable of a/b/g/n + BT2.1...

Whereas the N9 must use an entirely different radio that does have hardware support for BT4.

And it can't be using the 1271/3L... (a/b/g/n + BT4.0)
DeeGee found a thread that shows that devices using that radio, won't be available till the EOY or Q1.

zehjotkah 2011-07-29 10:06

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
Bluetooth 4.0
Let's just ask Nokia, okay?


N950 supports Bluetooth version 2.1+EDR, whereas N9 supports
version 4.0
Source: text file from here:

jalyst 2011-07-29 11:53

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
So what, that doesn't prove anything... :confused:
At one stage it said 950 has 2.1 & N9 4.0, but now that doc says nothing about their BT differences.

patlak 2011-07-29 12:02

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 1060408)
Comparing the N950 with the N9:
First some comparison photos: click me
The OS is the same with the difference that on the N950 it does make sense to have the homescreens in landscape which is (for me) very nice because I'm using my mobile device 90% of the time in landscape.

When typing a short SMS like "okay" or "yes" I'm using the portrait VKB.
When typing a URL I'm using 50% of the time the landscape VKB.
When I'm typing something longer I'm 100% using the hardware keyboard.
I like it more because I can feel the buttons and I'm a lot faster.

The N950 feels very high quality, heavy, made from metal. The screen is not as curved as the one from the N9 but it is a little bit darker, so you won't see the screen as much as on the N9. The whole surface is complete dark black. If there is light around you, you'd think it is a AMOLED Clear Black Display.
The colors on the N9 are nicer, being a true AMOLED display.
But that also means that it does have a lesser amount of sub-pixels per pixel (because it is a pentile AMOLED screen) and if you look from close you can see that in direct comparision with the N950.
The N9 feels incredibly thin. Feels even thinner than the iPhone 4.
Also it feels very high quality but also very light.
The glass of the N9 is not as dark as the one from the N950.
The N9 does have Bluetooth 4 and NFC, the N950 does not have this.
If you drop a N9, you won't see the scratches as much as you see them on a N950. The N950 goes silver (metal) the N9 doesn't change the color.

I have the impression the the speaker of the N950 is a little bit louder than the speaker of the N9, but I'm not 100% sure. Have to check that later...

Any questions?

FYI, Nokia AMOLED displays use regular RGB layout. Samsung uses pentile.

zehjotkah 2011-07-29 12:25

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
the Nokia N9 uses a pentile amoled screen.
just fyi

patlak 2011-07-29 12:29

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 1060536)
the Nokia N9 uses a pentile amoled screen.
just fyi

I am not sure what they use for the N9, but the current AMOLED phones don't use pentile. I am gonna take your word for it ;)

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