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MSameer 2011-08-14 12:53

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
1 Attachment(s)
Please check my reply here:

I'm attaching a screenshot of page 179 with the new font

TransTech 2011-08-14 13:09

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
can you give me the link of the above build? ..i'm having version 0.1-4

MSameer 2011-08-14 13:24

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1069691)
can you give me the link of the above build? ..i'm having version 0.1-4

I'm running the code from git. There's no .deb available yet.

But you can download and try this custom build. It's the Qt application from extras + the new font

prankster 2011-08-14 14:22

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
translations ? yet not ready ?when do i expect them sameer?

MSameer 2011-08-14 14:27

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
I'm working on the QML UI.

I haven't even started working on translation support yet.

cloud596 2011-08-14 14:56

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
keep it up, nice works

TransTech 2011-08-14 15:01

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1069692)
I'm running the code from git. There's no .deb available yet.

But you can download and try this custom build. It's the Qt application from extras + the new font

thanks the font problem is now solved... btw i dont get the same app you posted in your screenshot.. the one with blue interface..

immi.shk 2011-08-14 15:06

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
1 Attachment(s)
this is what i ment by
FULLSCREEN(minimalistic GUI just the text nothing else)
Attachment 22097

P.s. also it would nice to have an option to Centre-Align text

thanks in advance^^

MSameer 2011-08-14 15:16

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
@TransTech If you believe the new font is better then I'll trust you and use it instead of the old font ;)

The app with the blue interface us the QML version. It's almost ready and I'll try to roll a test version tonight but it wasn't ready a few hours ago. I'm working on it daily.

@immi.shk I thought so. Easy to implement :)
Why do you need to center align the text ? The natural direction is right to left.

immi.shk 2011-08-14 15:34

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
yes right to left is natural way but i have seen centre align too.. just an option.. it would be nice to have.. ^^

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