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Schturman 2011-12-28 07:40

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1142599)
Interesting... has the phone been in mass storage mode (usb connected) whenbu attempted the installation?

no :( and I know, I downloaded the right version for n9/n950..

marvel 2011-12-28 08:08

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by Musta susi (Post 1142091)
I was facing the same problem (you just described it better), when I installed the CSSU. The alpha version (qwazer) was depended on CSSU and failed to install without it.

Did u solved it?

damagedspline 2011-12-28 12:00

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1142610)
no :( and I know, I downloaded the right version for n9/n950..

Have you tried to delete ~/.waze & ~/MyDocs/.waze before the installation?

Musta susi 2011-12-28 15:51

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by marvel (Post 1142620)
Did u solved it?

Do you have CSSU installed?


sudo gainroot
apt-get update
apt-get install mp-fremantle-community-pr

Just be sure you have all the repos required (Extras, Extras-devel and Extras-testing)

Schturman 2011-12-29 12:04

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1142682)
Have you tried to delete ~/.waze & ~/MyDocs/.waze before the installation?

Yes, I tried.. Not helped..
it was problem in my device.. After reflash the version 0.0.4 instslled successfully..

corduroysack 2012-01-08 11:57

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
is this project still running? i'm still getting random shut downs when i try to post. uninstalled and cleared the waze folder and reinstalled and still shuts down.

damagedspline 2012-01-08 13:01

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by corduroysack (Post 1147413)
is this project still running? i'm still getting random shut downs when i try to post. uninstalled and cleared the waze folder and reinstalled and still shuts down.

This project is still maintained. new intermediate release in several days. it will solve some of the crash issues, the rest will be solved in the following release.

pizzulicchio 2012-01-11 14:10

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
I can confirm that sometimes on my N900 Waze freeze during navigation.
Using without asking for a destination it doesn't freeze.

bingomion 2012-01-11 20:40

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
I'm still using your 2nd build release and it works great!
I don't have CSSU, would you recommend installing it for your newer builds?

damagedspline 2012-01-12 11:19

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by bingomion (Post 1149108)
I'm still using your 2nd build release

That's so last year! :)

The newer release require the CSSU as it have contacts integration among other changes.
As long as it works OK, don't jinx it :D especially if you are quite alright with what you have.

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